"That's enough!!!"
A small white smoke formed around the area.
The three boys covered there nose so as not to inhale the smokes.
"Who the hell are you" The blonde asked.
"Don't just go around throwing fireball on people kid" the voice of man could be heard.
Suddenly a strong gust of wind pushed the smokes aside revealing the man and Zilon who was behind him.
Zilon could not see the man's face cause his back was faced to him so he stared blankly at his back thinking.
'this guy...is definitely strong '
Zilon could tell just by looking at him that he was no ordinary.
"I ask again who are you and how dare you stop me from what I was doing,do you know who I am?" The blonde yelled at the man.
" I am the towns guard and it is my duty to save people from danger when I see so" the man said in deep voice.
" A towns guard stopping me fine then-"
"That's enough" another voice chummed in from the side.
"Haven't you caused enough troubles around victor?"
Another guy walked in from the side with two men in armor behind him.
The blonde named victor looked surprised and for once calmed down.
"Huh , avaron what are you doing here" victor asked swiftly.
"Hmm?,what does it look like we came to this town for some restful weekends and I decided to look around and see for myself how big this town" he then paused for a second.
And then added "then I heard a commotion happening here so i decided to check, wasn't expecting to see you be the cause". He said with a small smile.
"Huh?,well that's one way to put it,this loser was the one who started it by bumping into me-"
"Hey you know I have a name that's not loser and secondly you were the one who insisted on fighting me even after I apologized " Zilon yelled back angrily.
'i have had enough with this kids nonsense'
"You little-"
"Oh,then I apologize on his behalf,he is my friend he tends to do that sometimes when he is provoked please don't mind him"
Zilon looked at guy who currently had his head bowed.
The boy who was around thesame age straightened his posture and Zilon saw his appearance.
'hmm it seems everyone here is good looking' Zilon sniered inwardly
Purple hair ,brown eyes flat eyebrows and a calm expression with a warm smile that seems to ad more charm to his face.
"Yeah sure ,after your FRIEND just heat me with a fireball and attempt to roast me alive!" Zilon snorted clearly seeing through his kind act.
When the fight broke out there were spectators but for some reason none of them intervene...well except for this man.
Zilon then looked at his direction.
The man was a middle aged man maybe around his early 30 with a brown beard and brown hair,he hard a rather fierce look on his face with scares on his face like the left side of his face and his forehead.
"Of course I intended to compasate you for the inconvenience,since clearly you were the one who was wronged"he said calmly.
" You can ask me for anything and I will give it to you" he added.
"Hey you can't-"
" Don't worry " victor was about to say something when he was cut short midway by avaron.
Zilon was on a dilemma here as he did not know what to say.
" I...uh well"
" How about I give you hundred gold coins as compasation for your injuries" he said calmly.
Several gasps could be heard,even the man who stopped the attack earlier was a little surprised.
"Hey don't you think that's way to much-"
"Okay that fine by me" Zilon said casually with an indifferent expression.
"Okay then" avaron clapped his hand and a the man on his left walked forward with a small bag.
Zilon observed the people around him.
Avaron expression was as calm as ever,infact he had a smile on his face.
Victor was grinding his teeth in frustration as he stared at the small bag in the man's hands.
'hmph serves him right,karama does exist punk' Zilon smirked inwardly.
The man who interfered early had a normal expression and did not even look at the bag,he eyes seem to scan everywhere so his attention was not even on the man who just walked past him.
Then Zilon looked to the corner of his eyes.
The onlookers some had expression of surprise,some greed ,some envy and so on.
'i guess humans are humans no matter which planet it isn't Zilon sighed softly.
Then he looked at the man who Just arrived in front of him.
He was a man clad in silver armor from head to his toe so he could not really make out his appearance.
The man handed the bag to Zilon,and he accepted.
To which the guard swiftly turn around and stayed in his position.
"Okay now I believe we are all even" avaron noded Zilon nods his back after taking a small peak inside.
'mehn I am badass,my first day and I already made quite an amount,though I don't know its value my best option is to show some kind of emotion to avoid suspension' Zilon commented inwardly as he looked at avaron who was looking at him with a small smile.
"With that, my name is avaron lactus,can I know your name" avaron smiled as he said this.
Zilon had noticed quite a lot of things with his walk around the city.
Apart from him noticing that people in here mostly use bronze and silver coins only few times has he seen gold which means it has to be valuable.
Hearing what avaron said, he immediately thought of things.
In this town he noticed that when giving introductions you give out your name and your family name,if don't have a family name then you belittled everywhere you go.
Zilon was contemplating on which name to give him as he wouldn't want to lie and find himself in trouble.
Cause he can actually call a random name and it may turn out to be someone's name in this world,which can depend but if that said family are quite powerful then he might be in trouble for acting like it's members.
"My name is.....Zilon.... Zilon miruba" he said shuttering slightly.
"Miruba?" Avaron inquired with a raised brow.
Avaron then held his chin and said as he thought.
"Hmm weird I don't of a family with such name" he said as kept on thinking.
Zilon sighed in relief,in Truth that was his family name on earth....
"Well nice to meet Zilon,I hope from now on we can be friends" avaron walked closer and stretched his hands.
Zilon looked at the hand and smirked inwardly while maintaining a smile on the outside.
"Sure,just so you know I am not making friends with him over there" Zilon said as he pointed at Victor.
Victors eye twitched in annoyance as he looked at Zilon with visible rage.
Avaron turned around leaving his words he tapped on victor's shoulder.
"Okay bye then until we meet again Zilon"
"Sure until next time" Zilon said.
"Come on victor , let's go"
"Sigh, fine but I won't let you off so easily next time you loser" victor spat.
And Zilon looked at him with an angry expression,if there was one thing he dislikes then it was to get insulted a loser, he can't count how many times he has received them but it sting him anytime he heard.
"Sure and I won't be beaten that easily too" no loud comments but it was a clear message.
Because of how abrupt Zilon looked at Victor he managed to catch avaron looking at him with the corner of his eyes.
Zilon smiled as he confirmed his earlier thoughs.
Looking around him people have scattered and continued to mind there business.
The groups of two consisting of avaron and victor have also left two.
The only one standing was .
"I hope your alright" the man asked with concern.
"Thanks for your help earlier,I would have been roasted by now,I am feeling much better now" Zilon said as he smiled back for the man's genuine concern.
Zilon could tell that there are some who are still observing him which means there are not up to any good.
"Can you walk me home please,I seem to have lost my way home" Zilon said hoping that it will work.
The man already had the intention of following Zilon,not to harm him but because he was also observing the area as that was what his job demanded from him.
So naturally he could see that there are people who clearly did not have good intentions,so following him was the only option for him to confirm his safety.
"Sure " the man said.
"Oh mister can I know your name please" Zilon inquired with a respectful tone.
"Hmm, my name is Rivor Alford, one of the commanders in charge of the town's west protection and security, it's a pleasure to meet you Zilon miruba"