By Moonlight Continues to a Sleepless Night

I don't know what time it was when I rolled over and remember that there was another body in my bed. I just know that they woke up with me with a smile on their face before dashing under the covers. With no warning, Vicki started stroking me back up to a full erection. She has an appetite that I seemed to have sparked before she fell asleep. She was not as reserved as she was before. After getting me up she rolled over on the bed spreading her legs almost straight apart. I knew what she wanted and I rolled onto her to give it to her.

Like before there was very little resistance as I pushed into her. This time I was not going to be as gentle because this one was going to be about me. I started with slow motions but pushing in was a hard slam. Every time she yelped as our hips met. I picked up speed and before long she was back into her primal state of pure enjoyment. Before I climaxed I grabbed her breast with a tight grip before shoving my tongue into her mouth. With a muffled scream I felt her clamp down on me as I emptied into her. As we finished she gasped for air when I released her.

Like before, she phased in and out before her body passed out. I can't see the clock on the wall to tell what time it is but I am sweating. I take a moment to step outside into the darkness to cool off forgetting that I didn't put on pants before walking out. A quick breeze reminded me but I am ok for now. The grounds were dead except for the few people near the house. All the lights inside were out which was a rare sight. Right now I'm glad that I'm in good shape because the woman is putting me through my paces.

I lean back against the cabin wall and it feels nicer than just being outside. I take a deep breath before I'm disturbed by the cabin door opening. Vicki walks out looking for me. I greet her so she doesn't jump when she sees me. She's wearing what looks like a robe but I'm not sure where she got it. Did she bring one? Did she plan tonight? "Hey Red, what are you doing out here?" I move closer, "I got a little warm and had to cool off a bit."

"Well, it's cold out here."

"I'm sorry." I lightly touch the small of her back finding a small spot that I can sneak my paw into.

She wasn't expecting it because she rolled into my grip as I forcefully grabbed her ass. She's like putty right now and I love it! With a swift move, I get my way into the robe where she exposes her body to me. "We should go back inside." Now it's my turn to take initiative, "Why? There's no one nearby." I slide my stiff member between her thighs rubbing her. She tries to make words but can't. I continue to slide myself against the inside of her thighs and between her slit until I can feel her coating me. With little warning, she gets swung against the cabin wall. As I've already seen she's flexible like the cat she is so I can lift her right leg giving me a new angle in which I give her pleasure.

It's like before where she tries to communicate but the only communication that I need is what her body is telling me. It was a hard starting thrust followed by slow movements to get her built up. It doesn't take long before I have to hold her up as she continues to take me in the darkness. I have to carry her back inside. I get her on the bed so I can tuck her in again but she got a second wind. With some hidden strength, I get pushed into the desk chair before she straddles me.

This time she's taking the lead. I keep my paws on her hips but she's doing all the work bouncing herself up and down on my dick. I have to keep her steady the further and further, she gets until I begin to push back. She loses her ability to hold herself up so I gently throw her to the floor where I take over grinding into her until I finish deep inside. I don't know how many times she came but tomorrow she may not be able to walk if she continues this. I'm slightly concerned that I may have problems walking. She gets tucked back into bed where this time I know she's asleep. I find a pair of shorts before I lay back down myself. It'll give me some warning if she tries something.

I take a step back outside into the cool air. The few quiet noises begin to flood my ears. Looking around at the few lights here and there give me a good sense of my surrounding. It's very different being inside at night. It's very strange. I can still see the main house from here. It looks so much different than before. I can't tell what's so different. Can it just be that it's further away? I lean up against the wood side of the cabin with a sigh. Everything just feels so strange now.

My body seems to be begging for sleep but I don't feel tired. This may just be the leftover feeling from Vicki. I'm not sure though. I've been feeling rather strange recently. Almost to where I'm sick at times. It might be the stress. It could be leftover from the fight in the foyer. That's a whole nother thing I'm going to have to face as well. I'm sure it wasn't murder at that point but I'm still going to have to face those consequences. There's just too much going on right now. I'll have to sort it out one after another. Just take one thing at a time.

What is Madam Odette going to have me do now?