Odd encounter (1)

The group concluded their analysis of the tournament participants. As they recognized it was time to part ways, Erik, realizing he had work commitments, requested Amber to drop him off at the train station.

While Amber offered to drive him to the northern district, Erik, not wanting to take advantage, declined her offer.

But that wasn't the only reason. Erik had another motive in mind. He planned to venture into the breach for Taid hunting. A successful hunt might increase his level, granting him a crucial edge in the forthcoming matches of the tournament.

His match against Zakir had been a wake up call. The fight had been a grueling test of his abilities, revealing the urgent need for further training. He needed to increase his statistics and make as many neural links as possible.

Amber's driver ferried Erik to the train station. Despite it being late afternoon, a sizable crowd bustled around the station, indicative of the city's ever-active life.