Baiting her prey.

Kendra felt a bad omen seeing that she found a black fluttering paper. 

There is a superstition that if someone sees a black fluttering letter, then something bad will happen to that particular person.

Taking a deep sigh, Kendra decided to go grab it. She stood up from sitting, grabbing both of the trunks of the tree. She stepped her foot on the rough edges of the trunk, pushing herself up little by little. 

Not before long, Kendra arrives at the first branch. With that, Kendra jumps, grabbing hold onto the branch, lifting herself up, climbing up as she stands. She then went on to take the black letter stuck on the leaves.

Since Kendra has already seen one anyway, then might as well open the letter and read it. 

After Kendra climbs up, she jumps down with ease, Kendra floats just right after she hits the ground with her wind attribute. Afterwards, Kendra sits back down inside the bush again, then she opens the black folded paper. 

As Kendra read the content inside, Kendra narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

To Lady Kendra Salamanca,

This black paper is indeed for you.

However, no need to misinterpret things, and before anything else, do hear me out. 

I suppose that you will probably read this letter of mine regardless of the colour, but in order for me to ensure that no one else will open this letter aside from you; I have to resort to trickery. I suppose you know of the superstition that the black paper holds?

Well then, let me explain just in case that you do not know of it. It was said that black fluttering letter brings bad luck to those who see it. However, I do not believe in such things, and I know you are of the same mind as well.

After all, if you did believe in those superstitions, then you would have not opened this letter. Now that everything is clear; let us now proceed to the main reason why I sent a direct letter to you.

To tell you the truth and to be fair; I will tell you a little something about me. What I can tell you is that right now; I am watching you. 

Oh, do not be alarmed, I am merely watching from the grand stadium. And yes, I am someone from the academy as well. However, this is irrelevant. In time, you will eventually come to know of my identity. It may not be now but maybe…soon. 

Really soon.

Anyway, my intention for writing this letter to you is simple. I want to invite you to my faction, which is called the Black Ravens. And I do not mean to brag but…

Black Ravens is the highest faction among the thirteen factions in Mystic Academy. And if you are stupefied or dubious why I chose to write you an invitation, well, that is because you showed great potential among all freshmen that we, from Black Ravens, have seen. 

If you agree to join, then I will personally assist you once with anything you asked of me. That is, as long as it is within the scope of my ability.

And of course, there are also many incentives and benefits in joining the Black Ravens. For one, we would help ensure that you are placed in the top ten honor students. And there is a lot more, but I would keep those key informations for a later time when you finally decide to join our faction, Black Ravens.

Also, just in case you are worried that this is a letter of threat, where I am forcing you to come to my faction. Then you are mistaken.

Do not fret, Lady Kendra. I have no intentions of forcing you if you do not wish to join. 

Although, I must say that we, from the Black Ravens, the highest faction in the academy, would feel quite saddened that you, a greenhorn, turned our humble invitation down. Rest assured, Lady Kendra. We, from the Black Ravens, will not take actions against you. 

For we, Black Ravens, are people with class. We accept defeat and loss, turning it into a chance to learn towards success. But you have to understand that you will be deeply remembered by us, Black Ravens. No threat intended. 

Well, that is everything. We, from the Black Ravens, await to hear your answer. Do contact us through Professor Matilda Degen, the mentor of the Black Ravens. 


Black Ravens Leader: Lilith Salvador.

Kendra pursed her lips, reading the letter.

Just like what the weird Nasrin warned. Lilith Salvador was indeed a dangerous person based on the handwriting and the content of the letter.

The strokes of each letter are all ill-intent and malicious, and the content feels like a letter written from a scheming person. 

Moreover, if this letter is written by Lilith, then it means that there is a high probability that there are also other cult members in this faction. 

Furthermore, Kendra knows that Zelda Kikimorah is also a member in this faction. Which means the letter is like asking Kendra to enter the devil's den. 

As for what Lilith said about Kendra having potential. Kendra thinks that Lilith is trying to duped her into making her trust and depend on Lilith. It's an old classic style of making target people believe that they, the perpetrator, saw something or would use flattery in the target people.

In return, the target people would feel validated. Because it is exactly what the target people needed to hear. 

Most often, the target people are someone with little or no confidence in their own ability. These types are most often the type of people who can easily be scammed and manipulated by this modus operandi. 

Even if that compliment came from a stranger who knows nothing about the target people, it would still hold some effect. After all, the compliment was vague but in general it meant something good. In Kendra's opinion. It's all about manipulating people's feelings. 

After all, no one can be perfectly immune to compliments since everyone is, one way or another, seeking for some appreciation and validation for their own little insecurities. In Kendra's case, she doesn't feel anything about it. Kendra has grown immune about these things ever since meeting Cliopatra. 

But what makes the compliment appear credible? 

The answer is the benefits that Lilith listed. 

By doing this, the perpetrator is shifting the attention of the target's focus on the perpetrator's real intention. Which is to make the target curious about the Black Ravens. And because Lilith also humbly brags about the rank of the Black Ravens's faction, it made the compliment that was mentioned more plausible. 

All in all, adding to the fact that Lilith even dared mention a Professor's name on the letter; the letter became good enough to make someone oblivious naively believe every word in the letter.

And there are many more matters, but in other words, everything about it would seem credible to someone who is ignorant and naive. If Kendra was still the same person as before, Kendra might have been frightened of this letter. 

However, instead of feeling frightened. Kendra felt elated on the contrary. Obviously, Lilith is trying hard to appeal to Kendra. Probably because Lilith was easily deceived by Kendra's fake show earlier.

By using only basic and low-quality skills. Kendra made it appear that there are many openings for corrections, and she really appeared like a newbie when Kendra ran a while ago.

But to think Lilith is the bully type. The type of person who would instantly show aggressiveness as soon as this person sees that the target is weak. 

These types of people are the most insecure type, in Kendra's opinion. The lack of impatience and the aggressive quality were easily pried by Kendra during that time in the public restroom.

But Kendra didn't expect that this Lilith would easily be baited to her plans, so Kendra also felt that there is still a ten or twenty percent chance that Lilith is working together with Zelda to trap Kendra. 

However, based on how the content appeared, it doesn't seem that Zelda knew about what Lilith did. 

Because Zelda works the opposite way that Lilith does. Zelda's approach to things is always long in a roundabout manner. That woman has patience to achieve her goal, and it is exactly why Zelda successfully manipulated Cliopatra behind the scenes without Kendra knowing. 

Regardless of the reason, Kendra is not afraid. 

Kendra chuckled. "The fish was hooked and will soon be cooked," Kendra mumbles in a whisper, raising her lips to a smile.