A Chance and a Tease

I have been trained to be up at a certain time. Sleeping in is a foreign concept. My body just refuses to stay still and sometimes it drives me nuts. I roll over to check the alarm clock on the nightstand. Sure enough, it's just after 6 am. I roll in the other direction to find that my company is missing. I wonder where she wandered off to.

Everything going on around me seems to come into sense. I think I know where she went. I can hear water running in the bathroom. A morning shower would probably be the best thing for her. She was in a rough spot last night. She may be feeling OK though. I can hear her humming as I get closer to the bathroom door. If she's OK then I won't bother her. I lay back down on the bed grabbing my casual clothes for today. My suit is still hung up and encased in a black bag to keep it clean. I keep looking at it knowing that if anything were to happen to that thing, it would be my head on the block. I don't know how much she paid for that. I don't want to know how much she paid for that.

The water shuts off but the humming still continues. I can hear a few footsteps as she moves around. The door unlocks as she opens it. Her face is buried in a towel as she takes a few steps out. Her eyes catch mine as I lay on the bed. "Did I wake you?" I shake my head, "No, I get up around this time."

"Oh good."

She went back to being unbothered. If it wasn't obvious when she walked out. She just had a towel wrapped around her. I laid back down on the bed taking a deep breath and looking up at the ceiling before I heard her call for me again. "Hey Red! Bam!" She flipped open her towel at me to show me her short shorts and tube top. "Gotcha!"

She darted back into the bathroom laughing. I take another deep breath as I try to calm my now-racing heart. I wasn't expecting that and she got me. I hope it was the reaction she wanted because that was unexpected. "I take it you're feeling better this morning?"

"I didn't feel bad last night. Liquor just makes me sleepy no matter how much I have."

She comes back out with her clothes from yesterday in her grasp. "Plus, I know you can't drink so it was fun to rub that in your face." I just nod with an "uh huh". She's toying with me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the private session we had or that she knows Madam Odette so well. No matter what it is, she's a lot more confident than she was when she showed up at my door last night, stuttering and sheepish.

As she sat down I noticed that there was an extra wrapper on the desk, crumpled up and set aside. She must have found her dinner and now turned to breakfast. I must have also been tired if I slept through her opening it and eating it. "Well Red, You have a full day of traveling ahead of you. I shouldn't keep you for too long. Thanks for entertaining me and being such a gentleman. Lady Odette is right about you."

Excuse me? What does she mean by that and where did that come from? I raise an eyebrow, "Explain?" She moved around in her chair to face me, "Well, I let Madam Odette know that you were admitted but told her to act surprised when you go back to tell her. She told me that I should go tell you and congratulate you in a very broad sense of the word."

"And how did that go?"

She rubbed her neck as she broke eye contact. Ah, not going to answer. I imagine that she is stuck between a rock and a hard place now. She came here with a mission and didn't complete it. Even so, she still stuck around. Maybe I can use this to get back at her. "OK, no need to push it. I get it. I get it." I brush it off as I relax on the bed once more. She's still flustered. It's kind of cute. I'm going to push it.

"So!" I bark loudly to get her attention. "Your plan of using liquid courage didn't work." I can see the blood rush to her face. She's been busted and her plan exposed even though it wasn't that hard to figure out. "It's easier if you come clean."

Her head rolls around with a groan before she collapses backward. "Fine! Yes! You intimidate me and I tried to drink my inhibitions away."

"I intimidate you?"

"Yes! You are a mythos legend but in flesh! For someone in academia, that's like meeting your favorite celebrity. Except you're basically a god!"

"Don't inflate my ego like that."

She's a strange one. I think that Madam Odette should have told her when she was tutoring me that I was supposedly the nine-tailed fox. Not so supposedly anymore, I guess. She rubs her face as she groans. She's trying to collect herself but she just seems to be more and more flustered. "So what was your plan? Knowing that alcohol makes you sleepy, why go in that direction?" She squirms in her chair as she sits back up, "I was hoping that I would be able to fight through it. But I forgot that they have a heavier pour here. After that I kind of hope that you might take advantage of me?"

That conflicts with every fiber of my being. I had this moment with Madam Odette where she had a lot to drink and I refused to take advantage of her no matter how much I wanted to, how lovely she looked, and how bad she pushed for it. Back to Lady Delula! Her face is red in that sentence. She's looking at the floor but I don't think out of shame. I think she's just embarrassed. There is a thought that crosses my mind. "Lady Delula?" She looked up through her fingers. "Yea?"

"Why would you want me to take advantage of you?"

She stops. I can see her face turning even more red as she tries to think of an answer. I think her face is about to explode if she doesn't say anything. She's getting more and more flustered the more her brain tries to come up with an answer.

The more I interact with these women, both Madam Odette and Lady Delula, the more I seem to be turning into a sadist. I enjoy watching them squirm just a little bit as they try to give me something. Madam Odette is much more refined, higher class if you will, so to catch her in such a situation is a treat. I don't see Lady Delula that often or in this light. To have her in front of me admitting to this is very… satisfying.

I lower my head to look at her, "Yes?" She covers her eyes as she takes a shaking breath in. With a deep sigh, she seems to be more collected. Enough to give me an answer at least. "Because I'm a very subby girl and I love it when I'm handled as such."

That was incredibly straight to the point. "What would you have done if I had taken advantage of you? Would you have let me do anything I wanted to?" No verbal answer but I get a nod. I am so tempted to test this.

I stand up from the bed to stand in front of her. Leaning forward, I get my nose to hers so we are no less than an inch apart. "And you would have let me do anything I wanted to?" I see her body shake before she gives me a slight nod. I can't resist anymore.

I smile, bringing my paw to her face. With one nail, I trace her cheek watching her eye close slightly until I move it away. I trace down her neck to the collar bone, down the exposed skin on her chest lightly pulling down on that small tube top before letting the grip go. I continue down the cloth until I reach her stomach. I flip my palm up and start moving back up snagging the bottom this time, lifting the little bit of loose fabric up. I get to where her chest is almost exposed. Her breathing is unsteady. She's holding her breath with slow, shallow inhales as she keeps herself breathing. "Anything huh? And you wouldn't say a thing?" Her head nods only slightly as she's focused on my eyes. "I could have kissed you all over your body. Touched and caressed your curves."

Her eyes are screaming at me to tell her more. "I could have left love marks on your body. Left a paw print on your ass. Sque-ezed on your neck until your eyes rolled back in your head!" There's a glint of fear but it's swallowed by the excitement in an instant! "I could have fucked you. Over and over until I was satisfied. Made you scream my name. Made you beg for more. For me to go harder." Her shallow breathing is picking up. She's putty in my paws. "I could have cum in you. Buried myself deep and filled you to the brim. Or I could have choked you with my dick and filled your stomach. I could have marked you by cumming all over your body and face leaving you to look like a hungry whore."

I just noticed that as I've touched her, she's arched her back pushing herself out further. The cloth is just hanging on to her nipples as she tries to keep herself covered. The more I pull up, the more she moves. I grin now that I've caught on to her reactions. "That's a shame. I could have had a lot of fun with you."

I stand up letting her shirt fall back down. She collapses back into the chair taking deep breaths as her body seems to have given out. I look back on my way to the bathroom. Her legs are shaking as her body seems to tremble with them. I may have pushed her a bit too far. She lets out one whine as she stretches while rubbing her face. She lets everything go and leaves herself splayed out on the chair.

I shut the door behind me as I gave one more look. She looks spent and stressed. With the door shut I can let my demeanor go. I rub my face letting all that self-control I had to go for a moment. I'm able to catch my breath and reflect. She never once hesitated. She never said no. Her eyes nearly begged me to continue. What do I do now? Do I go out and commit to it or do I let her go? She's not the only one who got worked up. I'm almost in pain.

I'm familiar with her touch, her body, and what she has to give. It may have been playing in the back of my mind as I teased her. She presented me with a blank check. I could have taken advantage of the offer. Maybe advantage is the wrong word. She offered herself up and I didn't accept it. Even now, with what happened, I could have accepted her offer. She was willing. She was wanting. She was there in front of me and I could have touched her in any way I pleased. Why didn't I?

I collect myself. I brush my hair with my nails before returning out into the living area. She's still sitting on the chair but looks much more composed. Still a mess. She looks conflicted though. She stands up coming to me head-on, "I wish I had more time. You've got me wrapped around you and honestly, I'd rather have my legs wrapped around you but you need to get going. I'll see you in a month or so as your professor." She seems rather defeated. She slips into her jacket before shaking her butt into her pants.

She leaves with a soft voice, "Maybe you'll teach me something when you're back." Her touch under my chin tells me her intentions. She's wanting but now there's a line. She's an educator and I'm her student. This was her moment to enjoy that last moment before that barrier was set up. It seems we may have missed that chance. "I expect great things from you, Red."

The door shuts and the feeling of a missed opportunity washes over me. I place my paw on the door and have to contemplate it. My heart hurts. I don't know what's going on. I lean against the wall resting my head. Is it regret? I'm starting a new chapter in my life. I need to get myself together.