Chapter 6

Daniel comes in sporting two black eyes and a sneer to anyone who tries to talk to him, I get curious as to why he got beaten up and who did it.

I can never forget the night he tried to harrass me in my room. My safe haven. I despise his existence even when he ignores me partially when the class starts, but I don't miss the way he is staring at me from the other side of the classroom.

Miss Kayla, our biology teacher, gets in with her usual formal overall attire. I daze off the rest of the class, biology isn't my cup of tea at all. I barely scrape by in quizzes, I place my hand under my chin as I gaze out of the window.

"Miss Lance, am I boring you out of your mind?"


"No, she's just sexually fantasizing about wolves,"

I know that it's too good to be true, Daniel just has to say something and I avert my head to glare at him. The girls and guys look attentively at both of us, sensing a fight ahead.

"The same wolf that gave you these black eyes, right?" I snap, finally reaching my limit. I rarely get like this, but when he assaults me verbally, there is a heavy feeling inside of me that keeps getting stronger, and it stumps me out.

Daniel's face is shocked that I retaliate, which is against my nature, but it gets replaced with wrath as he opens his mouth to spew some bad stuff, but the teacher cuts in. The people around us start to whisper along with each other.

"Class, stop the chatter. Aspen and Daniel, get out of here." Miss Kayla orders, and we both angrily storm out behind each other.

He has a knack for bashing me into walls, I feel a slight sting on the back of my head as he freakishly looks at me before he lets me go easily. I can't figure out what is up with him, but I am relieved that the hallway is empty.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask when he keeps a distance away as if he is living in fear.

He doesn't answer me when he storms out of the school, kicking the lockers on his way. He has some serious anger issues, but it makes me all the more in wonder as to what changed his mind.

I shut my eyes for a moment when my back is against the wall, my hands sticking to the sides as I lull myself internally to get my sanity together, but I feel myself aching to confirm my suspicions if the Arctic wolf really tantalized Daniel or Daniel got into a brawl with humans?

Letting my hair fall down behind my shoulders, I straighten myself up and march towards the cafeteria once I regain my balance from Daniel's hostility.

I trail outside the school to my hill – as I always like call it – and sat on the soft green grass, I lay my legs out and hum to the melodies of nature, usually in my thoughts as I view the cute purple and red flowers.

"Oh wow, what are the odds?" I gawk at the same blonde-curled guy from before. I close my mouth as I detect his casual black shirt with washed pants, he imitates how I sit with crossed arms.

"Oh, um, odd enough?"

He laughs, and my ears redden at the sound. Something on his neck catches my eye, it is almost like a symbolic tattoo, but I don't pester on it, maybe this guy is a tattoo lover of some sort. I hate jumping to conclusions, every person is entitled to their own lifestyle.

My school bag is on my lap, and I have been planning to read my book before he came, but the cards don't have it for me to read right now when the abnormally captivating guy is beside me, his skin pale white and his oceanic eyes brighter than the sky, almost like he has his own color.

That's why I don't connect with his eyes when I glance at his forehead, my heart is as jammed as it is, I don't need a cardiac arrest. It is too farfetched that he appears out of nowhere every time, and to hang out with a freak like me is over the top.

He senses my zoned out state, and decides to open up, to which I am absolutely appreciative of.

"Why are you always here?" he asks out of the blue, and I gape at him, is he a stalker? I never seen him around here.

He seems to realize his mistake too, because he corrects, "Err. . .English isn't my first language, I am sorry if I said it the awful way," he chuckles uncomfortably as he stammers.

As I think more about it, he is being truthful. His thick French accent and the way he interprets words slowly indicates that he knows the language but struggles through speaking. I don't know what's the sudden interest that I feel towards the new guy, it's like I am glad that he's here.

How I don't notice that earlier is beyond me, it's official, my attention span is like a goldfish.

"It's all good," I mend, and a look of longing flashes by his mesmeric eyes, before it's replaced with warmth. It's like I am the only girl in the world in his eyes, and my errupted heartbeat as the social anxiety creeps up on me when I look at him.

"I got in here new," he clumsily says, and I nod encouragingly. I am all for international equality, against the discrimination of language. "My mom and dad just move in here." He points to the building opposite of the school.

A random flashback of how the Arctic wolf emerges out of the forest that is on the side of the school comes into my mind, and I don't understand why I remember that when he explains.