Attack to the barrier (2)

The Densoph rushed at the squads in droves; the beasts looked like rats but were equipped with sharp fangs and claws. This resulted from their brain crystal power, which made everything they wanted sharper. They usually applied it on fangs and claws.

These beasts usually lived in packs and were particularly harmful to the surroundings since they had a voracious appetite. So the Military had to kill them periodically.

The Densoph were like an ocean tide that came crashing down from all directions—they had no pattern or order whatsoever as each one surged forward without a moment's delay.

The sound of guns echoed throughout the forest clearing. They were like thunders that shook every corner of the battlefield.

The soldiers aimed at these creatures' heads, often finding their mark, but it was all futile in front of their incredible numbers.

Some soldiers started throwing grenades instead, while others used laser rifles for maximum effect by aiming carefully to avoid missing the target.

As soon as lasers hit something, it exploded instantly in a shower of blood and gore flying everywhere. One such blast knocked two Densoph off their feet before another shot sent both falling onto the ground dead.

Densoph were not particularly strong, taken singularly, and suffered under bullets. Usually, Thaids produced passively a film of mana that surrounded them like a shield. This made it so that bullets and laser guns were ineffective when the Thaid was stronger than a certain threshold. At higher levels, even cannons were useless.

Each time a bullet or a laser beam was shot, a Densoph fell. A soldier then threw a grenade over the heads of the other creatures who tried to run away from the lasers. It detonated under their feet, sending them tumbling backward.

"That'll teach you."

Roma and Raveena were still in front of the building, waiting for the monsters to approach the door. Their job was to stop them from entering the premises, where they could end up inside the city.

Both groups had already deployed several traps around the area's perimeter. If any monster got too close, it would be caught. Most of the explosives were explicitly designed to kill thaids. However, what would have happened had a human set foot on them was evident.

Roma had planted mines along the road leading to the gate and a few near the entrance door.

However, protecting the building would be easier said than done since thousands of those thaids were rushing toward their position.

The soldiers in the building kept firing their laser guns at the monsters. But even so, the situation wasn't looking good. The monsters were now awfully close to Roma's and Raveena's squads, who stood by the wall surrounding the facility.

"Don't let them get inside!" Roma screamed out loud; the members of her squad heard her.

When she finished saying that, ten Densoph charged straight through the lasers traveling toward them.

Roma and her team engaged. They each channeled their brain crystal power and unleashed their power. One of the soldiers had super tough skin capable of shielding the man from harm. Another could create a tight, protective lighting barrier, electrocuting any monster trying to come near him.

Another had a brain crystal power that made him extremely fast, making him able to avoid being hit by the monsters and at the same time counterattacking when they least expected.

The last one, instead, had super strength, which was much more helpful than one could think. But it was Roma who had the most surprising power of them all.

She could conjure a flame whip, which allowed her to incinerate her enemies into ashes. Roma belonged to the Zamora clan, made of individuals with brain crystal powers related to the fire element.

All five moved quickly together to form a defensive line against the approaching horde of enemies. Then the thaids were on them; Roma moved her whip, sending flaming projectiles flying across the field.

Her whip glowed red hot and left trails of smoke behind it when she swung wildly back and forth. It was pretty effective on the Densoph, but they didn't stop. Something pushed them to act without any regard for their life. They seemed scared by something.

Roma killed three Densoph with a single move, but then more creatures showed themselves, and the first started attacking again.

Roma threw her whip left and right, paying attention not to injure her teammates. With every move, a thaid got incinerated, then one of the creatures managed to get past her defenses. It leaped high and tried biting her on the face.

As it passed overhead, Roma avoided the attack. She hit the creature in the abdomen by calling back her flaming whip, instantly incinerating it.

"Well done, guys! We can do this!" she shouted. However, soon after, the shout of a soldier brought her back to reality.

"YEVYAGIT!" Roma turned, only for her to see the colossal creature in front of her.

The creature's portrait painted a scary picture of colossal Thaids over 10 meters tall and looked like giant apes.

The biggest thaids looked like babies next to them because of how massive these creatures were. These monsters had thick, rough fur like wolves, which gave them a natural defense shield against attacks.

These creatures were slow but exceptionally strong. It was unusual for such a beast being among a pack of Densoph, which raised the suspicion that something was pushing the Thaids toward the west. What could scare such a colossal creature, though, was a mystery.

"Get ready, team!" she shouted, signaling her squad to prepare for their attack. The air was tense as they took their positions, adrenaline pumping through their veins.

Suddenly, with an unexpected rumble, the ground beneath them shifted.

Two cannons sprouted from the concealed fortifications, their formidable barrels pointing straight at the monstrous beast. The sight was as awe-inspiring as it was terrifying.

However, Roma suspected it wasn't enough to kill the Thaid. Unfortunately, the attack occurred in an area not that heavily fortified, as work was currently underway.

The first cannon roared to life, its deafening blast reverberating through the field.

A volley of bullets ripped through the air, aimed directly at the Yevyagit.

But it barely flinched, the bullets seemingly absorbed by its rugged fur. The cannon fire intensified, the pounding rhythm echoing like a war drum across the battlefield.

Roma and her team seized the opportunity to attack. They charged at the beast with a collective battle cry, weapons drawn. Their faces were a blend of terror and determination, knowing that their lives, and the fate of their city, hung in the balance.

Despite the onslaught of cannon fire and the fierce attack from Roma's team, the Yevyagit remained resilient. Its eyes flickered with a chilling glint, its large maw opening to release a deafening roar that caused the ground to tremble.

Roma led the charge, her whip poised to strike the Yevyagit. The taste of fear was sharp, but she swallowed it. Beside her was one of her team members, his eyes hard with determination.

However, as they advanced, the Yevyagit reacted. With a swift, mighty sweep of its massive arm, it swiped at the approaching team.

The ground trembled under its force, and before Roma could process what was happening, while the others scrambled, the man on her side was attacked by a Densoph and could not avoid the move. He ended up being flung through the air like a rag doll and the attacking Densophs.

"Kael!" she screamed, her heart pounding with a dreadful realization.

The sight of the man's lifeless body sprawled on the ground sent a wave of terror through her, but there was no time to be distracted. The Yevyagit was still a threat, and the rest of her team depended on her leadership.

The woman snapped the fire whip forward, the flames lashing out at the Yevyagit. It howled, a disturbing, bone-chilling sound, but she didn't let it deter her.

Her resolve hardened, and the team attacked with renewed ferocity while the artillery bombarded the monster, giving the group a chance to attack.

Yet, despite the relentless assault and the barrage from the cannons, the Yevyagit remained unwavering. With a terrifying roar, it charged, its hulking body moving with surprising speed towards the city's main gate.

The sight of the rampaging beast caused a collective gasp among Roma's team. "No!" she screamed, but the sound of shattering wood and groaning metal drowned out her cry.

The gate burst open under the sheer force of the Yevyagit's charge. Splintered wood and twisted metal flew everywhere as the beast destroyed the door.

Its triumphant roar echoed through the narrow corridors. Roma watched in horror, her heart sinking. The Yevyagit was in front of the military outpost now, halfway in and out.

"We can't let it go any further!" she yelled to her team, preparing to launch another attack. In the meantime, Tiwana, from inside the base, ordered his men to redirect the fire toward the monster.