Saying goodbye to him ( part 2)

Satan's pain quickly turns into anger as he watches Kylie and the shadow demon disappeare from his line of sight . I'll kill you and win his heart back no matter what it takes he is mine and I won't let anyone take him that easily is what Satan says before going back to the underworld where Jameson is waiting with a big welcome home prince and Kylie sign as fireworks go off .

Jameson: WELCOME BACK LOVE BIRDS...... um Satan...

Satan: I lost before I even could have gotten close to him

Jameson: Oh we must have a dead demon

Satan fires up and goes into his full demon form which he never dose ever since the last time he did that he lost control of himself and came very close to killing his only family he ever known and it's the last time he has ever seen his mother. He swore on his life that he would never turn back to his full demon self as it cost him a lot of pain and lost.