Both Sides Stupid Plan

"If a father is involved. Then there is a high rate that my mother is still alive. She is the thorned mother in the Philippines, after all." Zina explained her opinion to Clarrie.

And Clarrie was focused on Zina's temper that she even ignored the whole point of Zina's sentence, "You are not angry at me, Princess?"

"To tell you truthfully, I am angry, but it does not mean I have to show it to you when I am still in pain Clarrie. So do you still think I should get angry at this moment?"

"No, not necessary, Princess. Sorry for my incompetence." Clarrie bowed her head, and Zina ordered her to raise her head.

"It would be unfair to you if I kept a secret about my plan to cancel my engagement with the Crown Prince."

"Princess, I will continue serving and listening to whatever you may say and ask me to do. But please be mindful that the consequences will be complicated as you choose, and I can only protect you physically but not mentally."

"Even if I make you use my identity?"

An awkward moment from Carrie made Zina smile. "Certainly," Clarrie said with no hint of doubt.

Clarrie stood up from the chair, performing a vow and wishing Zina good health. Clarrie was such a beautiful name for a charming individual.


"Come in, General."

General Julius was loud enough to be heard by the Crown Prince, who was now writing a letter mentioning Sultan Jaar while his messenger remained to wait outside the study room.

Meanwhile, the physician was heading out, but before that, he bowed his head as he passed by General Julius.

"You needed me to be here." General Julius half kneeled his left leg together with his head bowing down as he reached the standpoint of where the Crown Prince was seen.

"Finally, you are here, General Julius. I did not even understand everything the physician was trying to say. Care to discuss the effects on her, the future Crown Princess?" The Crown Prince said while he put the brush back into its holder before placing the letter above the buildup of folders.

General Julius' kept his half kneel position intact while he used his baritone voice to express doubts about the Future Crown Princess as the Crown Prince listened to his answer.

"The Future Crown Princess is a handful, and the physician could testify as a witness if you want some proof, Crown Prince Zhang Wei."

"She is still starting her youthful years, probably the first time for her to see a different place." Zhang Wei kept his expression hidden as he gradually chewed on his bottom lip. He defended the Future Crown Princess since they were going to get married. Even if he does not know her, he must learn to be a reliable husband.

"Over the past few years of searching for a good match for you, Crown Prince, this Crown Princess Zina Foster—she does not qualify to run a nation." Zhang Wei would lose money. Along with the horses for a prosperous and peaceful trade, it will reduce food for his people. And if he marries Crown Princess Zina Foster, she would absorb the environment to consume a new uneasiness. He was regularly arranging meetings in his hands or hunting to extend his skills as a learner. Still, as soon as he learned the difference between engagement and knowing the Crown Princess's character, he would like to know the side of the Crown Princess and what was behind the cause it. Since she would come to meet him in the following days, he should act gentler. And he was tapping his hands on the table until General Julius noticed it.

Crown Prince Zhang Wei's eyes were grinning with eagerness and appeared persistent.

"Let's trade,"


Zhang Wei coolly inhaled as he finished organizing his things besides the table. Then, he stood up and ordered General Julius to stop kneeling and lowering his head. General Julius moved his half-knelt knee first, then the other, to stand up straight perfectly without shaking. With practice, he was at ease. However, the Crown Prince ignored his question until he finally discussed the benefits necessary for General Julius, and some of the Crown Prince's reasons belonged to valid points.

General Julius was unbelievably staring at the Crown Prince; if somebody saw it, he would be punished with fifty-five lashes. So he measured the Crown Prince's reaction to know if he was being serious or just for fun.

"I want to trade my name for yours."

"Because you wanted to know more about the Crown Princess?"

"Exactly on point, and yes. Quick answer General."

"Crown Prince, if someone else finds out about this trade, death will be waiting for me."

"No one can kill you when I am still alive."

"I should not have stated my opinion about the Future Crown Princess," General Julius mumbled, but Crown Prince Zhang Wei heard him.

"It is a deal!" Zhang Wei declared.

General Julius glanced but somewhat, keeping respect towards Crown Prince Zhang Wei.

"We can switch names, but Crown Prince, what about our faces? The Future Crown Princess already saw me."

"You think I suggest things with no action? I have already asked the best fake face maker in this area. Do not worry, it is just the same as a mask. I made sure it would not be uncomfortable and hot."

"But why? Is there a suspicious person trying to take your life? You never have the slightest idea about fake faces nor the makers of them." General Julius curiously said. He was clueless.

There was nothing Crown Prince Zhang Wei could do to keep himself alive as long as he could.

"Wise General Julius as ever. Mainly, I wanted to see who the new people assigned to the port of Pampanga were because I had just heard they released some enslaved people, and there was no news about Sultan Jaar's visit here. Still, it is a good idea for me to be closer to the Princess."

"Crown Prince, if the Princess finds out, she would not be able to accept it. It can put at risk your engagement."