Continued Education

True to her word, Madam Odette got me a letter of recommendation from Madam Delula. And with my terms, they didn't accept me but let me take the entrance exams for them. That includes a written portion and then a practical portion. I have no details as to what will be on either. The only information I was able to get was that if you passed a high school equivalent education then you should be alright on the written. But the practical exam is random. They give you a theme, word, or element for you to build something off of.

I'm incredibly nervous about the written portion. I have no idea what the standard for teaching and learning is. I've been ingrained with the memorization of facts and regurgitation onto paper at a later date from public school. I imagine that it's not too much different.

There is a great positive about this. The prospect of doing something other than just running away from a problem is helping me come to grips with the situation I'm in. Except now, I'm under a new type of pressure. Madam Odette always wants me to do my best. She's assisting as she can but now she's always assisting. She's giving me assignments, and drilling in practice. When I was on my own learning at my own pace, I was doing fine. It was a very stress-free environment. I get why she's doing it. She's getting me into a habit of a structured classroom. I'm going to have multiple assignments, multiple readings, and a lot of what could be considered busy work.

Eyes on the prize though. Exams are at the beginning of March classes are a few weeks after that. Once I pass I can apply for student housing. That will get Madam Odette out of the impending danger. I'm still not sure I can take Reed's threat as credible but I have to act as though it is. If he's anything like his father… Well, my tail still stings when I think about it.

February rolls in with the winter wind behind it. It's been blistering cold. I'm keeping myself warm with the fire while I read. She really did start getting me into the habit. She drops by for about two hours a day to read an advanced subject to test my ability to take notes and listen. She paces around, reading in a stern tone of voice about anything that she thinks should be on this exam. I do what I can to write as quickly as I can. I've been working on my shorthand to make sure I can keep up. She gives me small tests and quizzes to see if I was paying attention before checking over my notes. A lot of what she's drilling is the testing portion. I need to work on the practical portion myself. I still wonder what I'll do when given my prompt.

I need to expand my spell book. My repertoire of abilities that I have practiced to where I can execute them without a second thought. The telescope was enough to impress Madam Delula but that already existed. I just simplified it. Would they be able to see that I simplified it? Would they ask for an explanation of the spell? My sonar or "Ping" as I refer to it has always been helpful. I could try to work with a fire vortex again but… That has some rough memories.

There are still quite a few to choose from. The razor blade that I use to cut down trees maybe? Might be too simplistic or violent. My elemental knives are pretty good for displaying alchemy. I use what's around me to turn it into a blade of some kind. It was effective on the wolves and while hunting. But again, too violent? I want to show an understanding of magic, not just that I can use it.

Maybe I just need to come up with something new. Maybe I need to start looking at different avenues. Something element specific. Maybe something more of a tool application. I have time. I have other things to attend to at the moment. It's now rolled into February. I have two important dates I need to prepare for.

My prowling in the library led me across some personnel files and my nose came across Madam Odette's. I couldn't help myself. Her birthday is coming up. Shortly after that is Valentine's Day. I may be overstepping my boundaries with the latter but I have to do something for her birthday. I'll keep it quiet though.

For now, my days are routine. Reading, assignments, and a little downtime to relax. I'm doing what I can to continue helping Anne but sadly there hasn't been as much extra time to help. Nonetheless, I'll do what I can!

How am I going to execute this plan though? Madam Odette is here almost every day. I need to get things set up and hide some things. Maybe I should actually plan this out first. Maybe I should learn if there's a teleportation spell and take us somewhere nice. Ha! That's way out of the scope of my ability. Unless…

No, I don't think that's practical. I might just have to order a few things and have them delivered. I know I'll need something that I can hide away until it's needed so something foldable. I'd hate to just do a simple dinner but I might just have to go with that. That would be a folding table or tablecloth. I'd have to work with the kitchen staff to hide a couple of plates so I can cook something up. I'll have to be discreet about it because they'll ask questions or just help. I would rather do this on my own.

I don't think that dinner would be a bad idea. I just need something to make it special. I may have an idea for that as well. I'll have to do some online shopping. It's going to be suspicious of all these packages showing up. I think I can come up with something to distract her. Sitting around doing nothing won't get anything done. I start building my shopping cart and push a rush on a few items. I'm getting giddy as I start getting notifications. But I need to find something that will make it just special.

What is something that Madam Odette would like? She can get anything she wants under the sun with her wealth. I wonder if there is anything I could get her that she wouldn't think of. Maybe something she would never get for herself. She's not a very flashy person unless she has to be so maybe something that fits that.

Or something that completely contrasts it!