The Meeting I

"Where are we going?" Sam asked his boss.

"Hungry." Sam understand and gave the locations to the driver.

"Why there?" Dominic ask when he heard the location Sam gave the driver.

"Because, If you remember the mall is yours and still need supervision." Sam said nonchalantly while his finger is busy typing on his phone.

"Sometimes I wonder, who is the real boss." Dominic said joking.

Sam rolls his eyes knowing the reason behind Dominic statement. "Do your job then." Is all Sam replied before they arrive.

They arrive at the mall and managers are already waiting by the door. Dominic get off with his bodyguards and they received attention by all customers who came.

Dominic Estavo who give off a dark and sexy vibe bring all the ladies eyes to look at him.

"I'm going to the office first. You can hit the restaurant first if you want." Sam said.

"I'll walk around first." Then Sam leave to do what he has come for while Dominic thought maybe he should look around his mall.

Dominic enter the bookshop to look for any interesting book he can read on. Novel by his favourite writer is still on the best selling area. He was hoping for a new book from 'L' but it look like it hasn't come our yet.

While he was looking around a small figure walk past him and stand right across from him and look at the same book as him.

He is eyeing the boy up and down. First thing that makes the mafia lord to turn is his smell and when he turn, he was stun by the angelic face of the boy.

Without the boy noticing, he has been staring at him non stop but his hands move like he is reading the book on his hands.

Dominic watch as the boy leave the book store and follow him. The boy enter a clothing shop next and he follow but told guards to wait outside.

He look as the boy choose a few cute clothes and sweatshirt while going in and out the fitting room.

The mafia Lord eyes are on the boy but he still notice his surroundings. He cought a few pairs of lustful eyes on the boy and the boy seems oblivious about it.

Dominic is planning to approach the boy but his steps stop when a man came and hug him from behind. The boy didn't mind the hug so he thought that maybe he is someone close.


Dominic is jealous. Its what he feels at the moment.

Jealous? I just met him?

However his eyes are still secretly watching like a hawk until the two left the boutique and he heard something about going lunch. Dominic knows that the taller guy notice his presence so he tried to keep it low.

"Follow them secretly and report back to me directly." Dominic gave instructions to one of his guards.

Dominic left the bookstore and went straight to his usual restaurant whenever he is at the mall.

Dominic POV :

"Mr. Estavo, the usual table sir?"

I noded and the waiter lead me to my table. I texted Sam to tell him that I'm already at the restaurant.

While waiting for my food to be served, I got a call from the guards I told to follow my angel.

"He is heading to you place sir."

"Thank you."

I call the waiter over.

"Later, when 2 male walk in. Place them at the table next to mine. Got it?" He nodded and seconds later they arrive.

I'm faking to be busy on my phone but I could see when they enter the restaurant with the taller hand around my angel waist. I can't help but feels like killing the guy.

"What are you eating doll?"

Doll? He call my angel doll?

I took the chance to look at his face carefully because the taller guy back is facing me.

"Stop calling me that Liam!" My angel slaps his shoulder. He obviously don't like to be call that but the Liam guy is right because his skin is so fair like a doll.

"It's not my fault that you have the doll like face." He is teasing my angel but he only rolls his eyes with pouting lips.

My food arrive and I start eating but my eyes and ears are still focusing on the next table.

Sam pull a chair and sit next to me, I didn't even realize when he walk into the restaurant because my focus was directed at the next table.

"I ordered the usual for you."

"Thanks." That's all he said.

"What are you looking at?" Sam asked and turn to look at where my eyes are looking.

Sam pull out his phone, using a front a camera to look at his back as he is back to back with the Liam guy.