12 Family Meeting
Gerald let Arryn in and offered him a drink. Gerald's father, Allen Quinn, was already there waiting. Arryn was eager to see his uncle and smiled as he sat next to him. "Water, please."
Gerald went and grabbed some water.
"Arryn, how did things go at TWC today," Allen asked his nephew.
"Uncle, it went much smoother than expected." Arryn answered, "It's just been… distracting being in my father's office with all of his things."
Gerald sat beside Arryn and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "You don't need to explain. "
Arryn knew that since his aunt had been murdered, his cousin could relate. Gerald missed his mother and could understand not wanting to explain things.
Allen slid over a file, "Arryn, this was something your parents asked me to hold, but it's yours now."
He recognized the symbol embossed on the cover. "Thank you, but my parents… the others… any more information... any leads?”
"Savage is not behind this. They were planning to intercept you, but after Cairo, not before."
Gerald and Arryn were surprised to learn their "nemesis" wasn't involved. "Well, Cairo has already been put on hold. As well as a few other projects. Too much risk to continue as business as usual," Arryn paused, "I believe we have someone betraying us from within. I will find them," Arryn scowled, tensing up a fist.
Allen had similar thoughts and concerns about someone being a traitor. Gerald wondered how this could be happening and from the inside.
"With you stepping up as CEO, Arryn, I know you will find the traitor," Allen explained.
Gerald nodded in agreement while Arryn sat quietly, figuring out his next step.