A night's farewell celebration.

Under the light of the glowing moon, we all sat on the ground surrounding the bonfire we built. 

After Pula's funeral, almost a week has already passed. Tonight, the 20th day of the month of July, is our last night here in Pariah Sanctuary.

Anggitay arranged a farewell grand feast for me and Bakunawa. This is also to make up for the delayed welcoming feast when Bakunawa and I arrive in this place, and according to Anggitay, life should always be celebrated. 

There will always be a time when sadness comes, but it doesn't mean that we should forget to make ourselves happy, is what Anggitay said.

Of course, I have to respect that custom despite feeling sad at the moment. Since this celebration is not just for me but also mainly for Bakunawa. 

So, at this moment, everyone is silent waiting for Anggitay, standing in front of the bonfire, to start the opening speech for the celebration.

My eyes roam around on everyone sitting with me on the ground. We all surround the huge bonfire in the middle. From where I'm seated; there is Capriana from the Kapre race. Ynez from the Blue-rabbit Clan. Lampong, the sacred beast mouse-deer, and the guardian of monsters. Bakunawa, the serpent-dragon of the sea. And many other halflings that were born with two blood-race on their veins. 

According to Bakunawa, this area of the Pariah Sanctuary is just a part of the huge place of the ruin. 

During the war five hundred years ago, this Pariah Sanctuary used to be a hidden headquarters for the sacred beasts, and the Sect of Idianale was destroyed after that.

However, four hundred years after that war, the Sect of Idianale was officially destroyed by the human race, and the Sect of Idianale became history.

After the Sect of Idianale was destroyed. The sacred beasts lived separately and scattered from different parts of the world. The guardian of the forest and the guardian of the monsters, Anggitay and Lampong, both decided to use the crumbled sect as an orphanage. 

They used the hidden headquarters to build Pariah Sanctuary. Gathering homeless individuals in this place. And many of those homeless individuals are children.

Most of these children are halflings. Born with two races in their blood. No one wanted to accept them because they aren't pure blooded. So, these halflings were treated as an abomination. 

Everyone here is homeless. 

Just like Pula, and just like me.

"Ahem, welcome everyone." Anggitay said on the horn-like speaker, getting the attention of everyone. 

Everyone started to clap, and I clapped along with them. 

"First of all, I am truly grateful that everyone volunteered to help make this small celebration for our visitors. Well, everyone knows that we don't often get a guest in this place, so I know that everyone is also quite excited just like I am," Anggitay said with a soft smile.

Then Anggitay's eyes went to me. "I'm also sincerely grateful for our guests, Sister Nasrin and Sister Bakunawa…"

Bakunawa and I nodded our heads to everyone who glanced at us, calling us sisters. Because this is what everyone refers to each other here. According to Anggitay, everyone in this world are all creations that came from the ashes of the Acacia Tree. That's why for everyone here, the world is just a huge complicated family. 

"To Sister Nasrin and Sister Bakunawa, we are all grateful that you brought back the body of Sister Scarlett, the child of our Sister Alice…"

When Anggitay said this, everyone subconsciously glanced at me with a sincere smile on their faces.

My nose felt sour hearing what Anggitay said. 

During Pula's funeral, Anggitay and I would often talk about Pula. Anggitay told me that before Pula became my familiar. Pula was known as Scarlett, and Scarlett was the name given to Pula by her mother Alice. 

However, because Pula was not baptised like the rest of the red rabbit clan, Pula was chased by humans to become a tamed monster.

Alice originally wanted to baptise Pula, however, Pula refused. Probably because Pula was planning to be tamed purposely, so Pula can invade humans. 

After I heard this story, I felt even more sad in my heart. Even though Anggitay already said that Pula was already lucky to meet me, I don't think that's the case. Because the one who is lucky is me. 

"Sisters and brothers…" Anggitay called, getting everyone's attention again. "I heard that they travelled from the other side of the continent just to find Sister Alice's whereabouts. For that amazing deed, everyone here in Pariah Sanctuary is grateful, and so, we celebrate the return of Sister Scarlett, the daughter of Sister Alice!" 

"Tagay!" Everyone cheered, raising their drinks up in the air. 

I copied them, doing the same. 

"Tagay," I murmured, lacking the energy they had. 

Afterwards, everyone started presenting a small entertainment in front of the bonfire. Some were singing their hearts out. Others dance and do acrobatic shows. The rest talk merrily under the glow of the moon.

Meanwhile, Bakunawa and I are sitting at a distance away from the partying people. We sat together on the ground, while our backs leaned on the tree behind us. I smiled, watching these amazing individuals, but there is also a lingering regret. 

[After this celebration tonight, we will depart early in the morning tomorrow.] Bakunawa transmitted to my head, sipping on the wooden cup. 

"Okay," I replied.

[Mortal, are you sure about returning?] Bakunawa asked.

"Of course, where else could I go?" I said, chuckling a little. "I can't suddenly disappear since Professor AC is probably waiting for me to come back to Nilad City…"

[But you can just stay here you know. And I'm pretty sure that Anggitay and the others are more than happy to welcome you as part of their family.] 

I smiled to myself. "I know…"

[Then why do you still want to return?] Bakunawa asked, glancing at me.

"Because I still have matters to settle," I said simply.

Bakunawa sighed in resignation. [Then mortal, I must advise you now to dig two graves before embarking on this journey of revenge. One for your enemy and one for you. Because this revenge will probably not end until both of you are dead.]

I raised my lips, smiling sweetly. "Only two graves?"

Bakunawa shook her head at me helplessly. [Think about what Pula might feel if she sees you dying for revenge, mortal.]

"I'm just kidding, alright?" I said, chuckling at Bakunawa.

Bakunawa rolled her eyes, then she stood up. [Anyway, I'll go talk to Anggitay about the preparation of our departure tomorrow.]

"Mm," I hum. 

Then Bakunawa left, and I sat on the corner alone. My eyes narrowed as I fell into contemplation.

"Hey hooman…"

I glance beside me, seeing Ynez standing next to me.

"Hey, what's up?" I said.

Ynez crossed her brows together, taking a deep breath. "Hooman, I have a favour to request from you, can you hear me out?"

I smiled because Ynez is still calling me hooman. "Sure, as long as you call me Sister Nasrin too, just like the others," I said teasingly.

Ynez glared at me. "Si-sister Nasrin," Ynez called awkwardly; cheeks getting tomato.

I chuckled, laughing. 

Ynez stomps her feet angrily. "You! Why are you laughing?!"

"Sorry, I just find you really cute," I said.

"Hooman, I may look small but I'm actually way older than you, you know!" Ynez said, greeting her teeth.

I snorted. "No way," I said in disbelief.

"It's true." Capriana appeared suddenly like a mushroom. Then she sat down next to me, leaning her back on the tree. "Ynez is one of the oldest members in Pariah Sanctuary. She is older than me actually."

"What…?!" I gasped in shock, glancing at Ynez.

Ynez raised her head, looking at me in a mocking way. "Told you hooman."

"Eh? How old are you then?" I said.

Ynez glared at me again. "Hooman, you shouldn't ask a lady about their age, don't you have manners?"

"Sorry," I mumbled sheepishly. "I'm just curious since I thought you're younger than me."

"Ynez is turning 31 this year," Capriana said.

My eyes widened in disbelief, staring at Ynez. I thought this little bunny girl is younger than me because of her height. Because Ynez is about 4 feet and 11 inches tall. 

Ynez twitches her lip, glaring at Capriana. 

Capriana only smiled at Ynez. "Oh, don't give me that look Elder Sister~"

Ynez clicked her tongue. "Whatever, anyway, remember what you promised Hooman," she said, storming away as she left. 

My brows furrowed in perplexity. 'What promise?'

"Sheesh," Capriana uttered, shaking her head as she laughed. Then Capriana glanced at me and said, "by the way, I heard that you will be departing tomorrow?"

"Yes," I said, nodding affirmatively.

"Then take this," Capriana said, handing a pipe and a small bag of herbs. "It's my farewell gift to you."

"Why are you giving me a gift? You don't need to do this, you know," I said.

"It's not really a gift, but you asked me so many things about my cigar, so I thought you wanted one. However, cigars might be too much for you, so I decided to just create a pipe for you, you know, since you're so curious about the world of smoking," Capriana said with an embarrassed smile. 

I smiled at Capriana. "Thanks, I appreciate this. I actually wanted to buy one, but this gift from you is much better."

"It's nothing, it's the first time someone asked me so much about my cigar since everyone here doesn't like smoking, so it made me happy that someone like you appeared," Capriana said.

"Well, I'm happy to receive this gift, anyway, what are the flavours you gave me?" I asked, opening the small bag of herbs. 

"Look inside, I got all sorts of flavours, but you said you like the smell of lavender, so I packed up a lot of those for your journey," Capriana said.

"Oh, there's a lavender flavour? Let me try it then," I said, filling some lavender herbs in the bowl of the pipe, then I lit it up with a match.

Afterwards, I took a small puff of smoke in my mouth. 

The scent and the taste made me feel calm instantly. "I really love lavender," I blurted.

"Really? I like the taste of sandalwood more than the lavender though," Capriana said, smoking her cigar with me.

"Well, sandalwood isn't bad either, anyway, thank you for this Capriana," I said.

"Don't mention it," Capriana replied, releasing the sandalwood smoke from her mouth. "Good luck on your journey."

"Mm, thanks…" I mumbled, whiffing the fragrant smell of lavender blending well with the sandalwood scent. 

"I'll go visit this place again once I'm done with the matter in Nilad City," I added, smiling.

"We'll be waiting for that visit then," Capriana replied.

After a night of celebration, Bakunawa and I started packing up. Everyone in the Pariah Sanctuary bid us farewell, giving us food and clothings for the journey on the way back.

"Before the two of you leave, I want to warn you about Tikbalang, he has been active around the ruins lately," Anggitay said solemnly.

Bakunawa frowned, then she nodded understandably.

Feeling left out, my brows wrinkled; baffled with their interactions. "Who is this Tikbalang?"

"Someone who has been pestering me for a long time," Anggitay answered, frowning deeply.

"Is Tikbalang sort of like your…suitor?" I asked.

"Not exactly, I've already rejected him, but he doesn't seem to get it," Anggitay answered, shaking her head dissatisfied. "Anyway, be careful on your journey, and always remember that the two of you are free to come back here."

Bakunawa and I nodded. We then bid farewell to everyone in Pariah Sanctuary. Bakunawa and I both carried a bag behind our backs, sauntering our way to the secret passage.

"So…is Tikbalang a sacred beast as well?" I asked, a little curious.

Bakunawa frowned, looking disgusted. [Don't lump that perverted horse with us sacred beasts. That perverted horse is part of the Diabolic race that God Sitan created. They lurk in this world to spread chaos and wickedness. And that Tikbalang has been stalking Anggitay for more than 900 years.] Bakunawa transmitted to my head, shuddering in disgust.

"Maybe Tikbalang really fell in love with Anggitay," I commented.

[No, if Tikbalang really loves Anggitay then he would give up and respect Anggitay.] Bakunawa sneered disdainfully, slithering her tongue in and out like a venomous snake. 

I nodded in agreement. "That's true, you can't force someone to fall in love with you."

[You sound like you're experienced with this, mortal.] Bakunawa commented, glancing at me with a knowing smile.

I shook my head. "Not really. Only once and that's all. I'm not even sure if I could even call that as romantic love, I think it's more of a platonic love that everyone feels towards a friend," I said.

[Oh, then you're indeed much more experienced than me in this field, mortal. Did you perhaps experience a heart breaking love, is that why you only experience it once?] Bakunawa grin, baring her fangs as she laughs teasingly. 

"Not exactly," I said.

[What do you mean? Is it or is it not?] 

I shrugged. "I don't know, what I know is that I discovered myself after that," I said.

[What did you discover?] Bakunawa asked curiously.

"I discovered that I'm aromantic asexual. I don't exactly feel romantic or sexual attraction to any gender," I answered.

[Huh? I don't really understand what aromantic asexual mean, but if you fell in love once, doesn't that mean that you aren't as immune as you said?] Bakunawa transmitted. Her brows weave together out of confusion. 

"Well, there are umbrella terms under aroace, and also, at that time, I had no idea about what romance is, I only know that love is a pure feeling of caring towards other people, and love isn't limited to romance. In that way, I'm still aromantic asexual in spite of feeling strong love for someone," I answered.

[I don't understand anything that you just said, it seems to me that you have a very complicated world.] Bakunawa commented, deeply bewildered.

"You're not wrong," I said, laughing.

[But in this world, I think you will be forced to feel attraction to your fellow human. Based on the chaotic energy in your body, you will soon differentiate into your second-gender, which is an alpha.] Bakunawa stated, looking up and down at my body.

I knitted my brows, frowning in dislike. "I won't feel attracted, the only change that will happen is this body and not me," I said firmly.

Bakunawa shook her head helplessly. [If you say so…]

"Anyway, can you discern when I would differentiate?" I asked.

[Well yes…why are you asking? I thought you weren't interested in this…] 

"Still not interested, but change is inevitable, and I need to be prepared. I absolutely don't want to behave like an animal when that happens, so I need to start preparing to fight back those kinds of impulses," I said, frowning deeply.

[Hmm, then you need to start preparing as soon as possible because you only have four months, mortal.] Bakunawa transmitted, looking at me a little worried.

I swallowed hard hearing what Bakunawa said in my head. I'm not sure if I could accept myself becoming alpha. As a woman, I don't know if I could accept having a rooster as my private part. I don't think I could ever prepare myself mentally for that.

My brows cross together at these thoughts. I hope I don't become someone unrecognisable. Too much change is happening to me, and I don't like it.

I let out a deep sigh. Because until now, I still repulse change. Perhaps because this is how I was raised in my original world. 

Well, I still do repulse change, but I'm not going to deny or stop it from happening again. This time, I will welcome change and control it.

'I will not let these events control me again,' I thought to myself. 

I smiled to myself as I sorted out my thoughts.