
Esperanza Pov

"Hey Esperanza I'm going to take both your mates. There's some business that we need to attend to so they will see you later and congratulations for the little pup in their" Angel said running to us in a panic then smiled while pointing to my stomach

"Thank you but is everything ok??"

"Uh? Um well-" Angel said but it looked like he didn't wanted to tell me

"As my guardian angel you do, you have the right to tell me what is going on in MY PACK, right?"

"Yes but-"

"But there is more time later to talk about this so can we go before we lose any more time?" Carlos said running up to us with all the guys behind him (Angel, Carlos, Erick, Paul, Christian)

"Yes. We will let you know later, ok Ellie?" Joseph said giving me a kissing the cheek

"Yes we are but now we have to leave" Roberto said also giving me a kiss after that they all turned to the wolves and sprinted off the opposite direction that Angel came from I turned around and walked into the pack house