"Scroll down a little",

Landon ordered as he peered at the computer screen beside Kelly who obeyed without paying attention to the other ladies standing next to Landon and whose curious stare was also fixed on the desktop screen particularly that of Isabel.

"Here's her profile",

Kelly pointed out after scrolling past several irrelevant folders and opened the file containing Emma's documents officially uploaded on the company's database. Kelly cleared his throat to make his voice legible when he somehow found his throat coarse and unable to speak fluently which would have compelled him to speak out a rough accent.

"Now before I continue....",

He managed to speak but was interrupted by Chloe's chattering with her buddy Claire who clearly wasn't focused on what Kelly was about to tell them. Landon quickly took notice of the murmurings behind him and intervened.

"Let's give Kelly a listening ear, shall we?",
