Farming Experience

Erik strolled through the school corridors alongside Amber, Floyd, and Gwen, the quartet chatting amicably as they exited the building.

"So, Erik," Floyd turned to him, "Want to hang out a little after lunch?" he asked.

Erik appreciated the invitation but had prior commitments. "Sorry, I can't today. Need to work," he said.

"No worries," Floyd said.

Amber jumped in with a question. "I never asked, but what is exactly your job?"

Erik hesitated, feeling a twinge of embarrassment. His job wasn't exactly glamorous, especially compared to his friends' affluent backgrounds. Amber, Floyd, and Gwen came from wealthy families, with Amber being particularly well-off. He pondered how best to answer, his hesitation clear.

However, Amber, perceptive as always, offered him an out. "Erik, if you'd rather not say, that's totally fine..."

"No, it's okay," Erik said. "I work on a farm. My powers come in handy there."