Melina can’t take her eyes off Thomas as Leo drives them back to the hotel. Her feet bounce off the ground quickly as she bites her nails and stares at him. He was just released from the station. Fortunately, her sister did not arrive before then. Thomas hasn’t said a single word to Melina since he was released, and he hasn't even given her his signature glare when he's angry with her. Not knowing what's going on in his head is killing her. It’s the most heinous form of torture ever. Not knowing when your doom would come. Melina can only hope he believes her and that she had nothing to do with his arrest. But who will believe her? She’s going to die tonight.

They step out of the car once it arrives at the hotel. Melina doesn’t even dare to walk in front of him as they step inside. They walk straight to the elevator and take it to their floor. She wishes the elevator would just stop, and they would never arrive.