Chapter 1


"Hi! Fiona! Twenty years old!"

That was what I first uttered when I met Cliff one rainy afternoon.


It was supposed to be a bright sunny day at the Tulane University campus. So I wore my cheerful dress and put on a pair of chic doll shoes. But then, the Louisiana weather forecast on my smartphone must have epic-failed again and now the whole afternoon got my pretty shoes all soaking wet in the rain.

And did I forget to mention that I haven't brought an umbrella? Oh, daaarn it! How would I ever get enough of this wet season?! Why couldn't this climate be any friendlier?!

About the university I was enrolled in...

Tulane University is one of the renowned learning institutions in the country. So, yes, here on our huge campus lies a big dining hall (like a food court), a café, two fine dining establishments, and thirteen outdoor food stalls.

There were also several on-campus housing options. Well-off students can choose between single or double-room dormitories, studios, and apartment-style housing. But in my case, I preferred to rent a nearby two-storey apartment outside the campus.

I was walking along the pathway to the Bruff, the main dining hall on campus. My hair was all damp from the sudden heavy downpour. And to think that I had it treated to a salon rebond just yesterday. Bad trip!

Then I felt the onset of flu rising in the depths of my sickly being. I was clearly shivering in the cold! That was why I badly needed to get my hands on a cup or two of hot coffee. If only I did not have class in an hour, I would have gone back to the comforts of my apartment by now.

I was hugging myself, looking downwards, and walking fast. I could not care less about the people I was passing by. I was just walking and walking and walking until...

"Aww!" I whimpered when my unsuspecting forehead bumped into an iron post. My body swayed off balance and I felt my butt hit the concrete pavement with a painful thud. Unbelievable? No. Embarrassing? You bet!

Confused, I looked up and about and realized that I bumped into someone who seemed to have no clue where he was going. His forehead was in a crease and his eyes scanned the area around him. He looked just as confused as I was. Then his eyes darted down at me. I immediately looked away and started to move.

The bypassing students stopped and stared for seconds when they witnessed what happened. I overheard mumbled snickers and gasps from some of them before they resumed trudging along the path. My cheeks flamed red in embarrassment. How awkward was that?

I heaved a heavy sigh and moved to be on my feet again. When I reached for my backpack, a hand suddenly touched my arm. To my surprise, he assistedly propped me back up as if I was a fallen mannequin. Then he voluntarily reached out for my backpack and handed it to me without a word.

I looked up and then I saw him. I stand at five feet three inches but he was taller than me by probably eight inches more. His worried smoky gray eyes were fixed on me. And I just gazed back up at him... speechless and breathless. Why not? He looked dashing! And when he smiled, he had the cutest dimple on his left cheek!

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Hi! Fiona! Twenty years old," I suddenly uttered absentmindedly.

I bit my lower lip in embarrassment when I realized what just came out of my mouth. It was not the answer I had in mind for his question, but somehow I felt glad to have finally found my voice back.

I saw him raise a brow. He was probably surprised at my hasty self-introduction instead of answering his question out of courtesy. Heck, even I was surprised at my own answer! My name AND age? Seriously, Fiona?

"And, uhm, yeah, I-uhm, I'm alright," I said with a nod and a hesitant smile.

I silently prayed that it was not yet too late to give a proper answer to his question. I helplessly bit my lower lip again for the awkwardness I felt at that very moment.

He heaved a sigh of relief and chuckled a bit. And then my heart skipped a beat as I looked at him. I was suddenly thankful that I do not have diabetes. I swear! That dimple causes a major sugar rush!

"I'm glad! You look kinda lost. A bit pale. And you're not exactly dressed for the weather," he said.

As I concentrated on listening to him, I realized that he spoke differently. There was an obvious trace of a foreign Hispanic accent in his tone as he spoke. Honestly, I'd say it suited him very well. I found myself wanting to listen to him more.

"I know... Well, thank you for helping. It's a bit awkward but I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Are you sure you're okay? I mean, I saw your head hit the iron post and—"

"I'm, I'm okay! I promise! I know my beauty points decreased a fraction but I'm alright. I'm fine. My forehead hurts a tiny bit, the brain's a little foggy, but it's no big deal. Haha!"

My blabbering cut the rest of whatever embarrassing thing HE was going to say next. And then I bit my lower lip harder this time to stop whatever embarrassing thing I was going to say next.

He nodded in agreement. I thought I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes. Did he just secretly laugh at me?

"I'm Cliff... Clifford Castellanos at your service. BioMed student... and, uhm, twenty-two years old," he said, extending his hand for a firm handshake. Finally! He introduced himself!

"Fiona... Fiona Bell. Economics student," I answered as I accepted his handshake. Holy moly! Why on earth did I even tell him my age?!

"Wow! Suena como una flor en primavera," he uttered in a low voice, but what he said did not escape my ears.

"Excuse me? Sorry, I did not understand that," I said with an inquiring look. All I knew was that it was obviously Spanish!

"Your name sounds like a flower in spring," he said with a nonchalant smile.

What? Was that a translation? I could not think of a reply to what he said so I just gave a sheepish smile. When all else fails, look stupid... right?

"Are you going to the dining hall? You look like you'd need three cups of coffee," he went on when I remained smiling without an answer. Ugh! Was I that obvious?

"Oh yeah, I am," I said, suddenly remembering where I was initially headed off to in such a rush. I WAS feeling cold so I needed coffee... Pronto!

"So, bella (beautiful), mind sharing a cup of coffee with this transfer student? And, please, I'd really appreciate a FREE campus tour guide. But, of course, only if... if it's fine with you."

I stopped to think for a second. He looked at me with a puppy-eyed expression. I got trapped in his charm, I didn't have a choice. Oh, really now, Fiona? I mean... he helped me up a while ago, yes? So I'll just pay him a debt of gratitude. Gladly!

"Sure! Why not? If you insist, I can tour you in the whole Louisiana state," I cheerfully agreed with a smile. Hot damn! I sure would not mind being friends with the latest transferee in town. What a dashing discovery!

He laughed a bit. Wait, what if he's able to read my thoughts? Shut up!

"Thank you! So, after you," he said.

He extended a hand sideways and motioned for me to go first. I proceeded to walk, suddenly self-conscious knowing that he was walking right behind me.

Just like that, he brightened my supposedly gloomy, rainy afternoon.

It was nice having coffee with Cliff. He was so fun to talk to. I felt comfortable with him. He exuded a light casual vibe that could make anyone build rapport with him immediately. I even wondered if he was my best friend in a past life!

He talked about a lot of things. We easily got to know each other in just a short span of time. It was not even an hour yet since we started talking. He was that conversational! And who was I to decline a chitty chat from a dashing creature like him?

I learned that he and his family just migrated from Barcelona, Spain three days ago.

"Pero mi hermano menor... Uhm, but my younger brother chose to stay in Barcelona to finish his studies there. Maybe he does not want to say goodbye to his friends or our relatives. He's more on the sentimental side," he said, slightly clearing his throat when he remembered that he should be talking in English.

I simply nodded while listening. Really! How unusual and oddly refreshing it was to converse with a guy who liked to do all the talking for once. Oh, he's a chatterbox, this one! My! I could listen to him all day like a good Kindle audiobook!

His father's a Spanish doctor while his mother's an American chef. His family now lived next door to his Aunt's house in Alexandria, LA.

Wanting to start some sort of independence as a young adult, he decided to go his separate way. So he traveled to New Orleans to continue his studies at Tulane University, which was several miles away from their current family residence. He availed himself in the school's on-campus residences. He chose one of the apartment-style housing options.

"Tulane's School of Medicine almost has the same curriculum as my previous university in Barcelona. Admission was smooth; I did not have any trouble. Credited with almost all of the subjects that I already finished in Barcelona," he said.

"That's good! At least you won't have to start as a freshman again," I replied.


"So you also availed of the dormitory here on campus?"

"Nope. I chose apartment housing. Dormitories can get so noisy. I think I will not be able to concentrate if I need to read or study. And I'm strict on privacy so no roommates for me."

I agree. I found myself nodding at what he said. And then I told him that I live in an apartment outside the campus. And that I did not avail of the university housing amenities...

"... So that I can enjoy peace and quiet on my own, away from my loud friends whenever I want to," I said, laughing a bit at the thought of my friends.

He laughed at my last statement. Those dimples again!

"If that's the case, your friends sound like they're a lot of fun," he said.

"Yes, they are, but there are times when I crave some alone time, especially when I need to focus on school stuff or on my freelance digital work ko, but they just won't stop bugging me. I mean I love them for always being there but, hey, come on, it's not like I'm in the mood for fun and games all the time," I said while laughing.

"Yeah! I get what you mean. I wonder what your friends are really like," he said with a chuckle.

"Oh! We're now in the same university so I believe you'll meet them one of these days. You'll see what I mean."

"Really? That would be fun! I mean I have plenty of time to meet people and new friends now that I am settled on campus."

"I promise you'll love it here. This is a nice campus. You won't regret it."

"I know. I'm beginning to see that," he said as he stared at me intently.

Did I hint something different in his tone with the way he said his last statement? Maybe. But then, I chose not to pay any heed to it when I heard the alarm tone of my phone. I took out the device from my bag and tapped the stop option on the screen.

"Sorry, I set an alarm on my phone so I won't be late for my next class. I hate to leave you but I'll have to go now," I said apologetically.

"It's okay. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? Can you find your way on this big campus? I'm really sorry."

"Yeah! Estaré bien. (I'll be fine.) Thank you for spending some time with me."

"Alright. I promise I'll get back to you next time. I'll be your tour guide on campus."

"Bueno! (Nice!) I will look forward to that promise. So, I guess I'll see you around then... Can I have your phone number to contact you for my campus tour? Whenever you're free, of course," he said.

"Oh, right! The tour," I said and laughed.

I pulled out a sticky note from my backpack, quickly scribbled my contact details, and then handed it to him. He gladly accepted it right away.

I stood up and frantically arranged my things back into my backpack. When I faced him again, I caught him looking amused while watching my every move. Was he secretly laughing at me again? Hmm...

"It was nice meeting you, Cliff," I said with a smile.

I was surprised when he got up and reached out for my hand. Then he bent down slightly and gave the back of my hand a subtle kiss. Planet Earth almost stopped revolving because of what he did! That gesture still exists in this day and age? O.M.G.!

"Mucho gusto (Pleasure)," he said as he straightened up and gently let go of my hand.

"Uhm... Hasta pronto (See you soon)!" I said, silently hoping that my basic Spanish lessons during freshman were still neatly stored in my beautiful brain.

I smiled in relief when he motioned for me to go. And I therefore conclude that he's a gentleman. Alright! Chivalry's not dead!

My mind was totally out of the classroom while the professor was discussing the lesson at the small stage in front. I was silently counting the minutes until class dismissal. One last class and then I'd be out for the day.

Class ended at last! I immediately took out my phone and checked for text messages. A smile escaped my lips when I saw four notifications.

"Text back if you're free," read the first message. It was sent by an unknown number.

The other three messages were from my friends. They're all asking what time I'd be able to meet them up later.

"Need 2 study. C u Friday nyt," I texted back to one of my friends.

I did not send a reply to the others because the three of them were always hanging out together anyway. They were classmates in all their subjects. I was the only one who enrolled in a different course. #SquadGoalFail

I had a feeling right that the first text message was from Cliff. Who else would it be? All the contact numbers of my family and friends were already saved on my phone. Cliff was the only new acquaintance to who I gave my number.

I saved Cliff's number as a new phone contact. And then I placed the device back into my bag. Yes, assumptions are bad, I know! But he's the one who texted me, I can feel it!

Tempting as it could be, I held back the urge to reply to the text message. Studies first, flirt later. Yeah, flirt later. I mean... WHAT???

I stopped walking and bit the corner of my lower lip.

I mean... It's not bad to be friendly and hospitable to the new guy on campus, right? I mean... the new Spanish eye candy on campus. Scratch that thought, Fiona! Don't be too accommodating! Damn his dimple!

Seriously, though, I needed to go to the library to finish working on my pending research project. I was still halfway through the whole process but it seemed like I would not be able to concentrate anymore.

Focus, Fiona! ... Well, maybe I could meet my dashing new friend when I'm free sooner or later. What could he possibly be doing by now? Could he be thinking about what I'm doing right now, too? ... Hold it right there, Fiona! You can't be that comfy already to a guy you just met!

I cleared a lump in my throat at my last thought. Where did that lump come from? After a few seconds, I inhaled and then hid a controlled smile.

'Alright, library, here I come,' I said to myself then proceeded to the venue.

I was busy burying my nose in a big chunky book. I tried hard to concentrate on writing down notes. I was preoccupied for minutes until I noticed at the corner of my eye that someone just sat on the chair next to me by my right-hand side.

I wanted to pay no attention to whoever the heck sat beside me unannounced. I wanted to focus undisturbed on my research and note-taking. But then, I got this harrowing feeling that someone's eyes were watching me. I put down my pen and turned to face the stranger. And then I saw him!

"Bella (Beautiful)! Como te va (How are you doing)?" he asked.

What? Oh, he missed me already? Sweet!

He asked how I was doing. But of course, I did not understand it at that time.

The sight of him immediately made me smile. I swear! I could not stop myself from suddenly smiling when I saw him. It was like an instinct!

Then I remembered that I sent no reply to his anonymous text message.

"Cliff! Sorry. Sorry, I forgot to reply to your message. As you can see now, I'm preoccupied with research work," I explained.

Well, I knew I did not really have to explain that to him but I still did... out of courtesy, I guess.

"It's fine. I can help you. What do you need me to do?" he offered.

"Really? Did I hear you right? You want to help me overcome this boring and tedious task?" I asked.

Most guys I had known would usually scurry out fast as a lightning bolt when asked to help on heavily-texted school stuff. So I was utterly surprised when this chatterbox of a guy voluntarily offered to help with my research. Oh well, I do not have the strength to reject his proposal.

"Yes, of course. I have nothing to do at the moment. Might as well help a damsel in distress," he proudly said.

I laughed a little bit louder, then immediately covered my mouth when I remembered that we were still in the library, a place where silence has always been a virtue.

"I haven't told anyone else... but I'm kinda smart and I research fast," he playfully whispered.

"Okay... Well, if you insist, I sure could use a knight in shining armor," I played along even though he was not really insisting on anything.

"Just knight, no shining armor, we're not in a cosplay or costume party," he said and then winked.

I covered my mouth with the back of my hand to suppress my laughter.

After an hour of book flipping and tiresome note-taking, we were finally able to reach a conclusive summary for the whole research paper.

Cliff was not kidding; he was really one smart and fast researcher! He was able to find ways how to shorten the whole process. I had no idea what magical powers he used but he clearly knew which books to look into and that made things a whole lot easier, smoother, and faster.

"Wow! I am impressed! I just got myself an excellent research buddy," I said. I stared at him with a very wide smile of appreciation on my face.

I watched him as he closed the books we used, stacked them up, and prepared to put them back on the shelves where we took them out. He looked at me and chuckled.

"I just helped you so we can get on with the campus tour," he said.

"Really? That's a shame! I was planning to treat you out to dinner for being my research buddy," I said. Of course, I needed to thank him. He deserves a treat! Oh, come on, Fiona! He is not a dog!

"Now, dinner treat, that I won't decline. Señorita, I am honored to help the damsel in distress," he said.

"Sounds good! Let's get those books back on the shelves now so we can go and eat. God, I'm starving," I said.

I stood up to help him carry the stack of books. But then he motioned for me to sit back down. And like a remote-controlled robot, I sat back down.

"These books are quite heavy. I can take them all back to the shelf. The damsel in distress can just sit down," he said and winked.

"No kidding, knight with no armor!" I said with hushed laughter. "Well, your help is very much appreciated. Dinner and campus tour on the house!"

Dinner went on as smoothly as the coffee we shared earlier that afternoon. He really was so easy to talk to. I could tell that we instantly became good friends. Oh, my friends will be so jealous! I got myself a new best friend! Just like that!

And most of all, he was such a gentleman! The only thing left for him to do was to hold my hand as we walked side by side. But then, it was something he never did... no matter how I earnestly prayed for it in secret. Do not press your luck that fast, girl!

Oh well... There I go again. Why am I becoming like this? I'm used to interacting with the hunks on campus... but why does this one particular creature have a different effect on me? Are those really butterflies in my stomach? Is this a sugar rush? This is new to me!

No more than friendship, Fiona.

He seemed like a really nice guy, the kind that you should not be messing with in any way. Or maybe... Behave it, gurl! Studies first! Gotta stick to the friend zone policy! Interest only breeds chaos. Do not forget what happened before!