In a distant land—a place so remote that it would take an ordinary human at least one year, and at most three, to reach—stood a castle towering proudly amid a landscape dotted with opulent houses.
This extraordinary city was a testament to wealth and power. Nearly every structure gleamed with the luster of gold, though subtle disparities existed among them. Some homes resembled modest mud houses despite their golden exteriors, while others took the form of small apartments, grand mansions, or even miniature castles.
What set these golden structures apart was not their luxury alone but the material from which they were crafted—a substance 300 times stronger than ordinary gold. Even the most "humble" of these homes could withstand the onslaught of five battle tanks firing continuously for three minutes before showing signs of wear, typically manifesting as medium-sized cracks.
This was a city designed to be an insurmountable fortress, a challenge to any potential adversary.
Amidst this cityscape, people moved about their daily lives with apparent ease. Women engaged in lively conversations while clutching baskets, while others frequented stores, shopping for goods. Yet, these individuals were far from ordinary. Each bore a pair of iron-like horns adorning both sides of their heads—features that did not diminish their beauty but rather enhanced their allure.
But just as the city seemed to bask in its idyllic tranquility, the tallest tower of the central castle released a brilliant red glow that dared to outshine even the sun. What began as a mere crimson dot blossomed into a resplendent red sun, casting its light across the city.
The radiant display was brief, yet its impact was profound. Every inhabitant froze in place, their eyes locked onto the towering spectacle. Among them stood a man, his gaze fixed on the red glow. Even now, the tower bore a faint red dot at its pinnacle—a signal flare that had not been used in 300,000 years.
The man swiftly regained his composure, and his body underwent a startling transformation. His handsome face gave way to scales, his limbs sprouted sharp, tank-piercing nails, and his horns grew larger and sharper than the keenest blade. With a thunderous roar, he unfurled his colossal wings and soared into the sky.
His roar acted as a catalyst, rousing others from their stupor. One by one, they transformed. The sound of their roars echoed through the city.
Some completed full transformations into dragons, while others merely spread their wings, flapping vigorously as they set course for the portal that had manifested at the summit of the castle, precisely where the red dot had radiated earlier.
In another far-reaching corner of this world lay an extraordinary forest—a paradise unlike any other. Majestic trees painted a mesmerizing landscape, crystal-clear waterfalls cascaded with unparalleled purity, and melodious birdsongs blended harmoniously with the swaying trees. Fruits dangled tantalizingly, enticing those who beheld them.
At the heart of this enchanting forest stood a city. While sharing similarities with the other cities, it differed greatly. Instead of concrete walls or golden exteriors, this city's centerpiece was a colossal tree—so massive that even if eight million people were to enter, they would find themselves far from cramped. In fact, there was ample space for each of these eight million people to reside in a house as large as a two-story building.
Within this living arboreal wonder, a grand castle featured ancient architecture and drawings that depicted a woman nurturing a small plant. At the castle's zenith, an exceptionally beautiful woman attentively monitored the entrance to her domain. Men and women, distinguished by their pointed ears, grace, and strength, passed through a giant, green-edged portal that had opened.
Suddenly, the woman turned her gaze skyward, her expression solemn. Moments later, she transformed into a blur, vanishing from her post. The ensuing silence was broken only by the mournful howling of the wind.
In another part of this world, within the same hemisphere where the previous locations resided, lay yet another forest. Here, a sea of green stretched as far as the eye could see. In the heart of this verdant expanse, a large clearing showcased grasses reduced to the size of a human baby's pinky finger. Yet, there was more than met the eye, for the people who moved about were not entirely human. Tails extended from some, while others bore fur on their arms, legs, or faces.
Just like the other cities, this forest boasted a castle. However, it stood apart, constructed from a brown material resembling wood, yet vastly different from actual wood. Much like the dragons with their resilient gold-like materials, this "wood" possessed similar properties, albeit on a lesser scale.
Within the castle, a guard stood in the middle of a hallway, holding a large trumpet. Like the other residents of this city, he was a beastskin—a fusion of human or other creatures with beastly features. The guard's reptilian eyes focused on the city's southern side with indifference, standing like a statue without blinking. After a considerable duration, he raised the trumpet, its design resembling a goat's horn adorned with intricate drawings. Blowing the trumpet thrice, he also heard similar trumpet calls emanating from the west, east, and north directions. Lowering his hands, he turned away, his duty complete. Just like the guard, the city's inhabitants ceased their activities to converge upon the wooden-like castle.
In yet another part of this world, distinct from the previous locations, an area cloaked in darkness lay hidden, darker even than the demon's territory. Here, a city existed, situated upon a mountain amidst a forest where dense foliage obscured the sun's rays almost entirely. Unlike the other cities, this one was not solitary but composed of multiple castles arranged in a circular formation around a colossal central castle.
Within the grand chamber of this central castle, a handsome man occupied a throne. With pointed ears, pale skin, red eyes, and sharp fangs that emerged with the slightest parting of his lips, he exuded regal authority. Before him stood twelve individuals, slightly less charismatic than he but equally handsome.
At a certain moment, a voice emanated from the other side of the door, securing the entrance to the throne room.
"It's time, your majesty."
The thirteen men, previously with closed eyes, simultaneously opened them. Without uttering a word, they locked gazes momentarily, nodding in unison as they stepped into a chamber adjoining the throne room. Within this chamber, they pierced their thumbs, allowing their blood to drip onto complex, blood-red drawings etched into the floor beneath them. The runes glowed with a blinding red light before plunging everything into pitch-black darkness, leaving only the chamber they had occupied illuminated.
In another secluded corner of a forest, ten hooded figures gathered. Suddenly, the tenth person looked skyward and emitted a loud, protracted howl reminiscent of a wolf's cry. A brilliant silver light illuminated the surroundings briefly before everything returned to normal. However, the ten figures had vanished without a trace.