101. Happiness can't be earned

 I have to get up. But I don't want to... Let us sleep for five more minutes. Why doesn't night last for more than a day? What am I even saying?

" Myra, get up. You have to go to school otherwise you will be late."

" Five more minutes...", I say.

" No just get up."

It can't be my Mom. She is somewhere else. But where?  Where is she? I miss her.



  I think I should get up.  I should check the time on my mobile phone. Oh my God, I am thirty minutes late. I have to ask the driver to drop me off...

I don't have ttime to shower. I will just wash my face and feet. Now I have to dress up.....hate this. Why does not someone develop a teleportation device as soon as possible?



Currently, I am in the car ...  I am stuck in traffic with the driver. Come on, I am late.


Enough, I am going to call for a bike taxi. Everything is booked.

 Wait a minute, I have got an e-mail. I am accepted in III. I can skip high school and join the university as soon as possible. Wait, I should call Dad he will be happy to know about this.


" Hello?", Dad.


" Hello, Dad. How are you?", I ask.


" I am fine.", Dad.


" Listen I want to talk to you.", I say.


" Myra I am busy right now. We will talk later on. Okay?", Dad who hung up.


" Alright...", I say.


Well, that hurt. I only wanted to share my good news with him.






 I am in Miss Fowler's office. She approved my project now we are working together.


" Myra, bring me coffee to the lab.", Miss Fowler.


Yeah, she is nuts. I want to throw a coffee mug on her.


" Here is your coffee, ma'am.",  I say.


" Myra...What is your parentage?", Miss Fowler.


" I am Alex Rishaan's daughter.", I say.


" Billionaire Alex Rishaan.", Miss Fowler.


" Yeah...", I say.


" Oh, my God. What are you doing here? Are you here to spy on me or something? ", Miss Fowler.


" Why would I do that?", I ask.


" We will see...", Miss Fowler.



At Home:


I dropped out of school because I am joining university soon. I feel anxious. Mom and Dad didn't return...Although we occasionally talk on the phone.


   This house looks eerily quiet without Mom and Dad. I should head back to my room.


" Miss Myra, you are here. Come have some food. ", Miss Maria.


" I don't want to...Miss Maria, I am moving out.  I am joining university next month. ", I say.


" Really? Wow...congratulations.", Miss Maria happily.


" Yeah...", I say.


"Then you should eat more and more food while you are at home. ", Miss Maria.


I chuckle at her concern. She only wants to stuff me with food. Humans are weird. They show affection through various kinds of things. Some of them show affection by buying things for us,  some show love via words while others show their affection by actions. All of them are different from each other in some way or another...

" Miss Myra someone is entering the house.", Miss Maria.


" Who do you think it is?", I ask.


" I don't know...I will wait for you in the dining room. ", Miss Maria as she leaves.


It is Mom and Dad.


" Myra, my baby. ", Mom.


" I hate you, Mom. How can you leave me all alone like that...?", I complain.


" I am sorry Myra. Come on, hug me... ", Mom.


I run towards her and embrace her. I missed her a lot. I missed her smell. I missed her embrace and warmth. Most of all, I missed her beautiful and generous smile.


" I am sorry, baby.", Mom.


" Ahem...I am also here.", Dad.


" Yeah, hello Dad.", I say.


" Hello, Myra.", Dad.


" What are you two doing? Is this some kind of professional meeting?", I say.


"Whatever, let us just sit down. Miss Maria is waiting in the dining room. ", I say.


We all walk towards the dining hall.


" Mr and Mrs Rishaan...I am so glad that you are here.", Miss Maria.


" Hey, Maria. I am glad to see you here as well.", I say.


" Sit down, Myra. I want to talk to you.", Dad.


" What do you mean?", I ask.


I sat down beside my father.


" I am proud of you Myra. You did it. Now you are going to join the university...Myra what I actually want to say will be too much for you...If you want we can talk about it later on. ", Dad as he looked at Mom.


" What ? Are you two get divorce?", I ask.


" What?! No, Myra. We love each other. Why would you say something like that?", Mom.


" Myra...I am very tired. I always worked hard to earn more and more... I felt happy when I started my own cocompany and became a billionaire but now I feel like it was all for nothing. I feel empty. Everything feels so meaningless...So, I want to donate all my assets and houses. I just want to retire now with your mother. Now you are also all grown up. You can easily take care of yourself. ", Dad rants.


" Where are you going to live?", I ask.


" I am going to live in Peeranj with your mother. We will open a small hardware store there and earn our livelihood.", Dad.


" What about your company? ", I ask.


"I have appointed new CEO for my company.", Dad.


" Great... If you want to then I am not going to stop it. It is your money, Dad. It is all yours. You can do whatever you want with your money.", I say.

" I am glad to have you, dear. ", Mom.

" Me too. ", I say.

" Me too. ", Dad.

