Who is The Fox, Red?

All my life I worked hard, in school, in life, at home, and in the world. Hell, I had my first job at 16 working in my high school science department cleaning up, setting up, and tearing down labs after classes were done for the day. Minimum wage with minimum hours yet oddly satisfying. It got my feet into the workforce I would be sent into one day.

Even so, it still didn't feel like it was for me. There are plenty of opportunities out there to find what I want to do. Science was my strongest subject throughout school. I destroyed chemistry throughout the full year I took it. I'm not a straight-A student but the high marks sure looked good standing out against the rest.

I did take a few creative electives as I went through. I loved one of the literature classes I chose to take. It was focused on myths and legends of Greco-Roman culture. It was very interesting how the stories they told were woven together to create this greater narrative. It pulled a lot of my attention for a while. Something about the myths and legends resonated with me. If I had to describe it, I would say it seemed to hit close.

They emphasized the struggles of man against these all-powerful beings they called gods as they called their powers. It struck me as strange how these beings used their powers though. Sure, there were uses against what was perceived as evil but it seemed a lot of it was for their purposes anyway.

I kept with the class for a long while. It went through a lot of different cultures of legends. Norse, Asian, European, and South American; there were a lot and some were hard to keep up with.

Even so! I made it through high school. Graduation day came and went with its song and dance of everyone dressed up in a gown with parents looking on with a sense of pride for their child.

I feel like I missed out on a few things though. I made friends, no problem, but I didn't do much more than that socially. Never really went out, never got into trouble, and didn't have a girlfriend either. I watched a lot of my friends find others they were interested in and a lot of those relationships failed. But they learned! They got an experience that they learned from. I look at that and can only think to myself "What if I got to experience that?"

I'm not a bad-looking dude. I think. 5' 10", active but not built. I keep it casual most of the time with clothes that are just comfortable. Shorts when it's warm, long jeans when it's not. Simple shirts with some type of print and my best friend in the cold is a thick hoodie that matches my fur color. For a fox though, I'm pretty plain. I would lose myself in a crowd if I had to find myself.

So where am I now in life? Well, finished high school, and the first major hurdle of life is getting out of the public school system. My grades were good enough that I could easily get into a decent college of my choice and pursue just about anything I wanted.

Science seemed to be the most obvious one. I did so well with all the classes presented to me yet the literature classes still followed me. The legends just felt like a home for my imagination. Could I be a writer? Should I go into science and engineering?

I think that making a decision now would be too much. Graduation just happened a few hours ago. My graduation gown isn't even cold from me wearing it. I'm just glad it was done early in the morning. It leaves the rest of the day for parties and students to hang out with one another. I have my own plans though.

I didn't get to celebrate it because of finals and preparations for graduation but I turned 18 a few weeks ago. My good neighbor remembered though and she said if I made it through the ceremony she would treat me to something for my birthday.

She and I have known each other for a long time. Her parents moved here from India to start a new life. They're doing well for themselves. Her father started in a sales position and did well with it quickly working up the company ladder to a high place. Her mother did something more creative and designed dresses based on a mix of clothing from their home country and the style they saw when they first arrived here 30 years ago.

My parents moved here when I was 6. Pavalli has almost a whole year on me. We met when my parents were moving in and just started being friends. Up until my Junior year, she helped me with my school work. After that, I caught up with her and started helping her with some of her advanced classes.

She graduated last year and decided to take a year off to figure out what she wanted to do before heading off to college and setting herself on a track to a job. I may follow her on that path and take a year myself. I'll talk to her about it to see if it helped.

She said to come around 2 pm but I'm a little early.

She greets me at the door with a nice smile on her face. She's a beautiful Indian White Tiger. Her fur always looks soft to the touch. At school, she wore more casual clothes but at home, she always seemed to have something her mother made and needed to see if it would work. It all follows a single flow of cloth. From the waist, up to the shoulder, around the back of the neck wrapping back around to the waist covering her. An odd wrap of fabric around the waist is the focal point and holds the outfit together. The body wraps around the fabric creating a long skirt.

Pavalli likes to wear hers with a long slit up the side. It's covering yet oddly revealing. I think I have gotten used to it but I know others would be caught staring. "Red, how's my favorite fox doing?"

"I'm doing well, yourself"

"Keeping on. Come in, come in."

Even though her parents have a thick accent she managed to lose it and speaks as though she lived here all her life. That wasn't always the case but it worked for her. "I have your gift downstairs." She leads me to her room which is separate from the rest of the basement. She opens the door for me but once inside it goes completely dark.

Slowly, green lines begin to show on the walls. I watch as the star map painted in glow-in-the-dark paint begins to show and light the room. I remember helping her with this years ago. We spent days working together measuring and marking everything with string, tape, and stencils. After four years it's still up.

I hear a rustling sound come from behind me but before I can look Pavalli grabs me from behind. Before I can say anything she nearly rips my shirt off over my head pressing her bare self against my back leaving me speechless. Her paws begin going to my waist. Before I know it my pants are around my ankles.

She continues to rub my stomach until she slips one hand down my shorts whispering into my ear, "So, ever have a girl do this for you?" I stutter out a response, "N-n-no." I can see her as she walked around. Even in the darkness, I can see that her clothes are gone. She stops in front of me swaying her hips back and forth allowing her tail to flow behind her. "Have you had anyone do this for you?" I was caught off guard, "What?! N-n-n-no I haven't!"

"Hmm, too bad. Some girls like that in a man. But I won't let that sway me."

Still wiggling her hips she slowly to the floor till she sat on her feet. With her paws, she spread her legs apart slowly sliding them up to her thighs and up her chest. The way she moves is just so inviting. Without warning, she grabbed my hips. Her paws slid down dropping my shorts to my ankles and exposing me.

I can feel my embarrassment welling up in my face. She, however, has a look of sultry determination on her face. She licks her lips, closes her eyes, and holds me steady in her paws. I feel her exhale just before she takes me into her mouth. I slowly lean forward putting my paws on her head trying to keep myself up. She stops when I put my paws on her and even so the sensation is overwhelming. But I don't want to stop.

Without much thought, I move my paws to the back of her head pulling her closer and pushing me deeper. I lean back pushing deeper to the back of her throat. My body begins acting on its own. Holding onto her head I begin moving my hips back and forth. I can feel her licking me with her tongue when I move. That only makes it harder for me.

I feel my hips and thighs getting warm. My muscles tense up. With one last thrust, I feel burst into her mouth. I hear her moan as I begin to fill her mouth. I can still feel her licking and sucking which is amplified by the raw sensitivity.

I finally stop cumming in her mouth. I feel her take one large swallow and a little more before releasing me with a loud "smack". My legs give out and I land on my butt trying to catch myself. Pavalli lets out a deep exhale, "So, how was it?" My exhaustion caught up to me as I started panting. I can't speak because of it but she understands, "That good, huh?"

She moves to me on all fours crawling over me, straddling my hips, displaying her bare body to me. "You're young, so I know you can still go." Her soft paw pads get me back up in an instant. With her legs straddling me she slowly sinks her hips closer. With one hand she holds me steady. With one smooth motion, her lips swallow me to the base. She leans forward to my face, "Now, make me feel good."

Pavalli slowly closes her eyes before lifting her hips. I feel the cold air mix with her hot warmth. She slowly brings herself down engulfing me again. She continues, slowly speeding up. I watch her face as she bites her lip until she can't hold on anymore releasing a loud moan into my ear. She gets louder and louder as she goes faster and faster. She brings her mouth closer to my ear to whisper in between moans, "Oh Red, I love it. Fuck me please." It got to the point where I could not hold myself back anymore. I grab her hips with my paws and start thrusting into her as she moves.

"Ah! Ah! Red!" She starts screaming my name. I can't go on though. With a tight grip and one last thrust, I bury myself as deep in her as I can, holding her tightly in place. I can feel her legs twitching against me and her body convulsing. "Ah! Red! I can feel it in me!" She lets out another yelp before her body finally begins to loosen up. She falls on me and we lay there until I slip out of her. The two of us lay on the floor to rest.

I get back to my home after dark. The two of us fell asleep on the floor. Even with the nap, I'm still tired. I immediately fell into my bad passing out before I even know it. I dream a sweet dream of the activities only hours before. The sight of Pavalli's body, the feel of her on me, even the pressure of her sleeping. Almost as if it happened again.