Outside the barrier (2)

Logan, Conal, and Orson stared at the six creatures before them, their faces a mix of disbelief and fear.

Conal recognized these beings from his school lessons. They were Lomalins, a species of flesh-eating thaids that fed on lizards and insects. Known for their ant-like collective behavior, they thrived in colonies.

The creature's appearance was startling. They had round, black heads devoid of visible eyes and ears, just a slitted nose, and a set of sharp mandibles.

Their heads, attached to their muscular torsos with no neck, added to their strange form.

Each Lomalin had a multitude of short legs attached to their abdomens and four sturdy, medium-length arms.

Their appearance was unsettling. They had bodies covered in a mottled brown exoskeleton speckled with striking white dots, contrasting with their dark heads.