A strange blade appeared.

'I need a sword,' I said in my head as I walked inside this mansion. 

My eyes roam everywhere as I search for any pointed steel that I could use. Because If I'm going to face those two once more, then I need to bring a weapon. Just in case something happens once I approach and talk to those two again. 

Especially knowing that the people in this city won't listen to anything I say for some reason, so if I'm going to meet Alexandra's aunt again, then I need to appear strong. Like what Sun Tzu said; 'appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.' Perhaps the reason why they don't want to listen to me is because I appear like I'm easy to bully, so this time I'll approach that bloody woman once more, appearing indestructible.

In addition, I can't seem to hear any ringing in my ears no matter how much I concentrate. I don't know why but I can't hear or feel mana. I suspect that this has something to do with those arrows; those sharp objects that were sent flying piercing my flesh behind my body during that battle in the Dregs Arena.

Anyway, there's a reason why I need to talk to Alexandra's aunt. Even though I don't want to see the face of that person, I have no choice but to speak to the bloody woman again. 

Because I don't trust what Saint Agatha said to me, and I don't want to believe her. Even if she seems to be telling the truth, I refuse to give up on Pula's life, so I have to find another way. They might have given up on Pula's life but I haven't. 

I won't give up just like that. I need to find a way to help Pula, and that's why I need to gather information. The best way to gather intel is to talk to that bloody woman. 

However, if I'm going to negotiate to Alexandra's aunt, I need to appear more savage than her, and also, I need to be prepared in case a fight breaks out between us again. 

That's why I need a pointed blade first before making contact with that bloody woman. I need a razor edge tool. Anything that is sharp. As long as it would pierce to the skin then it can be used. Even if it is just a rusty sword or weapon then I'll go for it rather than going empty handed. 

Yet, it seems this mansion lacks such things. 

My brows creased as I walked to the pathway. I only see paintings framed decoratively to the walls. Golden sculptured statues displayed on the side of the long path with red carpet on the floor. 

Now that I notice it, this mansion looks even more extravagant than in the academy. Not to mention that some statues are made of gold or silver, and all of those statues are modelled by that blood woman's face and figure. In addition to all these luxurious things; every path, corridor, and passage has a chandelier on the ceiling.

Everywhere I go, I see each place being heavily decorated with shiny expensive things, and seeing that person's face on the painting and on those statues, it made me want to destroy everything in this mansion. 

Just recalling a bit of memories of what happened in the arena is enough to make my blood boil in madness. Feeling my blood surging up in my head, I kick the gold statue near me out of anger. I grimaced, wincing as I felt the pain backfiring at my left foot. 

I crouch, holding my left leg near me as if that would alleviate the pain. While limping with my right leg, I heard footsteps on the corner, and feeling panic in my heart, I hurriedly hid behind the edge of the wall. 

I peek my head a little, checking who it was. After all, it would be my first time meeting other people after Joan and Saint Agatha. When the seven foot tall woman led me out of the room, we didn't meet anyone on the way. Thinking about it now, that seems weird. Especially with how many expensive things this place has in store. 

As I hid, I saw two men clad in shiny armour, but they didn't have any sort of weapon with them, which made me weave my brows together in puzzlement.

'Odd,' I thought to myself as I let these two soldiers pass. 

After confirming that those duo are truly gone, I walked out from hiding and went back to find any kind of sharp tools in the mansion. However, no matter how much I search, I only find decorations. There is no single blade or sword in this building, and that's really strange considering that this place has so many treasures that would tempt anyone to steal. 

What I find more weird is that the soldiers or guards I saw passing by are only clad in shiny armors. They also don't have any weapons with them, and that's really perplexing.

'Are they not afraid of being raided?'

My brows knitted; I remembered how I got into this situation for being framed as a thief. That made me feel more determined to find a blade or something.

I walk in the mansion, searching for a tool or anything that can be used as a weapon. Whenever I hear footsteps, I would hide in the corner waiting for them to disappear, then I would go back to searching right after.

I don't want to show my face to them; just in case they decide to frame me with another ridiculous crime. So, I would continue to sneak and hide unless I found myself a weapon. I won't feel confident unless I have a sharp tool with me. 

For the duration of the time, I have nothing in my head but weapons. I need a pointed razor.

Sword, dagger, sabre, and anything sharp is all I could think of in my head.

"Blade, I need a blade, something piercing and fast…" I mumbled to myself like a lunatic. 

I stride my legs as my eyes roam around, searching for anything sharp. "Razor pointed steel…"


Startled, I took a step back as I stared at my right…hand?

A white blade appeared all of a sudden, but the pointed object went out in my wrist. No, it didn't suddenly appear but transformed. My eyes widened in utter shock, staring flabbergasted at my right hand that turned to a sharp blade. 

"What the heck…" I mumbled.

I gulped, hanging my mouth open. 

"This is my hand…right?" I asked, feeling doubtful in my heart. 

Weaving my eyebrows together, I raise my left hand, sliding down the tip of my fingers to the side of the blade. As my skin made contact with it, only the texture of my own flesh was felt. Like I'm just touching my own hand. 

This could only mean that this white blade is indeed my hand. No, this is the forged white hand that Joan made for me. Truman said that it was made from a white horn, right?

I was about to check more, but I suddenly heard heavy clomping steps from afar; resounding in my ears from a distance. I turn my head to where the echoes were coming from, feeling alarm in my heart. 

The light from the stone-wall displayed shadows of more than four to five people clad in armor from head to toe. My brows knitted as I turned to look at my right hand once more. Seeing the weird white blade attached to my right wrist, this made me decide to hide first.

Yes, I need to hide again. I'm not afraid of fighting anymore, but I can't use something I know nothing about. Moving my legs to hide behind the shadows of the wall, I hid silently at the corner of a wall, but suddenly, my right hand started to tremble. I felt a foreboding in my heart, glancing at the quivering white blade, sending vibrations to my body. 

I don't know what is happening, but it doesn't look good. My intestines spin in a circle in my stomach; hearing the advancing footsteps from the distance; stretching closer and closer. As the echoes grew loud, the white blade also started to shake aggressively. 

No, that's not quite accurate. 

To be precise, the white blade is striking randomly in the air, slashing so wildly, pulling my body nearer to the shadows from a distance. 

Back and forth, I turn my head to the white blade and at the advancing dark figures from the wall. I gasp in horror as I realise that the sword is leading me near to those shadows.

Hearing the footsteps and seeing more than seven shadows advancing forward. Wait, wasn't there only four to five earlier?

My heart jumps, feeling panic. As the dark human figures advanced more; increasing numbers of shadows appeared, displaying through the light of the wall. I swallowed as I turned to look at the white blade still hacking in the air.

"No, stop…!" I hissed, whispering quite loudly. "You're my right hand, so listen to me…!"

With gritted teeth, I used all of my strength on my legs as I pulled the white blade back.

"Listen to me stupid white blade…!" I murmured in a faint loud voice, staring at the white blade still slashing randomly in the air to the direction of the shadows. "No, don't go there!"

"Uhh, why is this happening?!" I muttered frustratedly, clenching my teeth as I pulled the white blade back to the opposite direction of the advancing shadows. "What the heck is happening with this hand of mine?"

Step by step, I walked back behind the wall on the corner, hiding myself on time before the guards arrived in sight. I inhaled sharply, panting as I made it in time.

Using my left hand, I hold my wrist, restraining the white blade from violently slashing, then I peek slightly near the edge, waiting for the guards to pass.

As usual these guards still don't have a single weapon on them. 

With creased confused eyebrows, I counted how many guards were there, and I estimated that there were about more than ten to twelve people who just came. 

Which means that I made the correct decision on hiding first. Especially discovering that I could not even control this freaking right hand of mine; that now transformed to a white sharp blade.

My brows knitted more, feeling tension from fear of being discovered. Not to mention that this white blade on my wrist is struggling against my grip. My right arm is trembling against my grasp, and I have never felt so strange with myself until this moment. 

I bit my lower lip, staring at the white blade attached deeply rooted to my wrist. Then I turn to peek at the passing guards just behind the edge of the wall. The plan here is to talk first with that bloody woman, and if I'm left with no other option but to fight, then I will fight. 

But it does not mean that I would suddenly start to fight just anyone and anywhere. Furthermore, these people are not my target to begin with.

I can't implicate these people and let the blade hack to their bodies. So I could only hide here, feeling scared shitless with my own right hand, which I couldn't control, making me feel sceptical. 

If I could not even use it the way I want it to, then it's also useless to me. Who knows what could happen if I just let this white blade indiscriminately strike at people, right?

In addition, how am I going to negotiate with that person if I start a random fight here in this mansion? 

Of course, I can't let that happen. Not unless I'm left with no other choice, but until then, I want to try a peaceful stance on this matter as much as possible. 

Yet, this freaking white blade is not listening to my will. Apprehension creeps in knocking to my heart, I glared at the white blade, scolding it in my head. 

'Calm down!'

For some reason, it seems this white blade heard my reprimanding voice in my head as it slowly stopped struggling. Seeing the white blade behave obediently, I heaved a sigh of relief, but then I furrowed my brows again, feeling weirded out that I just talked to a white blade. 

I shook my head, feeling like I'm about to go crazy with all the ridiculous stuff that's been happening recently to me. 

With a deep sigh of resignation, I decided to go back to Joan after meeting that person. I need to ask Truman why this weird white blade suddenly appeared, and why it is moving on its own. 

In the meantime, I waited patiently for these dozen of guards to pass, talking to the white blade in my head, saying, 'don't you dare move.'

I think I'm starting to become crazy.