Society exists for the sake of humanity . It doesn't exist to benefit particular person or certain people . It should benefit all people in that society who work hard and ensure its existence . But when society is flawed some people are suppressed ,tortured , isolated ; their interests are ignored . Nobody minds even if they are killed or tortured badly .
Its our duty as a human being to change flaws of our society , to make sure that no one is suffering and everyone enjoys equal rights .
I don't know why but I am suddenly having these kinds of thoughts . But its actually true . How good it would be if we are all good to each other ? If no one suffers injustice . But then again these are only idealistic thoughts . Perfect society like that doesn't exist . Maybe , that was heaven will be . A perfect place for all people , for everyone to live happily .
Anyway , Serena is sitting besides me in my class . Amara is absent today . Everyone noticed . Even teachers told her that she doesn't belong in this class but she doesn't pay attention . Its like she doesn't care at all . I think , only Serena can do this . She can do something extreme but get away with it . Because people know that at the end she is always right . Why? Because she is Serena .
" Hey , Serena are you here to protect your little girlfriend . ", some boy . Everyone in this class is snickering because of his stupid joke .
Teenagers , I tell you .
But Serena was very pissed for some reason . She stood up and glared at the boy .I thought it will be useful but they all felt silence because of her cold gaze .
" From now on . No one --- And when I mean no one that means no one will ever touch her but if anyone did he will have to face consequences . ", Serena commanded before she left .
" Wow , she is really something " , someone .
" She is like a gangster . "
" I am certain she is a gangster . "
" Me too. "
" Me too --- "
In our English class we read a tragic story about a man and his beloved :
There once was a small village boy who fell in love with a girl . They got married but had to run away from their village because their marriage was disapproved . They lived a simple but happy life . He worked on nearby fields and his wife always brought him a lunch on her own on foot . But the path from their small hut to the field was not smooth . She had to cross dangerous rocky path of the mountain . One day when she was walking on that rocky road to bring him lunch her foot slipped and she fell down from the mountain . The man lost his beloved . The only person he loved in his life . He became frustrated and started digging that mountain to form a proper road on the mountain . So that no one would lose his or her beloved ever again .
Actually this story is the legend related to Parampura 's famous mountain but no one knows if its true or not . But I think its inspiring that instead of crying and being miserable he tried to change the thing that made him last his beloved .
Finally , school is over . Now I can go home . Serena is probably waiting for me .
" Myra , let us go ", Serena .
Speak of the devil .
We are walking towards the parking lot . But before we could reach there I heard some screams . Someone is being bullied and its pretty horrible .
" Come on , give me the assignment . "
" I won't , I worked on it .Why should I give it to you . "
I hate screams . I hate cries . I want to get out of here .
" Let us go . ", I told Serena .
" Yeah , let us " , Serena with a sigh
It was someone else this time . Everytime there are different people bullying weaker students all the time . Why are humans like that? Why are we so hateful ?
" We have to do something . Enough is enough . ", Serena suddenly as she was driving .
Her usual expressionless face looks dark . She is very angry .
" What can we do ? ", I said .
" I won't be able to forgive myself if I didn't do something . Just because it isn't happening to me doesn't mean that it isn't my problem . " Serena .
" But its not that we can fight them . Violence should never be an answer . ", I reasoned .
" I know that is why we aren't going to use violence . We will use our brain to defeat them . " Serena .
" How ? ", I asked .
" I don't know but I know that I will find a way . ", Serena .
Her voice is full of conviction and determination .She is incredible . I am sure she can do something . I trust her .
I am studying in my room with Serena . I am trying to learn periodic table . I always wanted to . But its very difficult . No matter how I do it . I searched for some tricks on the internet but its still difficult . I wonder why they made this table . Probably , to make people like me miserable . Its not like elements wouldn't have existed if they hadn't formed it .
Forget it , I will solve rain problem of Physics .
AFTER A WHILE : So , in short . It doesn't matter of you walk or run in rain . You will get wet , nevertheless . Hence its wise to make a run for it .
" Myra , are you done ?", Serena .
" Yeah , almost . " , I replied .
" Ok , then let us talk . ", Serena as she looks at me with serious expression that says : ' I want your full attention . '
" About what ? ", I asked .
" I am going to write application to principal . ", Serena .
" For what ? ", I asked .
" For establishing anti - bullying forum . ", Serena .
Oh no , I forgot about that bullying thing while she has been thinking about it all this time . I am horrible person . I am cold hearted . I don't care about anyone .
" So , what do you think ? ", Serena .
Oh my God . She is asking for my opinion . I am never good at this . Never ----
" I - I ....Honestly , I don't know . I mean ....Is it vital for you to get involved ? ", I asked her .
" Yes , it is . We are going to form a separate club for those who are bullied . We are going to help them . ", Serena .
" We ? " , I asked .
" Yeah, you and me . ", she answered .
Oh no, looks like I am again forced to something which I never wanted to . Is this my fate ?