Khaos Strikes & Back to Work

18 Khaos Strikes

Robed figures shuffled in a line out of the underground chamber. Engravings on the walls glowed menacingly. While candles flickered on an altar and sconces on the walls.

A man in dark leather armor and a sword at his waist confronted the High

Priestess, "You lied! You withheld key information, Eris!"

"Silence, you fool," Eris flipped the hood covering her face back, "Do you question my decision regarding what to share and not?"

"Eris, my priestess, I merely am asking for clarification." Ceres explained with gritted teeth, "Do you believe they can be trusted?"

"It is good that we proceed cautiously and not divulge the details... It's best that they all believe things have gone according to plan, " Eris scolded.

"I have my team ready to make a move," Ceres reassured, "While I advise caution instead of haste, we should not delay very long, though."