The Reason of Killing

"How many people know that Sultan Jaar and General Julius are good friends?"

The female worker responded quickly. "A few guests only because General Julius sometimes left in a hurry at some parties. It is understandable since he has too many things to settle for one General loyal to you, Crown Prince."

Fortunately, most of the moments were already a substantial assembly that could cover up his plans because there was no witness. A thought that runs into General Julius' skull.

"Anyway, General Julius, Crown Prince Zhang Wei," The female worker bowed at them and continued her speech, "There are things that I have to do in the port. I will leave now. Thank you for your time."

When the female worker stepped out of the room, General Julius peeked out his head while pushing the door, and he just needed to make sure that nobody was snooping. "General Julius, you did an outstanding job shutting Sultan Jaar's life down."

General Julius gradually closed the door after realizing that no one was there. Everything was clear before he replied to Crown Prince Zhang Wei, "Sultan Jaar has to ruin many families marked by humiliations. However, if he continues to live well while growing older each day, we cannot stop him once everything is known."

"What do you mean by once everything will be known, General? Is it possible that you meant that he is not alone in selling enslaved people, forcing them into prostitution, and some are being raped and killed? Because I already knew that, I have listed down their names."

"As what I also expected from you, Crown Prince Zhang Wei. I have to be honest about Sultan Jaar's age; he is forty-five but acts like all the people who served him are pawns in his chess game. Greatly, he deserved to die."

"General, you are right; the forty-five years are making Sultan Jaar's arrogance disappear along with the wind. A predator like him learned the art of pretense; some days, in the past, as I studied his actions, he was good at holding back a sinister plan of enslaving people; well, it might sound good for the others that he helped them. Still, behind that performance, countless lives have been sacrificed. And I bet you already know this. However, if someone did witness how close you were with Sultan Jaar, his people will see you as a traitor, and you will be bringing down the rear principles that you fought hard for. You will surely be imprisoned."

"And why would I be scared with that Crown Prince? We have a deal to keep."

"I am aware of our deal. But, of course, you cannot back down with that, but we should solve one problem before the other."

"Then, how about we just both enjoy the show? Reaper has already been reserved for me in the end."

To General Julius' surprise, Crown Prince Zhang Wei quickly heaves a small yet pointy silver needle that has a size of a toothpick using his left hand, aiming at him. General Julius stood still near the doorway. He did not fear getting hit by anything in his eyes or skin and looked willing enough. Crown Prince Zhang Wei, who was smirking, had an above-average height for a man, five feet and ten inches tall. Compared to General Julius, whose size was only five feet and seven inches tall, on average. But there was something in common between them; their eye colors were almost the same, Julius had dark chocolate brown, and Zhang Wei had light chocolate brown. And the people who could notice their personalities would dislike them at first glance; it was part of human nature that immediate sensation required a smaller amount of logic besides having an extra thing to do with their characters. Both of them had been friends since their childhood stages began. After years of serving Zhang Wei, they killed many people like Sultan Jaar and relied upon their judgments when searching for a sinner, a tormenter.

On the other hand, they almost search broadly for amity and righteousness. So, no one could come tainting their reputations. Nevertheless, they have things going on further at one juncture, and Zhang Wei would always throw needles at Julius when he potentially gave out a negative phrase that could be a source of losing the game, simply because it can attract the world and bounce it back.

"General, I must remind you again that nobody could and can kill you as long as I am alive." Zhang Wei recapped his friend, General Julius, as he slowly stared at the ground. "I will be the one to kill you, and only I can end you." Julius heard Zhang Wei; clearly, he had studied him for some time. Either the tables will turn, or they do not need a reason to leave what they were up for.

Oddly, they did not look like they planned to leave the room.

Chilling, but then again, they are not enemies; they are friends meant for all that.


Clarrie opened her eyes and saw Princess Zina smiling at her after she recited the vows to protect her. It was Clarrie's choice to make the vows because when she plans on doing things related to the Princess, her vows are also part of the reason that was keeping her alive.

"It is hard to find you. Somebody has wiped off the traces from the incident. It could be connected to your father, Princess." Clarrie whispered, with her judgments downhearted. "Still, I thank the Gods because I finally found you. I must serve you well on this day, and I do not want to lose you, Princess. You are my only family."

"Do not worry, dear Clarrie; I must remain firm."

Princess Zina's words made Clarrie contented while she kept on nodding her head in agreement.

Princess Zina, however, squeaked once more in pain because she could not call to mind that her health also matters.