I finally get to see him in human form

Shadow demon: Well we don't have to stay we can come and go as you wish you can even start coming with me when I come shopping for stuff and food from here

Kylie: Really? I always wanted to know how you do all your shopping here I mean since your a shadow and look nothing like a human

Shadow demon: Ah i can show you how but we will have to go somewhere else that doesn't have camera's and is not out in the open

Kylie: there a park that has restrooms that normally open in day time and there is no camera's around and the restroom only have one room so only one person can go in and the doors lock from the inside we can go there it's not to far away we can walk if you want to

Shadow demon: I love that idea of course you'll look like your talking to yourself and holding the air to everyone else as you are the only one who can see touch or hear me

Kylie: You mean how I look like I'm talking to myself and leaning against nothing right now?