59. Preparation

Anti - bullying club is successful for now . Whenever we find people fighting with one another we usually stop it on time . Its actually good to see that things are finally working . We helped lot of students . Of course , many bullies are getting suspended with each passing day . I know I didn't want to do it at first but it feels so good now .

But the most annoying part of all of this is constant fights between Serena and Jeremy . Believe me ...These two are more irritating than that Sam . Speaking of him . I haven't seen him around lately . I think he is busy with his new novel which is good thing for me .

Anyway , right now we are preparing for our club's first ever programme . Since teacher's trust Jeremy we are forced to work with him .And by we I mean me and Serena because everyone else preferred to slack rather than helping us out .

" No we have to put these things there . ", Jeremy .

" What is your problem ? You always criticize whatever we do ...", Serena .

" That is because you are doing it in a wrong way . If you stick posters on the auditorium no one will notice them . We have to put posters on a display . ", Jeremy

" But we are conducting our programme in school auditorium hence its better to place them in school auditorium . ", Serena .

" You really are a blockhead , aren't you ? Why are you incharge of all of this ? ", Jeremy frustrated .

" If I am a blockhead then you are a madman who only wants to find a way to boost his ego . ", Serena .

" I -I think can easily solve this problem ..", I try to calm them down but they don't seem to notice me .

" You are just jealous that I am better than you . ", Jeremy .

" You ? Better than me ? Are you listening to yourself . I have better grades than you . Even though you are my senior my overall position in school is higher in terms of ranking . I even defeated you in sports . ", Serena with confidence .

" Oh , please you are just lucky . Besides , grades don't test your intelligence . ", Jeremy .

Okay , I am getting headache now . Oh , I know a way to stop them . First , let us get out of this battlefield . I just need to find a teacher and then it will be way to stop them .

Where are teachers ? Why can't I spot them when I need them?

Look who is here Mr Simon .

" Hello , sir . How are you ? ", I greeted my old nemesis who hates me as much as I do .

" I am alright . I hope you are not causing trouble now that you are in 11 th grade . I can clearly see that you have grown up . ", Mr Simon .

I want to say you should take care of your health since you are getting old but I don't say because that will be troublesome .

" I am fine Mr Simon . Thanks for your concern . By the way I am here because I think we need help with the preparation of programmes that is going to happen next week . Will you help us ? ", I requested .

" Fine . I will check the auditorium . ", Mr Simon .

Yes ! Now I can be saved . I don't have to die in the battlefield anymore .

" You children can 't do anything . When we were of your age . We had to sweep our classes even in university but you can't handle a single programme . ", Mr Simon rambling things which I am not interested in .

By the way it would have been better if he had continued to sweep instead of teaching children and causing them to drop out .

" Oh you know I have been working here for 10 years now . It really has been a long journey . This school like my home ..." , Mr Simon .

Oh my God ! Why are we walking so slowly ? This is torture . Its not like I can walk ahead of him that will be rude , right ? I can't walk behind him either because that will slow me down even more . Why can't we walk fast ?

Finally , we have arrived . Oh, Serena and Jeremy have stopped fighting . Looks like I tolerated Mr Simon for nothing .

" My , my you have to do many things . Go back to your classes and come back after your all classes are over . ", Mr Simon .

" What ? ", Jeremy .

" Yes , Jeremy you can't let this affect your studies especially now that you are in your senior year . ", Mr Simon .

I dug my own grave . Didn't I ?

Finally , I am going to my class .

" May I come in , sir ? ", I ask my organic chemistry teacher who is currently standing by the board .

" You may . Where were you all this time ? ", he asks .

" I was in the auditorium . ", I explain .

" Oh , you guys just need excuses not to study .", he said with the sigh .

And that is why my friend Anne Frank says that teachers are most unpredictable creatures out there .

Anyway , today he is teaching more about chain reactions . Oh , its about the making of chloroform . I think I have read it before . I remember that it is probably done with the help of light . It means light acts as a catalyst in this reaction .

'Hi , where were you ? ', Amara writes on my notebook .

Oh I forgot that I have the most annoying deskmate ever . I will ignore it .

' Hey, answer me ' , she writes once again .

' You know you are very rude to me '

' I did something wrong , didn't I ? '

' Come on ,write something . '

Gosh , I am so annoyed I wish I could just hit her with my notebook .

' Stop wasting my notebook's paper ', I finally write down.

Man , it feels so good . Because she sighs and stays quiet for good .

Finally , classes are over . Oh wait , I have to go to the school auditorium , don't I ?

" You know you are not that great . Sam is the real topper of our school . ", as she stands up and flips here braided hair and leaves the class . Leaving me with utter annoyance and hatred . What is wrong with her ?

Wait a minute , I also saw her bullying people . I can use that . No Myra you are not a bad person . You can't do that . Of course my conscious won't allow me to use my powers .

" Are you happy Myra ? Because of you we are

stuck here . ", Jeremy .

Ok, I admit its my fault .

" Don't talk to her like that ? ", Serena spat .

" Its none of your business . What are you her - ", Jeremy .

" Bodyguard . I am her bodyguard . ", Serena says .