Chapter 16

Loki, Sif, Fandral, Thor and Vanar gathered outside the cottage waiting for Boda to emerge, Loki kneeling before Vanar.

"Your mother and I are returning to the palace to speak with my father," Loki informed him.

"When will you be back?" Vanar asked anxiously.

"I'm not certain. Your uncle will remain–" Loki began before Sif interrupted him.

"Your father wishes him to accompany you as well," Sif informed him, Loki rising, confused, turning to face her.

"For what reason?"

"I have never had cause to question the command of my king," Sif replied haughtily.

"I'm going with you?" asked Vanar.

"It appears so," Loki said.

"In that case I'll join you as well," Thor said as Sif turned her attention to the cottage.

"It has never taken me so long to prepare for the day," Sif griped.

Loki stepped away from the others towards the cottage. He had only traversed a few feet when the door opened, Boda stepping out, closing the door behind her. Loki froze, staring in awe at the honey blond woman wearing the powder blue dress from the wardrobe, her hair carefully coiffed, her fair skin glowing with health, radiating an uncomplicated, simple beauty.

"My father will have no choice but to grant a full pardon," Loki said quietly to Boda with a grin as he offered her his arm, escorting her to join the others.

"Are we ready?" Fandral asked, Sif neglecting to wait for anyone's answer, turning and heading in the direction of the shore where a skiff sat waiting in the sand.

"After you," Loki said, gesturing for Boda to go before him.

Reaching the skiff, Fandral and Sif entered, Thor lifting Vanar, handing him off to Fandral.

"Why is Vanar-" Boda began.

"My father requested that he join us," Loki answered before Boda could finish, Boda appearing troubled though she remained silent.

As Sif and Thor seated themselves, Loki and Boda followed suit, Vanar in Boda's lap as she wrapped her arms around him. Fandral piloted the skiff off the shore over the water.

"Do you recall when you brought me the goblet, the song that was playing that reminded me of you?" Boda asked Loki, Loki opening his mouth to reply aloud when he realized her voice had originated from within his mind, glancing over, noticing the bracelet on her wrist.

"What of it?" Loki asked with his own thoughts.

"I've thought of another. It's called The Name of the Game. What's the name of yours?" asked Boda.

"I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about."

"There's always a game with you."

"Why did you accept my proposal if you believed it to be insincere?" Loki asked, perturbed.

"I didn't," Boda responded.

"You told them you did."

"You put me on the spot. What was I supposed to do? You'll have to let me in on it eventually, preferably before the bullets start flying."

"You'll find no bullets flying in Asgard," Loki replied.

"Once you've pulled off your scheme, I'm sure you'll offer me something...and it better be claim I just became aware of my condition and wish to release you so you may find another who won't go mad and try to kill you."

"In my experience, madness isn't necessary," Loki quipped, "I have no need for an exit strategy."

"You expect me to believe that you, Loki Odinson, would sacrifice your precious freedom to marry someone you don't love?" Boda asked incredulously.

"When did I say I didn't?"

"When did you say you did?" Boda asked in reply, Loki silent within Boda's mind for a moment.

"As I wasn't prepared to make promises before...I've...I've never said it to anyone…my mother, but that's different…"

Loki reached over to Boda's wrist encircled with the bracelet as she remained with her arms around Vanar seated in her lap, touching the bracelet, utilizing his magic to release the clasp as he removed it from her wrist. Boda examined Loki's face, puzzled, as Loki spoke aloud.

"I love you," Loki said before kissing her as Vanar looked on, pleased, though it was obvious from Sif's expression she didn't share the same sentiment.

"Better late than never," Boda responded with a smile.

"I think I may be sick," Sif grumbled, disgusted.

"If you'd be so kind as to assess the direction of the wind first," Fandral responded as he continued to pilot the skiff as they crossed over the water, nearing the palace.

"By the way, Fandral, I have a gift for you. I acquired it in Midgard," Loki said as he returned the bracelet to Boda's wrist.

"Obviously that wasn't all you acquired," Sif said sarcastically.

"What happens to be the occasion or should I simply ask what it is you want?" Fandral asked cynically.

"Do you recall our adventure in Midgard some time ago?" Loki asked.

"I remember our departure and return. What transpired in between is a bit hazy."

"The man who I noticed was sketching you in the tavern?" asked Loki, Fandral appearing thoughtful.

"You gave me a notebook and told me to sketch him as he was sketching me. I suppose it was more amusing when I was drunk."

"I've recently learned his identity, a mortal by the name of Manet. He was an artist of some renown. Of course he's long dead now,"

"I can't imagine devoting years of one's life to learning a skill only to have such a short time in which to utilize it. If I ever so displeased your father he would give me the choice between exile to Midgard as a mortal or the axe, I'd lay my head on the block willingly," Fandral said before noticing the pained expression that had come over Boda's face at his words, "Though I suppose Midgard has some redeeming qualities."

"Music…chocolate..." said Boda, "Despite their short lifespans they could accomplish far more than they have but they lack leadership to ensure peace and order. They murder and war with each other over trifles…the color of one's skin, where one happened to be born, who one loves…"

Fandral landed them near the entrance to the palace, he and Sif and Thor exiting the skiff, Boda handing Vanar to Thor as Loki followed his brother, assisting Boda.

"Considering the change in circumstances, your father has mandated that we remain in pairs within the palace as well as outside when not in our chambers, nor are we to admit anyone to them unaccompanied," Fandral advised.

"Change of circumstances? What's changed?" Boda asked Loki telepathically as they started towards the palace, Fandral, Sif and Thor leading the way, Loki, Vanar, and Boda following, Vanar between them holding their hands.

"Aware he was no match for me, after the coward fled, by employing a clever ruse Dario was able to infiltrate the palace," Loki answered with his thoughts.

"Why did your father request Vanar to come with us? What if it's a trap?" Boda asked, suspicious.

"Usually I say everything could be a father is rarely alone outside his chambers under normal circumstances. He wouldn't negotiate with the likes of Dario or this Erebus."

"He negotiated with Laufey instead of ending the Jotuns when he had the chance."

"My father would never use an Asgardian's life as a bargaining chip, even a criminal's."

"As much as you grouse about your father, sometimes I think you actually admire him," Boda said to Loki's chagrin.

"Hardly. As Midgard has music and chocolate, my father has a few redeeming qualities, which I suppose is true of most anyone. Dario dresses well. Judging from his office his good taste extends to interior design."

"Don't tell me you find him attractive."

"Don't be ridiculous. I've never been attracted to bulls. I find their coat rather coarse. Horses on the other hand..." Loki said, grinning, though the conversation was inaudible to anyone else.

"Where did mortals come up with those stories?" asked Boda.

"I can't say but perhaps in that instance it may have been inspired by another bet between my brother and I that I lost during a visit to Midgard with our father when we were younger," Loki answered.

"You didn't..."

"Heavens no! I kissed it, nothing more," Loki assured her.

"On the lips?" asked Boda.

"If only my brother had been so side of the equation," Loki said, obviously still discomforted by the experience.

"Anyway...speaking of fathers," Boda said, changing the subject, quiet for a moment as if unsure if she should ask the question that she had been pondering since the evening before, "Did my father say anything at his end?"

"No, he didn't ask me to look after you. What I told you before was true. His end was swift. He didn't suffer," Loki replied.

"Unlike my mother," Boda responded.

"We'll visit the healer before we see my father. It's natural you would be fearful of such a thing. It's likely you're fretting over nothing."

"What if you're wrong?"

"Then I suppose we'll have to request they cut our meat for us in the kitchen before serving it as knives will be conspicuously absent at our table," Loki replied as the guards opened the doors of the palace as they reached them.


After a short detour to Loki's chambers to give Fandral his gift, the warrior receiving it and examining it with great interest, and after leaving Vanar in the care of Thor, Boda now lay once again on the soul forge. With a wave of her hand the healer erased all but the head of Boda's projection, enlarging and studying the image of the brain within it.

"I see nothing to indicate the presence of the condition your mother suffered," the healer said as she continued to examine the image hovering over Boda.

"It's as I told you, only silly dreams," Loki said to Boda with a reassuring smile.

"That's strange..." the healer said, with a tone and expression of puzzlement and concern, Loki and Boda both turning their attention to her.

"What is it?" both Loki and Boda asked simultaneously.

"The area of the brain where memories are stored…the imprint signatures…it's as if a few have been overwritten. I almost didn't notice..."

"Could it have been caused by the eitr?" asked Loki.

"Eitr primarily affects emotion and impulse control, reasoning ability, personality, not memory."

"My mother lost her memory as well. She didn't remember anyone or anything by the end," said Boda.

"I'm aware. I treated her," the healer replied.

"You?" Boda asked in surprise.

"At the King's request."

"Will it progress?" asked Loki.

"I'm not certain. I'll need to study the scan further, compare them to those done previously…though considering you've been away from Asgard for some time…" the healer explained.

"You'll have nothing recent to compare them to," Boda finished.

"It may be impossible to pinpoint when it started, to assess any progression if there's no signs in the scans from before your…departure." the healer explained as the image above Boda vanished, Boda sitting up.

"What can be done?" asked Loki.

"Until I know more, nothing."

"Thank you…for your care of my mother," said Boda to the healer.

"I did all that I could for her, though it was no more than any competent healer could have done. I'm sorry that I couldn't do more."


"I forgot Wolfie," Vanar said sadly as he sat on the chaise in Loki's chambers as Thor stood in front of the bookshelf having offered to read him a story as his toys had been relocated to the cottage.

"I'm afraid there's little here that would appeal to a boy your age…" Thor said as he scanned the titles on the shelf, coming across the magazine Loki had tucked in between two books on the top shelf, out of curiosity pulling it out and glancing at it, an expression of shock and discomfort crossing his face before quickly returning it to its place, "...or is appropriate…Who needs books when you have a good memory? I'll tell you a story my mother told me when I was your age," Thor said as he turned from the bookshelf, starting towards the chaise.

Thor froze as the sound of a chime filled the room, the God of Thunder looking warily towards the door, holding his arm out, Mjolnir flying from beside the chaise into his grip.

"Stay where you are," Thor told Vanar.

Walking to the door, Thor opened it cautiously to see two einherjar standing outside it.

"The King wishes to speak with the boy," one of the einherjar informed Thor.

"I'll see him to–" Thor began.

"You are to remain here," the einherjar interrupted.

"Under the circumstances I believe I–" Thor said before again finding himself interrupted.

"I will see him there," Frigga said as she approached, two einherjar on either side of her, to stand behind the two einherjar outside the door of Loki's chambers who turned to face her, bowing their heads in respect and assent.

"The king awaits him in the vault," the einherjar informed Frigga before both einherjar turned, making their way down the corridor.

Vanar rose as Frigga stepped into Loki's chambers, the einherjar escorting her remaining in the corridor.

"Vanar, come with me," Frigga said to the boy with a smile as she held out her hand, Vanar crossing the room and taking it.