57. Plans

It has been a while since I have come to. Mr Leo' s house . Its still same small but warm unlike my big house but its still clean . They have changed the color of house to sky blue .

But I am very nervous because of Sam . I didn't want him to see me today like this especially after what Serena said in the school . It will be awkward .

" Myra , it has been a while kid since you have come to this house . ", Mrs Leo .

" Yeah , it has been . ", I replied .

Judging from the loud noises I think others have already arrived .

" What are you waiting for let us get inside ? ", Serena who is coming inside the house after parking car .

But as before I could say something someone was already here . Who else but Sam ?

" Come this way they are upstairs . ", Sam .

When we entered the room . Lily and Lucas were sitting on Sam ' s bed while Claire was sitting on the white couch near window . I like how white represents simplicity and pureness .

The room is overcrowded . After all its not so spacious .

" So , what are we gonna do ? ", Claire .

" You are wearing glasses . ", Serena while pointing towards Lucas .

Yeah. ,now that she mentions Lucas looks very different . His body is thin. He has lost his muscles .

" Tell me about it . He looks like a typical nerd . ", Claire .

" Oh shut up . You have no idea how much I study to achieve my goals . Just yesterday I got B plus for zoology . It was a massive improvement from C plus . ", Lucas .

" And I got B grade Serena .Just look at it . ",Lily as she shows Serena her paper like a little girl who is trying to impress her parents .

" Good girl . I am proud of you . ", Serena complimenting her like a parent .

" Of course , you should be she is always so good at everything . ", Lucas with love in his eyes which earned glare from Serena .

" If you dare to hurt her in any way I am going to make sure you never breath again . ", Serena in a serious tone .

Lily was enjoying Serena 's attention as reflected from grin on her face while everyone else was scared of dangerous Serena once again. Man , she is very terrifying . Whatever , I am not scared of her . I also think that she is very cool and honest .

" Okay , let us discuss about our plan . ", Sam .


" How are we going to get so many funds . Its not like money can grow on a tree . ", Claire .

" Tell me about it . It is very difficult . "

" Yeah and we can never recruit 17 students . Its next to impossible . "

" Yeah ...",

" You are right . "

" And why would anyone waste their time on this crap . "

" Yeah I think this plan sucks . The layout , planning ; everything about this blueprint is impractical . ", Sam .

Impractical ? Says the writer who writes fiction where most of the things are impractical and ridiculous . Wow , looks like I am still annoyed with him for some reason . Wait a minute .

" I have a plan . ", I said grabbing everyone's attention .

" This thing can work if teachers will co-operate with us . We have convince teachers to provide at least one student from every class . ", I explained .

" Sounds like a great plan to me . " , Sam .

" I knew it . If Myra is here then nothing is impossible . We can even destroy world with her help . ", Claire chirped .

" Why do we need to destroy the world ? ", I asked .

" It was just a metaphor . ", Claire .

" I don't think it was a metaphor . ", Sam .

" Hey , just because you are a literature student it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want . I also read English books and novels . ", Claire .

" As far as I remember you never read anything Claire . ", I objected .

" Hey , are you on my side or on his side? ", Claire .

" Stop spouting nonsense , pumpkin princess . ", I said .

Everyone laughed at this .

" Oh my God , this never gets old . ", Lucas laughing loudly .


" Okay then its decided Myra and Serena will convince teachers while we will arrange our office properly . ", Claire .

Why do I have to talk with teachers ? Teachers don't like me in . I am crying internally .

" Wait a minute ...Is it okay to make Lucas and Claire part of this thing? I mean both of them are bullies . ", I reminded .

" About that ...I have decided I will never bully anyone again . And to prove it . I am going to apologise to everyone who I tried to harm in anyway. ", Claire .

" I don't trust you . What if you are trying to infiltrate our club while planning evil things with other bullies . ", Lily .

" It will be fine because if anyone will try to do anything funny he or she will have to deal with me and Myra . ", Serena .

Why me ? What can I do ? Why is she making me responsible for so many things ? When I am scared of responsibility more than anything .

" Okay , I mean I am already scared of you and I won't dare to go against you .", Lucas

" No one would ever try to do that . You are like a gangster of underworld. ", Claire .

" Good . ", Serena curtly .

" Since we are done then I think I should go home to study . ", Lucas .

" Yeah , I think its time for all of you to leave . ", Sam .

" Wait a minute , brother . Are you trying to kick us out ? ", Lily .

" Yeah , since we don't have dinner to feed all of you . Though if Myra wants she can stay . Rest of you have to leave . ", Sam looking at me with a smile .

As soon as he said that Claire whistles like a hooligan and everyone else are clapping loudly for some reason which clearly irritates me.

He did this on purpose , didn't he ? Sam knows that I hate this but since he has found new way to entertain himself he is not going to stop . I know that .

" Aww , look at M . She is blushing profusely . ", Claire .

" Of course she is . After all its her first love . ", Lucas .

" Just shut up . I ma leaving Serena . Do you want to come ? ", I asked Serena .

" Yeah , sure ", Serena .