Questioning (2)

"Do you know a boy named Logan Reid?" The officer asked.

"Yes, I know of him, sir," Erik said.

"Have you ever encountered him outside of school or elsewhere in the city?" The officer probed further.

Erik glanced downward and offered a slight shake of his head. "No." A pause lingered before he added, "We weren't close..."

The officer continued with a barrage of questions for a good ten minutes, studying Erik's composed demeanor. Then he posed a deliberate question, aiming to gauge Erik's reaction.

"Are you aware that he, along with his two friends, Conal Price and Orson Smyth, has gone missing?"

The young man knew they came to him because of the cafeteria incident. He would have been nervous in every other circumstance, but thanks to the system's intervention, he was able to keep his composure as he answered.

"No, sir, I did not know of that..." he said. The police officers didn't let their thoughts transpire from their expressions.