Endgame of the Djinn

The group collected themselves as best they could. Hunter did what he could to come back to his professional demeanor. Juliet's attire did not leave much to the imagination though. While in captivity, she was forced to wear this outfit. It was… a distraction in a professional environment but for now, they would have to let it slide. They did not have a change of clothes for her.

The teapot was packed back into the cardboard box where it would be dealt with later. This job was done. They did what they needed and as messy as it was, it was still a success. More and more of the events leading up to the first time they showed up at this shop. They knew what they were doing, they knew what they were there for. The mystery of what they were up against was still there. They did initial interviews not only with the staff but the previous owner who sold it to the shop.

It came from the estate sale from a wealthy traveler who picked it up on their travels. Their family didn't want it so it went up for auction and some poor soul got it. They never released what was inside but they didn't like having it in their home after a while so they sold it for a loss. The shop picked it up adding the story that it was cursed because of the odd feeling that it seemed to give off. Not a single employee wanted to handle it more than once. When weird things started happening, that was when the call went out for help. The contract was issued and Hunter's team was the one to pick it up.

They ran over this information as they went over the debrief on the plane. Hanson was taking extensive notes as his previous ones were gone. There were a lot of assumptions as a lot of evidence was lost, and literally forgotten. They did find out what they were up against with credit going to Juliet. She was the one who pieced together what the being was. Once that was established, they summoned it, and it got to them. Its power was still strong. With no real way to restrain it, they made the deal to play this game. They would have to answer the three questions, be reset to square one, and prove that they were good at their job, not just that this was a fluke. The wager was Juliet against the Djinn's cooperation. They would find out the information again or they would lose their partner.

A high price to say the least but Juliet pushed them to agree. She knew this creature's power and knew they would not be able to take it on in a fight. So she offered herself up willingly and the game began. Hunter and Hanson returned to the office and the game began. The outcome is clear. They beat the game, found Juliet once again, and all came home.

Since the job was officially canceled by the client because of the Djinn's influence, they had to make an unofficial report that would sit in their archives. No payout was issued but no payout was needed. Juliet's return was reward enough.

The meeting on the plane was adjourned but Juliet spoke up before they all left, "Hunter, may I have a word with you?" He agreed to let Hanson take his leave. Juliet's attire was still distracting. Even so, Hunter kept his nose up and eyes with hers. Juliet took a seat on the edge of the table with her hands crossed in her lap. Her face was different, as though she had something heavy on her mind. "Hunter, I know this has been hard on you. I could see what was happening the whole time and you put yourself through some hard times. I saw the damage you put on your body just to try and remember me. Please, going forward, don't put yourself through that kind of abuse. Especially for my sake. That's not what someone in your position should do."

"Juliet, I would…"

She cut him off, "You would do it for any one of your employees. I know. You tell me that all the time when anything happens." She let her smile come through, "I'm not saying that I don't appreciate it, just you shouldn't. And I know you're tired of answering questions but there is one question that you haven't answered. Mine. And I would really like your answer."

Hunter stared. His mind was racked. Juliet pushed herself up from the table, "Maybe you need a refresher. I asked you a question before the Djinn took me. And you told me that when you would return for me that you would give me an answer. A straight answer. An honest answer." Her voice had changed. She was always cheery, and upbeat, with a feeling of optimism. This… was deep. She had to pull these words from a very hard place. She wasn't monotone but she was quiet. Her words carried the weight of hope and want. She needed this answer. Hunter took a deep breath as he straightened himself up, "Juliet, I cannot give you an answer as I promised. I don't remember your question. Things are still scattered but memories are coming back. When I remember your question, I will give you my answer." Tears welled in her eyes. She tried to fight them back but the feeling was too strong.

Without a thought, Hunter wiped away one that had started running down her cheek, "Juliet, I promise. I will give you an answer." She only nodded. She tried her best to collect herself before she left the room. Hanson was in the main room where he could see her come out, turn the corner, and head further back into the plane towards the bedroom. Hunter walked out behind her with a defeated sigh. Hanson kept his nose out of it. He knew that this was not something he would be able to resolve.

By the time they had landed, Juliet was feeling better. They departed the plane to return to the office. Hanson took Juliet home as soon as they had returned. She needed to change, clean up, and be somewhere familiar to relax. The workday wasn't done though! Hanson had to return to work once again to finish up the day. He passed Hunter's office before he heard his name called from within. The lights were off, and the computer screens were black. Except for the little bit of light leaking in from the door, there was no source of light. Even so, there was still the distinct smell of strong alcohol in the room. Hunter kept his back to Hanson but would reach for this glass every now and again. The cold stones would clink as the whole was jostled. "You called, sir?"

He kept them both in silence for a moment. There was a heft sigh, "Hanson, good work on this case. I know I would not have been able to do it without you."

"You're very welcome, sir. Is that all you needed?"

"No. I don't think this job is done just yet. There is one more question that needs an answer."

"What question is that?"

Hunter turned around to face him face to face now. His face was plain, almost angry. "Hanson, I know you and Juliet talk. She told you about what happened on the plane and probably asked you to say nothing about it to me. That's fine. But I'm going to ask the same of you. What I'm about to say does not leave this room, do you understand?"

"I do, sir."

"No, Hanson." He stood up keeping his palms flat on his desk. "Do. You. Understand?"

No response, just a nod from Hanson. Hunter sat back down in the chair keeping himself facing the door where Hanson stood. "I lied to her. I lied to her face. I know what she asked of me and I don't know if I can give her an answer. I know what answer she wants but I don't know if I can give it to her. I also don't know if I can give her the answer she's dreading."

As Hanson was driving Juliet home, she was uncharacteristically quiet. After a few minutes, Hanson spoke to her to break her out of her shell. "Those are a strange selection of clothing." She tried to avoid it but it made her laugh, "Yea, yea they are. He made me wear them while I was trapped in his vessel. He was oddly nice. Anything I wanted, he would provide. He treated me like a queen. Promised that when you failed that he would make sure that I was taken care of. Every day I would ask where you were, what you were doing, and if you had made any progress. He would always tell me that it was as if I was never there. Until a week ago. He started getting nervous. He was jumpy but he tried to lie to me. I knew you were coming for me. I knew you would win."

Hanson kept his face forward on the road but his smile was beaming, "I'm glad you have so much faith in us. I hope that helped provide you with comfort."

"It did. It really did. Before he took me though I pulled Hunter aside."

"I remember this."

"I asked him a question. I know he already had so many that were difficult to answer but I needed it to hold myself together. I… I told Hunter that I have feelings for him and asked him if he did for me as well. But I made him wait until he rescued me." The tears started welling up again, "I thought if he did really care for me that he would pull through. And he did. But he can't remember my question. I may never get my answer."

The air became still again. "Lady Juliet, while I cannot say for certain if he does or does not have deeper feelings for you, I know for certain that you are still someone special to him. He has never gotten this close to someone in a very long time." That was rough comfort for now. The tears were still pouring but she was satisfied. "You always know just what to say." He dropped her off at her apartment letting her borrow a coat he kept in the car to cover herself. He told her that he would push for her to have a few days off before coming back. She nodded before disappearing into her apartment building.

"Hanson!" Hunter barked at his assistant standing before him. "I need your help." He could only smile, "You have been hurt before. I saw what it did to you, sir. This woman has brought you out of that shell you built up and brought out more of who you are once again. I understand your hesitation to open yourself up that much again but this is a decision that I cannot make for you."

"I'm worried about so much. How will it affect the working environment? Will it affect our working relationship? Would it cause problems? Maybe she's been planning this to break free from her bonds."

Hanson nodded, "These are all your concerns and I hear them. You have to ask yourself if it's worth the risk or not. I offer a proposal. Give Lady Juliet a week's vacation to recover. And yourself as well. Relax, think about it, but don't beat yourself up. I can keep things running around here in the meantime. You both need it." It wasn't the straight answer that Hunter was looking for either. But he had a point. "Yea, yea you're right. Some time away would be good." He stood up from his desk taking a deep breath with his stretch. As he passed Hanson he patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you, old friend. I'm sorry to have gotten you caught up in the middle of this."

"Your business is my business, sir. That's our partnership. Sober up and head home."

"Will do."

A few hours and Hunter's car was absent from the parking garage. Hanson put out an email to the staff that their boss was taking some personal time with a small list of items that would need to be addressed in the meantime. Hanson personally took the task of returning the documents back to file storage. It was the least he could do.