010 - A High Class Reward

She does this thing with her hips that just mesmerizes me. "Red, why don't you have a seat?" She points to a lone chair that had been sitting near a corner. I pull it out to sit down and she begins moving around me keeping one paw at a light touch on me at all times. As he passes in front of me she moves her tail to cup under my chin as she walks by. She has amazing control of her whole body.

She turns in front of me to look at me. She has this deep sultry look in her eyes that I have never seen in her before. "Mm Red." She moans my name softly as her paws caress her own body from her hips to her breast slightly lifting the slit off to the side. She turns around with her back to me slowly taking a seat on me. With her paws on my outer thighs, she wiggles her butt on my lap. "Glad you like it."

She stands herself back up taking two steps forward. She slips the small straps from her dress from her shoulder. She flips her tail twice, wiggles her hips, and slowly lets the dress fall to the floor as she moves. She's wearing a strapless dark blue bra with matching panties. She turns back around and spreads her legs apart. She leans forward towards me distracting me. She stands back up turning around again. This time the bra strap is undone. With one paw she removes it letting it fall on top of the dress. She uses one arm to cover herself. With a sly motion, she moves her arm to cover herself with both paws.

She comes forward to me again very smoothly sitting on my left leg facing to my right. With her back still to me she takes my paws in hers placing them on her hips, guiding them to her stomach and up to her chest. I can tell she's very warm even with nothing on. She whips her leg over mine grabbing my head and pushes my head into her breasts. She whispers into my ear, "Only for you Red." I enjoy the feeling as long as I can before she steps back and continues.

She taunts me as she moves with her movements. She moves behind me where I can't see her but something goes flying over my head into the dress. It's a small piece of blue cloth that I know she was wearing. My mind begins to start going fuzzy when she walks around covering herself with her tail.

She lets go allowing her tail to return behind her. She stands before me naked showing herself to me. "So Red, do you like it?"

"I do Madam Odette."

"Do you…"

She didn't get to finish her sentence before I reach out to grab her hips. I stand pulling her towards me, holding her as close to me as I can. She still has that smile on her face. She knows she's been teasing me the entire time but now that I've got her I want to change that up a bit. I grab both her wrists lifting them above her head together. My left paw holds them while my right paw is free to feel her body. I go down her neck to her chest then to her stomach where she begins to squirm.

I tempt her lips by getting close to her face. She tries to push herself towards me but I have her stuck where she is. As she squirms my paw finds the inside of her thigh. I gently caress her fur before rubbing my finger against her slit. Just that light touch and her legs begin to shake.

Now I have a smile on my face, "Really?" I continue the light touch and she continues to shake. "Then what would you do if I did this?" I slowly slip my index finger into her. Her mouth opened and she made one gasp before her eyes rolled back. Her legs began to give but she kept herself standing. I removed my finger when her body stopped its violent shaking. My finger was covered with a thick clear liquid that clung to me. Without a second thought, I insert it into her mouth. She licks my finger clean with a light moan behind it.

I've never seen her like this before but I love it! I use both paws to hold on to each wrist. Her face seems exhausted but I can see her body wants more. She has given in to her pleasure at this point. I release one paw but the other I move to my belt. Without a word, she begins undoing the buckle quickly getting it, the button, and the zipper undone. Her paw finds room to dive into my pants. She begins rubbing me over my boxers but quickly moves over and in to rub me directly. Her paw lightly grasps me pulling my penis from my pants.

Without hesitation, she goes to her knees licking her lips. Without missing a beat her warm, wet mouth envelopes me. She takes slow motions back and forth using her tongue to stimulate me. She keeps her motions steady in rhythm. She takes my dick as deep as she can into her mouth sucking and pressing against it with her tongue. I lean my head back closing my eyes, enjoying the feeling. She begins to pick up speed on her own and starts moaning along. I look down to see she has her legs open with one of her paws touching herself.

The vibrations from her moaning are vibrating me to the base. It feels amazing! This woman is magical in ways that I just cannot fathom to the fullest. I begin to lose myself as well. With both paws, I begin to control the speed that she moves. She seems to be enjoying it because she's gotten louder. With everything combined, I can't hold myself back anymore. "Odette! I'm gonna cum!" I push my hips forward grabbing her head. I can feel myself erupting into her. As I do she begins to scream herself. I can feel her body shaking but I want to feel better. I begin moving her head again as I cum. She just takes it all in her mouth.

As I finally stop I pull my dick out of her mouth. She swallows before taking a deep breath and slowly laying down on the floor. Her legs are still twitching slightly as she gasps. I catch my pants before they fall. Madam Odette manages to roll herself to her stomach before her legs move her butt into the air. She has her tail in her mouth, her face on the floor, and both hands spreading herself to present herself to me. With a muffled voice I hear her say, "Can you keep going? Because I want to feel you." She sways her butt back and forth, "You can have either you want." One paw spreads her pussy open, "Here." Her other paw lightly fingers her ass, "Or even here."

She's completely given in to herself. She has completely lost herself to pleasure and I may never have a chance like this again. I get behind her and slowly push myself into her, getting myself coated in her juices. She moans, releasing her tail from her mouth but I'm not done. I pull myself out and press the head of my penis against her other invitation. She lowers herself more as both hands spread herself to me. With half her face against the stone floor, she mutters, "Do it."

With a slow push I move my hips forward, and slowly she begins to accept me. I can hear her as she moans and groans the deeper I push. She feels my hips against hers and she moves her hands to hold herself up. I hear her panting, "Oh god Red." She tries to move but she's stuck in place. Without thinking I pull back and slowly push into her again. She moans again as she continues to try and move, "Ah Red. Just do it!"

With her request, I pick up speed slamming into her every time. She manages to get herself up and arch her back a bit. The tightness of her ass quickly overtakes me, "Madam Odette."

"You can come Red!"

Without a second thought, I dig as deep as I can as I explode into her. I feel her body tighten as I do. In a flash, it's over and I pull out of her. She manages to keep her hips up but she can't move. I sit back in the chair and look at her as she drips into the floor from both holes. "Ah Red. That was… something."

I slink off to the bathroom to shower the sweat off of me. Madam Odette wanders in after me joining me. I don't realize it until she is behind me with herself up against me. Her hands go across my waist and one grabs me and begins stroking slowly. "Madam Odette, I just came. It feels funny."

"Too bad. I'm not done with you yet."

With her body against me, she continues to stroke and touch me. It only takes a short while before I can't hold myself anymore and come again. I shake trying to keep myself up as she continues. She finally stops and I'm finally able to rest and clean off.

As we both exit she tells me that tomorrow a new type of training will begin for me and that this will be a lot different than what I am used to. She advises that I mentally brace myself. I spend my night near the shed wondering what is going to happen and what I will have to do. For the first time in a long time, I thought I slept soundly.