Beginning Of A New Chapter

3 months later

Three months flew by faster within a blink of an eye.

My wound has all been healed now but it left a deep scar I'll forever remember.

I've been frequently thinking about that dream and even though they were images of people I couldn't recognize, those deep blue eyes captivates me to the core of my soul.

For the past weeks, we've been preparing for the Military Promotion ceremony.

It's a big day we've all been eagerly waiting for which will be held tomorrow.

Finally, we all get to be promoted to the higher ranks we deserve.

Just like I promised, I visited my family as much as I could within a week.

Momma still hasn't woken up yet but I believe she hears every word I say to her.

“Momma,” I said holding her hands in mine.

“ I'm finally getting promoted again tomorrow and I wish you could be there to cheer me up,” I said feeling emotional.