Breaking Down Emotional Walls II


Looking at her peacefully sleeping brought a smile to my lips.

I knew my comrades suspected I loved her, but I couldn't care less.

Ren is the strongest, most independent, and bravest soldier I've ever met.

She has always been stubborn, thick-headed, and strong demeanor but beneath that toughness, she's the warmest girl I've ever met.

We generally had our misunderstandings but we never let them get in the way of our friendship.

It has been a lengthy and unsettling week and I'm glad she didn't stop me from taking care of her this time around.

Seeing her get shot earlier aroused a fear I never knew existed in my life and I've seen how fragile and shattered she's been ever since she spoke with Doctor Rodriguez.

I figured it had something to do with her family because that's a touchy subject she allows no one to touch.

I've grown to love her with each passing day.

Moreover, I realize I can only be a good friend to her before anything else.

I'll help her eliminate Diablo from the painful chapter of her life once and for all.

Exiting to my room beside hers, I lay down to rest my aching muscles knowing there were many tasks to complete in the days ahead.

Waking up the next morning, I realized she wasn't in her bed after checking up on her.

I walked to the shower and locker room in search of her.

I called out her name severally but there still wasn't any reply.

"Where could she have gone to?" I muttered.

I grew anxious before my eyes fell on a note stuck in my locker with her handwriting I recognized immediately.

It read,

Good Morning sleepy head.

Off to town and will be back ASAP.


A smile lit up my face when I realized where she had headed to.

Ren's POV.

Waking up as early as possible, I glanced by my side and saw Zee still asleep.

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower making sure not to wet my bandage.

"Fuck" I cursed realizing I had wet a portion of it.

"This bandage is becoming a headache already" I muttered.

Dressing up in a casual white shirt and pants I took a cab giving directions to the Rodriguez and Gilbert (R&G hospital).

I took the time to relive in life as I enjoyed the gush of wind on my face.

I had missed those times I had no worries in the word.

The times, I knew of no pain and loss.

Those blissful times I was complete and not as damaged as I am currently.

Lost in thoughts,I didn't realize I had already arrived at the R&G Hospital boldly written in front of the building.

I took one deep breath and walked in ready to face my fears.

I gave my information to the nurse at the counter.

She was a tall petite brown-haired nurse with simple makeup on.

She called the doctor and in no time I was directed to his office.

I knew I had to prepare myself for what the day was about to provoke.

I entered after a knock and saw him seated behind his desk filled with files.

"Good morning Ren" he greeted sounding surprised with a warm smile on his face.

In one swift move, he engulfed me in a warm hug that I never knew I had missed dearly.

"Have a seat" he offered the chair opposite his as I made myself comfortable.

He studied my features for a few seconds and started with random questions like,

"How are your ribs?

Are you in much pain?

Did the painkillers help?

Have you had any breakfast yet?" and blah blah blah.

I chuckled slightly scratching my head nervously as I watch him smile as usual.

"It's good to have you here Ren" he spoke sincerely.

"It's been years since you last stepped into this vicinity and I'm sure your mom will be very delighted".

" First, let's get you checked first, shall we?" he said getting to his feet.

A few seconds later a nurse walked in with a few bandages to dress up my wound.

I remained silent throughout thinking about how and what my reaction will be when I see my mom for the first time in years and Doctor Rodriguez seemed to understand my silence since he also kept quiet throughout dressing my wound.

"We're done here" he uttered after wrapping up the bandage.

"Thanks" I muttered adjusting my dress.

"She's in room 101, you can see her any moment from now" he spoke clearing his voice and awkwardly excusing himself to let me mentally and emotionally prepare myself.

I walked out of the office and now I'm standing in front of the door debating whether I should enter or not.

Taking in a deep breath I finally opened it and saw a lady-like figure laying on the bed.

She had many tubes and oxygen connected to her and my heart clenched at the sight.

Not being able to recognize her except for her familiar long blonde hair, I went closer and stumbled back with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

The most beautiful and curvaceous woman I used to know as my mom had now grown lean and pale over the years I'd seen her.

She looked helpless and in pain, with the shallow breath, she took every second.

I was so lost in thoughts thinking about how everything fell apart that

I didn't notice when someone walked in behind me.

"Your mom used to tell me how proud she was of you every second of the day we worked together" Doctor Rodriguez stated.

"She always knew you were a strong and intelligent young lady".

" I know she's proud of you and so am I Ren"

" I'm proud of how strong you've become after all you've been through" he spoke behind me.

I didn't realize when tears built up in my eyes.

"Controlling your emotions and actions is a duty of a soldier but at times you've got to let go and let out all the pain," he said to me as I broke down my strong walls letting the tears flow.

I wept on my knees pleading for forgiveness.

I have been a bad daughter to my parents and I hope they can find it in their hearts to forgive me.

I neglected the only family I had left for so many years because of my greed for vengeance.

"I wonder what they'd think of me if they were still around Doctor"I spoke sobbing in between words.

"I promised dad I'd take care of mom whenever he wasn't around and never leave her sight but what did I do? " I covered my face in shame and disappointment.

"Don't beat yourself up my dear" he softly spoke patting me on the shoulders.

"You can make up for all the time lost and do things right" Doctor Rodriguez concluded leaving me alone to spend time with my mother.

"Mom, I'm here now"

I'm going to take care of you and never leave your side" I confessed.