Beginning Of The End

Zee tapped my shoulders bringing me back to reality.

"Are you ok?" he asked concerned as I nodded.

"Go get the car ready" Diablo yelled to his companion as he nodded and run out.

They have no idea what's installed for them since they thought no one knew the secret door at the back entrance.


"Copy Fuego" Zee spoke.

"We've tampered with the security cameras, we've got only 5 minutes till everything goes back to normal".

"Positive Zee", I just have to get the safe open and take out what we need.

Using the tools I brought along, I started with my work. I tampered with the safe lock, this isn't a difficult task since I've done this several times.

Click! it opened and I took out the blueprint.

It was the casino's building plan and had all the secret rooms and entrances.

Taking my phone from my black leather jacket I took photos of the plan. I've got my hands on the blueprint and I'm sending you the pictures now I said to Zee.