The consequences of his actions

As Erik strode toward the train station on his way home, an unexpected ringtone pierced the air. It was unusual for his phone to ring, stirring a sense of curiosity in him who could it could be.

However, when the system showed him his phone's screen, he was taken aback to see Uncle Benjamin's contact.

A flicker of wariness crossed his face as he hesitated before accepting the call. The connection between his phone and the biological supercomputer meant Benjamin's voice resonated in his ears, bypassing the need for a traditional conversation.

"Erik," Benjamin's voice came through, tinged with a mix of annoyance and cheerfulness.

"Uncle Ben," Erik said, his voice measured, maintaining a guarded tone.

"You didn't mention your awakening the last time we met!" The older man was a little bit hurt by the fact he didn't share that news with him.