Yan Lang loaded his gun, {"Traitors aren't allowed, let alone killing another brother!"}
{"I didn't betray anyone, you all betrayed me."}
{"None betray, only greed come in.."}
{"Thirteenth fold!"}
Bang! The Gun went off, and as the person died, Yan Lang sneered, {"Rat."}
Yan Lang took a broke cloth, and cleaned the gun off, Yan Lang walked away from the alleyway. Placing the gun back in his pocket, Yan Lang walked over to the car, "Yan Lang!"
Yan Lang stopped, and turned around, it was Bing Zhou, "Great General."
"There was a Gunshot reported, I happen to be in the area, otherwise I wouldn't have seen you
at this current time." Yan Lang reported.
Bing Zhou chuckled, "You don't have to be cold towards me, aren't you interested in me to begin with, Major."
{"In your dreams, useless waste."}
Yan Lang looked over, different soldiers were coming, it was Ti Lung's men. From the Southern government, why were they here?
"Major Yan, your under arrest for being a suspected Member of the Revolutionary party." Ti Lung spoke, "Kneel."
Yan Lang kneeled, as he was handcuffed and taken away, and snorted, {"You are naive. Do you think I'm the traitor? Do you realize how much has been embezzled by those bastards loyal to the Islanders?"}
Yan Lang was shoved into a truck, with bars, (These people are accurate for pence, but never soft the right reasons.)
Yan Lang even though he was in handcuffs, was sitting upon three men, the Judge, Jury, and Killer.
"I'm not a traitor." Yan Lang spoke, "Why would the Southern government interfere? In any case, instead of asking myself whether I'm loyal, you should ask the internal chambers if they are embezzling over 20,000 worth of gold."
Jury eyes raised, "So you were investigating them?"
"A drought hit, 5,000 worth was gone and never managed to the city—something was going on." Yan Lang replied, "I couldn't leave them for dead, could I?"
"You don't have any affairs that aren't legal?" Judge inquired.
"What affairs would that be?" Yan Lang inquired.
"Affairs with people you're neither married to nor—of the same gender." Killer explained.
"As far as I'm concerned, that's none of your concerns." Yan Lang leaned a bit forward, "It's never been illegal, to begin with."