The failed plan

Knock* Knock*

" Hmm? Who's there? "

" It's me! "

Its his mom. She walks in his room, asking him to come down and eat

" Alright I will be there! "

Rameez replies to his mother, and with that his is mother leaves after saying that

" Tomorrow is a big day for me! I will be taking on a risk after so long! Last time I took a risk like this was in the future or the past, I don't even know what to say it, past or future? Anyways, that was before. This time it's different. This time it can cost me my life. That's exactly what makes it so exciting! "

Rameez grins while saying this because of how excited he is, he had never experienced something like this before. The reason he is so excited is because of the first fight that he had with Kutta and Kameena, resulted in his defeat. Then the second fight he had with them resulted in his victory, but the recent fight he had with them was his defeat