A Breathtaking Thrill..

What a nice smell, I thought and clung to my pillow even harder, this fresh spring scent was making me feel like I was sleeping outside.

I could smell green grass fairies around my nose, a soft summer wind was blowing in my ears, cute little birds were chirping everywhere, the sun was shining into my eyes, while giving me the signal to wake up. ''Aaaahh.. What a beautiful dream this is.. But wait.. Why does my pillow feel so stiff??

I slowly opened my eyes and a handsome God was looking down on me..'' Oh My Dragon God !!! Why the heck are my arms wrapped around his chest?? This is not my pillow !!! What Theee?? This is not even my house !!! Where am I? Who's this guy ??'' I started to panic.

I quickly pushed his naked chest from me, while staring at his six pack. '' Wwhoo, six pack.'' I thought shamelessly and while taking a quick look around I realised that I wasn't at home. This place was unfamiliar to me, a wide spacious room painted in dark grey colour, a very high ceiling that I couldn't touch even if I would jump. A nice big black bed that at least five people could sleep on, luxurious and dark weird looking furniture and the very best view was laying right in front of me..

A beautiful and tall man, his red eyes were staring into mine, his white pale skin didn't seem to have a single scratch on it, his perfect size lips were opening and some weird words came out of it..

''I thought you will never wake up, do you usually sleep that long?''

He said that arrogantly and smiled at me.. ''Oh my gosh, why is he so handsome when he talks? And his voice is so sexy too !! What do I do? Waaittt.. What did he just ask me? Do I usually sleep that long? Of course I do, I work at night you idiot !!'' That's what I wanted to tell him, but words just couldn't come out of my mouth, so I sat there looking at him in an awkward silence.

''Does your back hurt a lot? I was really worried about this last night, so that's why I decided to let you sleep on my chest.''

He answered and with a worried look on his face, he was staring at me again.

''My back? Why would my back hurt? ''

I asked him with a surprised expression on my face and while trying to remember what happened last night to find out if I did anything weird or even adultery? (I gasped ) with my client.

I tried to touch the top of my back with my right hand. ''How disgraceful'' I thought.. ''I'm really shameless.. I'm not even nineteen years old and yet I'm doing such things with my body.. I will really go to hell '' *cries* I gently touched the skin of my back with my fingertips and a stinging - prickly pain suddenly ran through my spine, that part seemed to be burning. It felt really painful, it reminded me of that one summer when I was told by Axel to lay my back on a hot road made of old rocks, while he was about to use me as his feet protection. The pain I felt the next day was unbearable , what a horrible man he was.

When I released my hand from my back, I looked at this man and felt suffocated, my vision went dark and flashbacks from yesterday started to appear in front of me. Axel's disgusting touches, him pulling me by my hair, and the belt !! ''Oh my Dragon God !! He was beating my back with his belt!!''

While I was deep inside my thoughts, tears without me realising it began to pour down on my knees, I put both of my hands to cover my face and with a gasping voice I began to cry.

Even more, tears were falling down and my perfect white skirt from yesterday was soaking wet in seconds.. I was screaming in a helpless voice, the air around me seemed to become heavier so it was even harder to inhale it, it was really hard to suppress my emotions right now, I couldn't hold it in me anymore.

I was panting and wheezing, my nose started to run and one big snot from the right hole of my nose appeared and started to slide down. I pulled it back while inhaling the air, and then I felt a gentle tap on the top of my head. This man pulled me closer to his naked chest and held his hand on my head, while letting me cry it out.

''What a nice person he is.'' I thought.. When I calmed myself down, I looked down because I couldn't face him. I was feeling embarrassed , especially when that snot slid out of my nose.. ''What a humiliation !!! I don't wanna meet this man ever again, if Everett was here right now, he would probably make fun of me until he died.''

''Uuughh.. I will never forgive myself for this.'' And while trying to find the courage to look up, he in a very soft voice finally spoke again.

''Are you feeling any better?''

He asked and while still gently tapping on my head, lowered his head to see my face. I, of course out of embarrassment quickly turned my face away.

''Don't look at me right now.''

''What a cute reaction.''

He said and gently laughed.. He carefully let go of my head and tried to stand up , but this bed was too soft, so he struggled a little to get up. When he finally stood up, this guy went to the door and shouted someone's name, then he closed the door and went back to bed.

I gave a glimpse at him and ''Seriously..???? He was staring at my breast !!! Really ??'' I was just in agony one minute ago, and this perverted freak is staring at my breast? '' What a ruined mood... '' I When I looked at him and showed him my resentful and irritated face, I asked him huffily.

''Could you stop staring at my breast, because that makes me feel uncomfortable.''

He looked me in the eyes and with a weird look on his face, almost like he was offended he answered me.

''I wasn't staring at your breast, your neck seems bruised as well, so I was trying to see how bad it was.''

When he answered, he turned his head to the right side where the door was and crossed his arms.

''Oh my Dragon God !! What an idiot I am !! How could I make such a mistake !! No, really, this is too embarrassing !!'' While I was feeling ashamed, my face was turning into one big tomato, that's how red it was. I was feeling like my body was going to explode out of disgrace !!!

''Dishonour on me, shame on my thoughts !'' I'm so blemished..

Then thanks to the Dragon God, someone knocked on the door and walked into the room where we were staying. ''Another guy??'' He was pretty tall, but had a skinny body, his face and body was covered in black clothes, so I couldn't see properly how exactly he looked? The only thing I was able to notice was that he had purple hair, what a weird hair colour I thought.

''Could you have another look at her back? ''

This handsome guy asked him while pointing at my back.

''Another? '' I asked myself, so it's obvious that it's his second time doing it. ''Oh my Dragon God, don't tell me that they both decided to touch my naked back without my permission?? This is a violation of my rights !!''

I started to fume and when I looked at this guy's face I saw a smile on his face, so he obviously knew what I was thinking? That purple haired guy started to examine my back without me even able to notice when he was behind me?

''The back looks better than yesterday already !! I don't understand how that could happen? She was in so much pain yesterday, her skin was peeling from her bones, I just don't understand !!!''

This guy seemed so confused, but so was the black haired guy, to be honest, this wasn't something very new to me, because I knew I had some special, weird ability to heal my bruises quickly, and no matter how many times I would ask Verna why did I have this ability, she would never give me a proper answer..

''I put in more kelive oil, so it should be healed by today. ''

This purple haired guy finished talking and while giving the other one a very suspicious look, he stormed out of the room. When I looked at this mysterious guy, he was glaring at me and with a voice full of arrogance he asked me.

''Who the hell are you?''

I looked down and got scared, I didn't know who this guy was? I mean he did save me last night, but that's the only thing I knew about him, he might be a killer or even worse than Axel. Withh a shaking voice I answered.

''Narrriaa, mmy naame is Naria..''

He was still glaring at me and with a furious look on his face he came closer and spoke.

''I know your name, you're very famous in this city.''

He sighed and continued on talking.

''I'm curious about you, I have never met someone in my entire life who could heal themselves so quickly, so Naria..''

He then gave me a weird gaze and his voice seemed more stricter.

''I ask you one more time, who are you??''

Weird thoughts were going through my mind, I don't know why but his sentence made me mad for some reason. I felt my boiling blood, but I couldn't be my usual self. If I knew who this man was, I would just storm out of this room, but I didn't know anything about him, so instead of showing my usual attitude, I thought of something clever.

''Don't you think that for me to give you an answer you should first introduce yourself first?''

I asked him confidently, deep inside I was smiling, he probably has no idea how clever I am.

''If you want me to tell you about myself, I think at least I should know your name.''

I answered, and that's it I thought, there's not a single guy in this city that I haven't heard of, men come to me to trade secrets, I pretty much know every name in this city..

This guy didn't seem to be impressed and with full confidence he answered.

''River, My name is River.'' He said.

''Aaahh, what an arrogant man, I thought to myself..

''I don't know what kind of answer you are looking for, but I can tell you right now that I don't know !! I had this ability ever since I was young and I don't know why?''

This man looked at me with his bright red eyes and asked again.

''What about your mother or family members, do they not have the same ability as you?''

I sighed, I didn't want to tell him anything about my family, because I didn't trust him, matter of fact we just met, but for some reason I pretty much had no other choice. If I tell him the truth, he will stop asking questions.

''I don't know anything about my birth mother, she gave me away when I was just a baby, so aunt Verna raised me for so many years as her daughter and when I turned sixteen I pretty much had no other choice, but to start working at her house.''

I sighed again and turned away from this guy, he was annoyingly handsome and that was irritating me even more..

''And about this power of hypnosis, how do you explain that?''

I turned back and looked at him. ''How the hell does he know my secret?? No one else could tell that my dancing is hypnotising, even though I'm not quite sure how I can do that?''

''How do you know that?''

I asked him with my furious voice, but he didn't look scared, he just glared at me with his red eyes and asked again.

''How do you do that and why? ''

This guy didn't want to give up, so I had no other choice, but to answer him, he already knows my secret and if he'll tell the royal family, I would probably be without my head by tomorrow.

No one in the Black Dragon's kingdom was able to use magic or any other tricks without registering it, but I didn't want to do that, because that was my only secret weapon to gain more clients. If they knew I was using hypnosis, there's no way they would come back..

''I don't know.''

I answered and made a sad face, so he could at least show me a little bit of sympathy..

''I also don't know how I can do that? When I dance, this mysterious power of mine just appears to itself..''

''Yeah, that's it, I just need him to become my ally and not tell anyone about my special powers, please feel sorry for me..''

''Could you dance for me right now?'' He calmly asked me.

''Whhat thee..?

''You mean, right now? '' I surprisingly asked him.

He tilted his head slightly to the side, looked straight into my eyes and with a very cute smile on his face he said.

''Why? Can't you?''

''Ohohohoho, my blood was boiling. ''Don't challenge me !'' I screamed in my head. I looked back at him, lifted my head, raised my left eyebrow and smiled at him.

''There's nothing I can't do.''

I answered him with a tone full of confidence. I got up from that comfy bed, looked around to see if I'm going to have enough space to be able to dance in this room.. This room was very specious to be honest, all of the furniture was next to the wall, a big black bed with funny dark red curtains falling down from the ceiling.

In the middle of the room was just as much space as I needed, but the only thing I was worried about was music. ''How am I going to dance without any music?'' I thought..

''Okay, there's nothing to stress about, I'm just gonna do my little dancing and then he'll let me go home. I'm sure that people at home will be worried about me. Okay, here we go..''

I stepped onto my right foot and transferred all of my weight to that foot, then I lifted my left foot and stepped back. I slowly raised my left hand while touching my waist with my fingertips, my right hand followed my left hand, my elbows were slightly bent. I then straightened my left hand and put my palm over my head. My fingers slowly started to move as if I was playing the piano, while with my other hand I started touching my waist and my body itself just leaned forwards.

I stepped to the left , and transferred all my weight to the right foot, then slowly stepped to the left, behind the left foot with my right foot and stepped again to the right with my right foot.

While my body was dancing on its own, I was trying to have a glimpse of River's face, but he looked speechless, maybe a little bit embarrassed I would say. ''It's probably his first time seeing a girl dancing.''

I then slowly moved towards and started to swirl around him, he was standing and following my every step, then all of a sudden my favourite part started.

A very warm feeling started circling inside my body, my heartbeat started to go crazy, and a very bright yellow light came out of me, while making little butterflies and small flowers. It seemed like yellow flowers were following me and leaving flower traces behind it. The feeling was lovely and soft, but the look on his face was very surprising.

He gently approached my body, took my right hand , put his hand around my waist and started following my steps. He was setting his right foot forward, when mine was moving backwards, his left foot stepped to the right, when my left foot was stepping back again. He then slowly grabbed my waist and quickly lifted my body up.

Our eyes met, and a very thrilling feeling went down my throat, some sparkling electricity was in our eyes, his gaze was amazing , his face looked even more handsome from above. He slowly started to spin around with my body in his arms, when he lowered his hands, he released me, and stepped behind my back.

His fingertips started touching my lower back and shivers went through my body. ''Why does this feeling feel so warm and comfortable? I don't wanna refuse his body.'' It feels extraordinary, I have never danced with someone this passionate. When he started touching my hair with his left hand, I leaned forward and straightened my arms, he then pulled my body closer and put his lips near my ear. I could feel his breath and this made my heart skip a beat, this exotic feeling, his warm body next to mine..

It suddenly gave me a flashback of yesterday and I quickly pushed his body away from me. ''Gooosh.. What a crazy thought, so disgusting.'' I thought, and stopped dancing.

My forehead became very sweaty and I felt out of breath.. When I was slowly breathing in and out, he approached me, his face came way too close to mine. River gently touched my cheek ,bent his head a little bit down, closed his eyes and put his lips on mine..

Out of some kind of instinct I also closed my eyes and my vision went dark. I couldn't see anything, but I was able to feel my body trembling, my heart was beating like crazy. I froze and didn't know how to move, the room was so silent, I could even hear his heartbeat.I smelled flowers.

When he finally removed his lips and opened his eyes, mine were still closed, he laughed very gently, it also sounded like he was out of breath too..

''You can open your eyes now.. ''

He told me in a soft voice, but I was still frozen and this embarrassing feeling was in my head, my cheeks turned red and my lips were forced to close.. ''Oh My Dragon God.. What just happened?'' I asked myself... When I gradually opened my left eye, I saw him staring at my face and smiling.. I put my palm on my right cheek and turned away from him, meanwhile my left hand was still on his chest..

''Is this your first time kissing someone?'' He asked sarcastically..

''Of course it is, you dummy, I'm not nineteen years old to get married.'' I thought and slowly removed my hand off his chest.. While still feeling embarrassed I asked him.

''Why did you kiss me?''

And his answer was so insensitive..

''Because you're beautiful.''

He said and tried to get closer to me again..

''Because I'm beautiful??'' I asked him.

''Yes, no other reason.'' He answered.

'''Are you kidding me???? You kissed me, because I'm beautiful?? Not that you just felt an amazing connection between us, but just because I'm beautiful?? I don't know how I should feel? Disappointed? Noo, that's not the right word, then betrayed? Also no, because we are not closed enough, assaulted? Maybe a little bit too much?''

All these kinds of words were running through my mind, and I still couldn't come up with a proper one to express my feelings right now..

''Do you often kiss beautiful women?'' I asked, and looked him into his eyes.

''Yeah, pretty often, but she must be very beautiful.'' He answered confidently.

''Are you f*** joking with me? !!! How this freakin bloody, arrogant, not even that good looking man, tells me that he kisses women often? Was I just tricked? Did he want to seduce me? Does he even know that I'm not nineteen years old yet? What a scumbag !!!!! ''

I was fuming !!! I really wanted to rip his heart out and kick it with my foot !!! When an unbelievable amount of madness was running through my body, I put both of my hands on my ears, I didn't want to listen to him, he was making me angry. I looked him in the eyes and all of a sudden I appeared in my bedroom ..

''What the ??? How ?? Did he do that?? Did I just teleport into my room? No !! This cannot be true, wait? Was I just dreaming??'' I quickly touched the top of my back with my fingers and that weird pain was still there.

''Noo.. So this wasn't a dream.. So how on earth did I happen to teleport into my room? Did he do that? Oh my Dragon God, what a crazy guy.. Wait, but now thinking, before I woke up in his arms, I also felt like I was outside. I could swear I was smelling fresh grass and wind was blowing in my ears, how could that happen when we clearly were inside his room.. This is driving me crazy.. Should I just let it go for today, seriously what a crazy day..''

''Oh no, I need to greet everybody, I'm pretty sure they were worried sick , because I disappeared yesterday. ''I also wonder what kind of excuse Axel came up with yesterday?''

This urgent feeling was inside of me, so I quickly ran out of my room downstairs, where everyone was and with a pale look on my face I started shouting.

''I'm alive !! I'm back !!! You don't need to worry about me !!''

Veronica looked at me with a surprised face, everyone probably thought that I was mental.

''Great, now that you overslept and didn't help to prepare breakfast, you at least could help to clean this table, no?''

Veronica spoke in her ironic voice..

''What the? You guys didn't even notice that I was gone all night? What about Axel?..'' I looked at Verna.

''Was Axel badly injured last night?''

Like I care to be honest, he could die tomorrow and I would be the happiest person alive.

''Are you kidding me? Axel didn't show up last night, we received a note from someone saying that there was an emergency and he had to postpone his return home.''

Veronica answered me, but her tone was different, she seemed annoyed and disappointed at the same time.

''I need to excuse myself from this situation, until she gets mad at me again.'' I went upstairs, and lay down on my bed. All kinds of emotions and feelings were circling around me, I didn't know who this guy was and why he saved me? Why did he feel the urge to kiss me?

Why was there sparkling electricity around us when we danced, why wasn't my hypnosis working on him and how did I get back to my room? '' What a day.. How did Axel disappear? And why was no one looking for me? Someone would kidnap me tomorrow and they really wouldn't even bother to find me.. What a caring family.''

'' I'm taking a day off tonight, no way I'm going to work, when some crazy events keep happening to me.'' I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


''What on earth? This little flower is gone..?''

In a spacious big room full of furniture, he felt empty again. ''How did she just disappear?? I was going to tease her a little bit more and then tell the truth, how did she disappear on me like this? Who is she? Such a beautiful name, such a beautiful face, but her soul.. Why do I feel like I need to be next to her all the time? Why do voices in my head disappear when I'm with her? I need to find these answers.. But for now..''


River shouted someone's name again, and a man covered in black clothes appeared in front of him.

''Is he still locked inside?'' River asked loudly.

''Yes, my prince.'' Sertu answered quickly.

''Let's go then.''

When they finally reached the castle's dungeon and entered a very dark cell, Axel's body was tied to a chair with strong, thick black ropes. River slowly approached him and started talking.

''So you lowlife, you think you can hit my wife now?''

''Not only you hit her, you also tried to rape her, what should we do with you?''

Axel's expression seemed surprised, he had no idea that Naria would know this guy, he was shocked. River looked straight into Axel's eyes and a little amount of fire appeared in his palm, he slowly came closer to Axel's face and the fire spread around his body.

Axel was screaming out of pain, yelling and threatening to kill everyone.

''Once I'm out of here I will rip you into pieces, you trash!!''

Axel screamed in his angry voice, yet his throat seemed to be dry, it was becoming harder to say anything, this burning feeling on his skin was making lose his cool, it was painful, he was burning alive.

With a little finger snap, River stopped the fire and with a cold look on his face, he whistled and looked down at Axel's feet.

All of a sudden Axel's feet were inside a cube made of clear ice.. It was so freezing, that his lips turned blue straight away, his blood felt like it had stopped circulating inside his body, his heartbeat seemed to become slower. He felt like he couldn't breathe anymore.. Then River again snapped with his fingers and the cube made of ice immediately melted.

The air seemed lighter again and when River looked at Axel's bruised body he gave Axel a warning.

''If you want to stay alive, I better not see you around my wife again, because next time I will burn you to death until you turn into ashes.''

A super red flame appeared in River's eyes and when Axel saw that, he knew he wasn't joking.. River turned around and walked out of that dark - looking cell, while giving Sertu the permission to do whatever he wanted with him.

When he was back in his room, the only thing he wanted to do was to see Naria's face again.. River left the castle on his favourite horse, rode to the house where Naria was staying, it was very easy for him to find her house, since he had a very good memory, so he climbed a tree that was right in front of her window and made himself comfortable.

He was observing Naria and her surroundings, he knew she was mistreated in that house and right now his only job was to protect her and let her live safely. When he saw Naria coming back into her room, she was punching a pillow and cursing someone, he couldn't hold his admiration and started to smile.

''Sleep peacefully, my flower.''