
"Do you have any idea what it was like when you disappeared last time?!"

Aroha's voice echoes in my mind as if it is bouncing off the bathroom walls.

I have taken down the braids Fuse did in my hair and washed it with products that appear to be made and labelled by Rashaad himself. The aroma mimics his backyard.

I can't tell her what I told Aroha. I can't write her another goodbye note.

"Have you noticed the black puzzle pieces on the walls?"

There is no excuse. This time, I know it will hurt Fuse and Maverick.

I step out of the shower and make my way to the guest room I slept in.

I woke up this morning to find that Rashaad had laid out a towel, wash cloth, natural body butter, hair moisturizer, coconut oil and cargo pants with a matching buttoned vest before heading out.

"Hopefully it still fits....*smiley face*" was written on the note he left on the pile.

I rub the body butter into my damp skin.

"Where there is light, there is a shadow."