Life in Mississippi ( part 2 )

After him almost killing me I didn't tell anyone about it as I was to scared to say anything just knowing that he did that just because I asked a question because I thought being a girlfriend I could get mad if someone was flirting with my man or thinking that I could be mad that my so called boyfriend was flirting with another woman that thinking that I had a right to stand up for myself and tell him what he did was wrong.

But I was wrong to ever think that I have a right to voice my feelings to say that I didn't like him flirting with other girls as I felt like it was wrong of him to do so that it was disrespectful . He always had a way to make feel like I couldn't do anything right or what I said was always wrong. Thinking about it all now make me embarrassed of how blind I was and how much time I wasted on him.