All life is precious.

Buuuuup. The sound of the trumpet horn resounded from the audience behind me, attracting the serpent's attention towards my side. 

My eyes widened as I gasped in horror seeing Bakunawa, the terrifying serpent, turn its dark blue head and menacing eyes to me. 

Without any warning, Bakunawa bared its sharp fangs as it slithered its rocky scaly body on the ground, accelerating at the speed of wind to my direction.

My drumming heart skips a beat as I become paralyzed, feeling my feet go cold and numb. 

"Shit…" I muttered under my breath, gulping as I held my breath, waiting for the worse to come. 

"Dodge, dumb lass!"

I heard Alexandra's voice yelling somewhere from the audience, and instinctively, my body moved on its own. With my right leg jumping to the side, I dodged the head on attack from Bakunawa. 

Bakunawa bangs its horn on to the wall, bouncing back because of the invisible shield. 

The crowd cheered loudly, repeatedly yelling, "kill, kill, kill!"

"Whew…that was close…" I mumbled, wiping the sweat building up on the side of my face as I ran and walked, limping as I escaped from the serpent Bakunawa. 

"Behind you!"

Once more, Alexendra yelled somewhere in the audience, and without thinking much, I moved my body by instinct as I remembered my days of hellish training. 

Jumping yet again to the side, I dodged the hit, and Bakunawa's head ended up smashing the ground.

"Geez, give me a break!" I exclaimed, limping faster away from the insane serpent. 

Bakunawa stood back up roaring and hissing its fangs at me. 

"Bakunawa, calm down!" I yelled back.

Yet, it seems it made Bakunawa even more upset as it rushed forward. I dodge, hopping to the side with my right leg.

Bakunawa crashed its snakey pointed tooth on the ground, and as a result, its canines got stuck on the floor. Bakunawa let out a shrilling cry as it wiggled its whole body pulling its sharp teeth out, but it seems that Bakunawa's fangs were deeply rooted as it remained inserted beneath the surface of the arena. 

I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking I only need to wait for the time to pass. However, a piece of steel suddenly was thrown next to me. I gulped seeing the razor blade, then my eyes stared at the culprit who threw the sword.

"Pick up the sword, and thrust it to Bakunawa's body," the gladiator woman said, gesturing to the weapon next to me.

My brows knitted, staring at the gladiator woman. 

"That sword is the only way to bring the serpent back to its slumber," the gladiator woman added.

My creased brows deepened hearing this. Still, despite my expression, I walk to the blade, picking it up. 


The crowd blared in a roar even more loudly.

Holding the sword in my hand, I approached limping, dragging my wounded left leg as I slowly sauntered my way to the hissing blue serpent.

Bakunawa let out a piercing cry, and I saw tears building up in its eyes. Bakunawa looked afraid as it showed fear in its eyes. 

My inner eyebrows cross up together, staring in pity at the blue serpent Bakunawa. I gaze down at the sword on my hand and bit my lower lip as I contemplated on what to do. 

"What are you waiting for? Thrust the sword to Bakunawa, and you'll be welcome as a gladiator," the gladiator woman said. 

I took a deep sigh, swallowing with difficulty. "Is there really no other way?" I said, inquiringly.

The gladiator woman stared at me then she opened her mouth and said, "if you could think of another way then I'll consider your crime of burglary as paid." 

"I see," I replied as I nodded, enlightened.

I looked at the wailing serpent again, and then at the sword in my hand. 

'All life is precious,' I thought to myself, tossing the steel blade away. 

"Boo," the crowd scorned, sending rocks yet again and some even threw their boots and heels at the arena. "Boo…boo!"

I ignored them as I walked limping at the serpent. The serpent Bakunawa hissed as its looped tail came crashing to me. I dodge, jumping with my right leg, but Bakunawa attacks me again with its tail, and I dodge again. This scene repeatedly happens over and over.

I panted as I breathed heavily under the scorching sun. My maroon shirt is covered in sweat, and my pants and leather boots are covered in dirt. Heat is slowly coming to my head as I feel my throat dry and thirsty. My lips are chapped, and I feel drowsy and exhausted.

However, I'm not the only one tired. I notice that the serpent's attack is growing slow and weak as time passes by. As I continue to dodge left, right, back and forth; I notice something strange with all of this. 

I think it has already been thirty minutes, but no one is helping me to calm down the angry serpent. I guess they were waiting for me to handle the matter.

I did say that I'll find another way, but what if I fail to find another way? Are they not gonna help at all? Then what about our agreement that I only need to last for thirty minutes?

What's more, if I remember correctly, sacred beings shouldn't be tame, right?

That's what the Adarna bird said when Lilith tried to subdue her. So that leads me to another question, what is a sacred serpent doing here in this arena?

Suspicions grew more and more in my heart as I pondered, while dodging the relentless attack of the serpent Bakunawa. Also, there's one more doubt in my heart. Why did I hear Alexandra's voice earlier in the crowd? My brows knitted as I fell deeper in thoughts. 

Bakunawa howled loudly as it attacked me with less aggression than earlier. I dodge to the right as I limp forward near the serpent.

I'll try to talk to the serpent. Who knows, Bakunawa might turn out to be like Adarna. If Bakunawa can understand me, then that would be a great help to calm down Bakunawa, and perhaps, I could negotiate terms with this serpent. 

At these thoughts, I limp walking to the blue serpent with an optimistic expression. "Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you, so please calm down," I said, persuading the blue serpent as I stood beside it.

However, the serpent attacked me again with its tail, hissing as it shrilled and wailed. I dodge, then I limp as I climb on top of its head. 

"Bakunawa! Listen to me, calm down!" I yelled, staring at its eyes. 

Bakunawa hissed even more loudly as its tail attacked me, and I dodge, jumping with my right leg. Bakunawa's tail crashed on its own horn on top of its head.

Bakunawa howled as it hissed in pain, and I took that opportunity, climbing up on top of its head once more. "Calm down, if you hit me, you'll also end up hurting yourself," I said.

The serpent hissed, but it did not attack me again. Probably because Bakunawa realised it can't attack me while I'm standing on its head. 

I heaved a sigh of relief at this. It seems Bakunawa can indeed understand human language then. Good thing I didn't resort to violence. If I can resolve this peacefully, then that would be the best scenario that could happen for me. After all, I don't want to use violence against violence; that would only create more chaos.

At that, I stared at the blue serpent's eyes as I bent my knees and leaned my head near as I whispered softly. 

"I won't hurt you, don't worry," I said in a soft tone, looking at Bakunawa's eyes. 

[Mortal, tell me. What did you do to my friend, Adarna, did you also try to tame her like this?]

I heard a high pitch feminine voice being transmitted directly to my mind. My eyes widened in joy, staring at Bakunawa. "You can talk as well?"

[No, this is a skill called telepathy, a skill we sacred beasts created in order to communicate with despicable humans. Tell me, what did you do to my friend! Why do I feel her inside you?!] Bakunawa hissed loudly again.

"Huh? Inside me? Adarna? What do you mean?" I said, puzzled as I knitted my brows looking at Bakunawa.

[Stop pretending! I could feel her divine energy inside of you!]

"Ah!" I gasp as I realise what Bakunawa meant. "You probably mean the saliva that she made me consume?"

[And why would she do that?!]

I sighed. "Well, it's a long story…"

[Tell me, but don't speak so loudly, I don't want anyone here to know that we are communicating.]

"Alright," I said, then I started narrating everything that happened to the blue serpent.

After Bakunawa requested to know of the story why I, according to Bakunawa, have Adarna's divine energies roaming inside my body; I decided to tell her how I got it and why I was suddenly thrown at the Dregs Arena. 

Bakunawa listened attentively without any interruption, and afterwards, I concluded everything that happened in a short summary as I narrated it to Bakunawa in a few short minutes. 

"After almost dying, professor took me to Nilad City to train, but then I got lost, and along the way, I was accused of something I didn't do, so that's why I'm here..." I mumbled in a low whisper to the blue serpent, then I looked inquiringly at Bakunawa as I expectantly asked, "Do you believe me?"

[Well...I believe you. I could feel that your soul is indeed untainted just like what Adarna said, and I know that your soul is different from the rest in this world. A soul that is unusually seen...]

I smiled to myself, hearing what Bakunawa said directly to my mind. I didn't interrupt as I waited for the serpent to continue. 

[However, many despicable humans have already tried to tame us Sacred Beasts, including soul wanderers that came into this world. You see, I hate humans deep into my bones, and I believe that they should suffer the same fate they did to me and to my fellow friends.]

My brows knitted at what Bakunawa said as I recall how Lilith Salvador tried to tame Adarna. "I see where you're coming from, Bakunawa, but I promise you, I won't hurt or tame you," I said in a firm strong voice.

[Such rich words shouldn't be uttered so lightly, mortal. Many said the same noble words, but never once I encountered someone who kept it, for they all still ended up surrendering to their greed as these people tried to tame me and the others.]

I frowned as I objected, "well, you probably haven't met someone who would, but now that you met me, you can trust that I will..."

[Fear not, mortal, I no longer hold suspicions towards you, however, I still don't trust you. You are still after all, part of this human race, who knows...perhaps one day, you'll end up just like the rest of them.] 

Bakunawa interrupted as she transmitted the message into my mind, letting out a hiss. 

"I won't," I argued back calmly. "I'm not going to be like them, Bakunawa, that's the last thing I want to happen to me. I would rather die than become a person of such nature..."

[Mortal, a good fresh apple will always end up rotting if it was left alone with other rotten apples. Didn't you just pick up the sword earlier? Take that as a sign.]

My creased brows deepen at this. "I take your point, Bakunawa, and just like how you're being kept here against your will, you could also try putting your shoes in mine, try to understand that I only have a few choices here, but Bakunawa, in the end I didn't yield to anything that you're thinking of, because if I am, then you won't even have the luxury to think that I am or am not like the rest of these people," I retorted defensively, glaring at Bakunawa's large eyes.

[Fair enough, you made your point, but I still don't trust you. After all, we're still inside the arena, who knows what nasty intentions you are hiding in your head.]

I bit my lower lip, hearing what Bakunawa said in my mind. 


"What is it?" I urged.

[If you help me escape in this place then...]

I frowned. "How am I supposed to help you? I can't even escape in this place myself..."

[You know, mortal, it's indeed my first time meeting a dumb soul wanderer like you.] Bakunawa said in my mind, rolling her large eyes at me.

My brows furrowed at Bakunawa. "Well, it's also my first time meeting such a rude foul mouthed sacred being, aren't you supposed to be merciful and kind?" I retorted back. 

Bakunawa scoffed at me as she transmitted, [I'm not perfect, mortal, and I'm not a saint. We sacred beasts are indeed created to guard and guide this world, but we aren't a saint or a deity, we feel things just like the same as the despicable humans do. Now let's make a deal, if you help me escape then I'll also help you back once, so decide now mortal, are you going to help me escape or not?] Bakunawa said in my mind, glaring at me threateningly. 

I took a deep sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Of course I'll help you if I can, Bakunawa, but I'm not as capable as you think I am…"

[Who said that I think of you highly?] Bakunawa cut me off, mocking me in my head.

My mouth twitched at this. I clicked my tongue and irritatedly said, "tsk, then tell me, how am I supposed to help you?"

[Now we're talking,] Bakunawa commented in my head cheekily.

I click my tongue feeling annoyed and stress out with this gigantic serpent. "So what am I supposed to do?"

[See those weapons that are stuck on my body?] Bakunawa said in my mind, casting a glance at the weapons stabbing her body. [Those things are making me unable to use my divine energy, so if you pull them all out, I'll be able to escape this heaven forsaken place. Oh, and of course, I'll also help you back, so what do you say, yes?]

Hearing what Bakunawa stated in my head, my eyes glanced at the random weapons stabbing on Bakunawa's body.

The gladiator woman said that if I struck the sword on Bakunawa's body, then it would put Bakunawa to slumber or so she said. So it was also probably the reason why Bakunawa can't escape this place. 

"Hmm, that makes sense," I said, recalling what the gladiator woman said to me earlier, then I narrowed my eyes at Bakunawa. "I trust that you're not going to attack anyone afterwards?" I said, staring at Bakunawa probingly.

[Tsk, what does it matter to you if I attack them or not? These people are wretched, and you know it as well, see what they did to you?]

"I know that, but I still want to ask you not to hurt anyone here," I replied solemnly.

[I fail to comprehend why not.]

"If you're going to attack anyone, then I have to reconsider this deal with you," I said firmly. 

"Because I can't in my human conscience let that happen because I help you escape, that's not what I intend to happen, Bakunawa. If you want to exact vengeance to these people, then do it after I'm no longer here and can't see you doing it, because as long as I'm here, I can't let that happen, so you have to promise me that we'll escape this place without making a scene, do you promise?"

Bakunawa roared as her big eyes stared at me unkindly, and I remained unfazed as I stared back, standing firmly on her head. 

[Fine, you have my word,] Bakunawa replied in my head, hissing at me.

"Alright," I mumbled, nodding my head. "But, you have to help me get my companion back, alright?"

[Tsk, I said I'll help you. So just go already.]

With a deep sigh, I jump down on the ground of the arena. I glanced around, roaming my eyes to everyone. The audience is still bombarding me with rocks, calling me weak, coward, stupid or whatever. 

I didn't pay them any attention as my eyes turned to look on the fourth floor, stopping at the gladiator woman, and I saw her staring back at me, so I quickly retracted my eyes as I walked, limping towards the weapons stabbing Bakunawa. 

I gulp feeling my throat dry. I sighed again as I felt my nervous drumming heart in my chest. I don't know if I could pull this off, since I'm already tired and dizzy with the heat coming from the glaring sun. 

My maroon shirt is now drenched with sweat, and I want nothing but just to lie down and relax on a soft warm bed, however, I can't. 

I can't because I'm still under trial for something I didn't even do, and now I'm about to attempt to escape from this place. I don't know which one I feel most worried about. Me trying to escape with a serpent, or me being held responsible for something I didn't do. Well, perhaps both. 

Anyway, no matter what, I need to escape. I fear that staying in this place might force me to do some horrible unspeakable things just like what Bakunawa said earlier. 

So with a resolute mind, I decided to escape this place even if it meant risking a deal with a gigantic serpent. That thought itself makes me feel crazy. 

I took a deep breath, exhaling loudly as I tried to relax my nerves. Afterwards, I stared at the weapons on Bakunawa's body with a determined mind. 

"Well, here we go," I muttered under my breath as I pulled out the hilt of the sword.