79. Another Monday

It's Monday and I am late for school. Man, nobody woke me up. I wonder why. Wherever I don't have any time to think. I will ask one of the drivers to drive me to school. My father has recently appointed 3 more drivers but I only know one of our drivers who accompanies my father. Whatever I have to do something quickly. Otherwise, I will be late.


" There you are, Myra come on. Today we have to attend the assembly ", Serena as I entered the school.

" Assembly? What assembly? ", I ask.

" I don't know but the Principal has decided to conduct morning assembly every Monday. ", Serena.

" Really what is wrong with him all of a sudden?", I ask Serena.

" I don't know. He has also issued a notice that says we will have Sport's Day every Friday. ", Serena.


Have you ever experienced torture for continuous two hours? A torture from which you can't escape no matter what. The torture that messes with your brain because you can't even figure out what you were doing there. That is what is happening to me today.

Morning assembly started an hour ago and it is not ending even after such a long time. All of us are standing directly under the Sun. We recited a prayer, someone presented an article and right now our principal is giving a speech on the podium which is very irritating.

" Dear students, you must be wondering why I ordered you to gather here every morning...Well, it is because I thought that I don't have any way to connect with you guys other than this assembly ..."

Oh my God, who wants to be connected with you?

" So we will gather here every Monday morning

so that you will perform something and we will get to know each other a little more..."

What is that cheesy line? It seems like Princey

has read some romance novels before coming to school today. Oh, I thought new name for our Principal, Princey. Such a nice nickname. I am a genius.

" Why are you smiling by yourself like an idiot?", Sam whispered from behind.

Where did he come from?

" Oh, you are ignoring me once again. Great ...", Sam.

" What is your problem?", I whispered back.

" Nothing I was just wondering if you are still ignoring me or not. ", Sam.

" You know you are very acting very creepily right now.", I say.

" Why do you...

" Sam and Myra both of you will have to attend red room for detention today ", Mr. Simpson appeared before us.

" I see you still have not changed Myra. ", Simpson.

I can't believe he is still here. I thought he didn't teach at our school anymore.

Well, it has been a long time since I visited that detention room. I mean I have become a good student this year so it is plausible.


Ok, my next period is Maths. Let us see I already studied some things beforehand.

" Hey guys have you noticed that Maths teacher brags about his kids a lot ", Damien.

Oh, I know this guy's name. Now that I think about it I have already changed a lot. Amara used to tell me a lot about other students. Even though I didn't want to know. Hence I kind of miss her. Not that much though.

" Yeah, like you know my kid has won the gold medal in the spelling bee and he is a champion in calculating things ", some other girl.

" Not only kids. That person even brags about himself." Damien.

" And the way he talks on the phone is

hilarious. ", Damien.

" Like hell...Yeah, I will be there. Yeah, Whatever...Yeah, I will bring the fruits. If he wants to eat then let him eat do not bother

him. ", Damien mocked our teacher.

Although he is a numbskull but the way he acts is pretty precise. I will give him that.

" Damien ...What are you doing? ", the Maths teacher who entered the class all of a sudden.

" Nothing sir. I was just saying how great you are, sir. Before you I hated Maths but now I love it. ", Damien with a smirk.

" Oh. Since you like Maths so much why don't you solve all problems on exercises 1-A and 1-B on the board.", teacher.

" But I don't have a marker, sir. It's such a shame that I can't do anything without a marker. ", I say.

" Don't worry I have one. ", teacher.

" Go on ..", the teacher pointed towards the board.

Well, talk about drama. It's freaking hilarious because Damein lost all his blood. And I think he is barely able to survive.

Ok now Damien has started to write something on the board but unfortunately, he can't even remember basic formulae properly.

" Wrong...Damien since you have so much time to waste but you still can't remember basic trigonometric identity. Why don't you stay after school today? I want to discuss important things with you. ", Teacher.

" Oh he is dead. ", someone whispered.

" Who said that ...? ", Teacher.

" Anyway, let us begin our class today....", he said.


I have to attend my English class. But I don't have a book. Damn, I forgot it. Now that teacher is going to embarrass me in front of the whole class. Wait a minute, why do I care so much about these things? Looks like I have changed a lot but not in a good way. Anyway, I have to retrieve my English book from a student in some other class.

Oh no, it's Sam. Out of all people it had to be him. Damn it I don't have any other choice.

" Can I borrow your English book? ", I ask Sam hesitantly.

" Yeah, you can. Here it is ....", Sam.

Weird, he didn't say anything.

" Ok thanks ...I will return it soon ...", I say and run to my class.


Finally, classes are over. Wait a minute I still have Sam's book. How am I going to return it to him? I should give him a call.But I don't think his number is saved in my phone but Lily did give me his number. Wait here it is .

" Hello ...", Sam.

" Sam I have to return your English book ...", I say .

" Come to my class I will be waiting there. ", he says .

" Ok but where is your class? ", I ask.

" On the second floor. First class on the left. ", Sam .

" Ok, I will be there..." I say .