Strings On My Heart..

''So how long are you going to follow me around?''

''I don't understand your question, my lady.''


''Don't you find it funny, that every time I leave my house I happen to meet you, you're not stalking me, are you?''

River's forehead became sweaty, but not because it was hot outside, but because Naria's question was very straight, he was not used to being confronted by anyone.

''Did he just swallow something? Either way he looks nervous, this must prove he's feeling guilty and if he's feeling guilty that must mean I'm right?''

When they were walking through the small festive streets back, they both felt awkward and uncomfortable with each other. Naria was annoyed with him and River wanted to spend more time with her, so he slowed down his steps.

This was the first time when he was actually interested in someone, but this person didn't want to show any affection back. ''My brother would probably laugh at me, if he saw my situation right now.''

''Do you often walk this slowly?''

''No my lady, but the streets are full of people, it's hard to pass through.''

''I guess you're not that strong after all.''

River felt annoyed with her comments.

They've finally reached Naria's house and this silence was too painful to bear.. It felt like they were torturing each other.

Imagine being confronted by your enemy without your sword? That's how River felt at that moment, he didn't know what to say, nor how to explain his reasons why he always happens to be next to her when she's out of her house or what to even say back to her sarcastic comments?

It was different to Naria.

She felt like there was some annoying bug following her all the time, no matter of fact it felt like stepping on a poop and the smell was not going away, it felt nasty and annoying. No matter how many times you are going to wipe it off, you know it was there.

''We are here my lady.''

Naria folded her wrist.

''No, I really don't know where I live, sir.''

''Are you being sarcastic again?''

''No, I'm sympathising for your brain.''

''What does it supposed to mean, my lady?''

River looked at Naria with a confused face, even though he understood what she meant, but this question was kind of a warning to her not to repeat her disrespectful question.

''Ugh, it means that you know how I feel about you? No matter how many times I will tell you to back off, you're still not going to leave me alone. I don't want to see you and you can not understand that, so this proves that your brain is not functioning properly, sir.''


She looked at him and saw a funny grin on his face. ''Whatever that is supposed to mean?'' She thought.

''Understood, my lady. Let's not see each other ever again.''

''Sounds like a deal to me.''

When Naria walked back inside her house, she put the shoes she was wearing right in front of the door, so Veronica would know she was wearing them. '' You dig your own grave, my darling.'' And rushed upstairs.

''She should be beheaded right now for insulting the royal family.''

River was walking towards the castle and was lost inside his thoughts. How could someone speak so insolent to him? If she knew his identity, there's no way she would feel so confident in front of him. ''Should I reveal it to her? But she probably will hate me even more.''

''If it wasn't for that curse, I wouldn't need to go so low.''


''What took you so long to come back?'' Raiden asked his brother.

''You know, this and that.''

When he came back he saw his brother, and Winter's prince and princess sitting on the edge of the castle's balcony. The balcony was dark and the walls looked old, they probably still haven't renovated it. ''Does it cost a lot to repair this castle?''

''Were you with that weird female?'' Skyla asked him.

''Weird female? What do you mean Skyla?'' Kaiden looked confused.

''You still see her, brother?''

''Why are you guys so noisy?''

Everyone was expecting something else from River, his answer didn't give them any satisfaction.

''There was something wrong with her. I felt it.''

''What do you mean, Skyla?''

River looked at Skyla to see what she was going to say, she usually doesn't waste her words on necessary things like this, but he needed to know if she feels exactly the same way as he does when he's around Naria.

''I don't know, it's really hard to explain. When I stood next to her, I felt a little amount of mana circulating around my body.''

''Mana, you say..''

River was a little bit disappointed.

''Wait, what are you two talking about?''

Kaiden was really confused, he felt as if he almost entered the wrong conversation.

''There's this mysterious dancer that my brother fell in love with.''

Raiden was joking around.

''I don't love her, I just feel the need to be with her.'' River was confident.

''That's exactly what love is, you idiot.''

Everyone started to laugh, but River didn't like his brother's answer. What is actually love or her magic power? Why does he actually feel like this around her and why do voices inside his head disappear when she's next to him.

''It can be love, but it can also be something else. All I can say is that it's weird to be next to her, you felt it too, Skyla. I know you did.''

''I felt a little amount of mana inside of me, nothing special.''

She looked annoyed.

''Can both of you explain to me what is going on right now?'' Kaiden scratched his neck.

''You will see it during the ball.''

''You invited her to the ball?'' Raiden was shocked.

''Not as my partner, but to perform, she doesn't know who I am, yet.''

''You still haven't told her yet? My brother can be so slow sometimes.''

''Do you want me to roast you alive?''

''Hahahaha, Kaiden is here, he won't let this to happen.''

River looked confident with his words, but more importantly it felt like all three of them wanted to bully him again like in old days.

''Did you forget that his magic won't work on me, brother?''

''Hahaha, who said that I was talking about you? If you'll set me on fire, he'll use his water magic to put out your fire.''

''Please, don't bring me into this..'' Kaiden sighed.

''It's really hard to pick one brother sometimes.'' Skyla jokes.

''Yeah, you should know better, sister.''

''Are you referring to me, brother?''

''You probably still can't forgive me for taking your position.''

''Nobody wanted it, you idiot !!''

Both Winter siblings seemed to be ready to fight.

''Okay, okay.. Let's not fight right now.''

Raiden was trying to calm them down when a huge amount of snow flew into his face. It was Skyla's doing.

River seemed to enjoy his brother getting bullied for once.

''Are you not going to help me, River? I'm soaking and freezing.''

''You get what you deserve, brother.''

River answered and walked away from them three.

A long dark grey corridor looked empty today, usually there would be so many servants running around, but due to today's festival everyone looked too busy for preparations.

River liked silence, it was the only time where he didn't need to worry about the voices inside his head telling him to kill himself.

In silence River had full control of his mind and his powers, but now that he met Naria, he feels in full control when he's in public with her. No voices, no threats, just silence when he's next to her.. This is probably the reason why he's so obsessed with her existence, there's no love, how could he fall in love with her? There's no such thing as love. The black dragon cannot love anyone.

''I'm going to break free from this curse one day.''


A very cute voice shouted from the back of the corridor. When River turned back, he saw his cute little sister standing and holding her brother's hand.

Reina was only seven years old, she was cute and lovely in front of his eyes, but to everybody else she seemed like a little running demon. If River wasn't born, it would most likely she would be reborn as the Black Dragon.

Reina had perfectly tanned and smoothed skin. Long black curly hair that looked like black pearl foams. Her eyes were bright red as the Black Dragon's and she was always wearing the cutest dresses in this kingdom, besides his mother, there will be no other woman he would love more than he loves Reina.

Reina let go of her brother's hand and started running towards River. She jumped in the River's arms and hugged him tight.

''I missed you.''

River squeezed her tiny body even more, so she would stop spouting nonsense.

''Do you like her new dress, River.''

Reido asked him while approaching them from afar.

River took a glimpse at his younger brother walking towards them and slowly released Reina's body to see what kind of dress she was wearing right now.

Her dress was puffed and in bright blue colour, it had darker sleeves and one black ribbon tied on its back. Her hair was tied up and also had a black ribbon in it to match with her dress. Her hair was covered in little sparkling pearls, so everyone would know she's the only princess of this country.

''You really look beautiful, Reina.''

River was admiring his little sister when Reido was just standing there with red cheeks on his face.

''I guess you only know how to acknowledge Reina.''


''You look stronger, Reido.''

''I do?'' He answered very quickly and excitedly. ''Also general Cado said the same thing to me.'' *Looks proud*

''Oh, he did? You know that general Cado is weaker than me?''

''Of course, but he goes after you and Raiden.''

River sighed and looked at Reina who was standing there and giggling. His hands were placed on her shoulders, since she was the youngest family member he was always feeling the need to protect her.

Reido didn't wait for River's permission and hugged him from behind. ''He actually got stronger.'' River thought.

''If he was older he could easily strangle me from behind.''

Reina seeing Reido hug their brother decided to join him and hugged River one more time.

It was a cute family moment, until they heard some aggressive footsteps walking their way. Just from the walking style and noise they could easily tell that it was the emperor walking that way.

The emperor would always be surrounded by his assistants and his concubine, who would never seem to leave him alone.

Miraila, was her name.

She had dark red, wavy long hair, her eyes were dark green that looked like forest leaves. She was tall and seductive, her voice could seduce any man in this kingdom. She would always wear provocative dresses and she always liked to play mind games with the emperor's children.

At first, she wanted to seduce Raiden to become Preto's empress, but Raiden was engaged to Skyla ever since he was five years old, then she moved onto River.. River was too cruel to her, he was always disrespectful and cold towards Miraila, her ego wouldn't allow her to be treated this way for the rest of her life, so she let him go.

Her last resort was the emperor.

Ever since the empress found out about his affair, she neglected him.

The emperor became obsessed with the empress, but in a bad way. He wanted to do everything just to hurt her and make suffer, he wanted her to experience the same pain as he did, when she cut every single contact with him.

She moved to a different palace and closed her doors to everybody.

'' What a beautiful family moment.''

An ironic comment from a feminine voice spoke from behind.

''Yeah, you could never know what it means to have a real family.''

''You don't have to be this slick, we all know you'll go crazy in a minute.''

''And you'll be the first one to experience it.''

''Ugh, do you think your father will let you do anything to me?''

''Why do you think I care what my old man thinks?''

''The first minute you touch me, the second one your head will be gone, do you think your father will not be able to produce another black dragon?''

Miraila felt proud for a second, but the next thing she felt was River's hand on her neck.

He used a lot of his strengths to choke her, you could clearly see Miraila's face turning pale, she was out of breath. Her eyes turned red and her throat was very dry. She was trying to say something, but her tongue couldn't move.

In River's eyes there was a fierce fire, he hated Miraila more than anything. If it wasn't for his father, she would have died a long time ago.

Once he gets rid of the emperor, the next target is Miraila.

''What do you think you are doing?!''

The emperor shouted at River.