Ok, before you start reading this novel, here are a couple of things you must know:

1) I'm a non-native English speaker; this means that the way I talk will differ from that of an American or an English person. So, if you notice anything unusual, please let me know. After all, I want to learn just like everyone else. Besides, I'm relatively new at writing and still need to understand Web novel's audience. You may like some things and dislike others, but be aware that I'm doing my best.

2) I constantly recheck previous chapters, but I do not merely check for grammar; I constantly rewrite the book to improve things. As I write and learn more about how to do it or listen to the readers' preferences, it is logical to change things here. Just as an example, the first 351 differ completely from a month ago. What I want to say is that to enjoy the book, read on Web novel only. For example, chapters around 15-20 have a lot of different things that weren't present in the previous versions. Things are more consistent and more believable (in my opinion), and I added dialogue, monsters, and last, they are better written. I did all of this by listening to what the readers said.

3) Your comments and reviews don't go unnoticed. If I see that there is a lot of criticism regarding something, I may change it.

4) I try to stay as far away as possible from clichés, but some of them are still necessary. I know you're sick of hearing the same old clichés, but I swear you won't find many of them here. I don't think you should accuse me of using cliches, and stop reading after chapter 30 because you are too impatient to see what happens next.

5) The story gets better after chapter 50 because I had more time to introduce the characters and improve the pace and tone and things further improve as time goes on. 

6) The MC I portrayed is not simple; I tried to stick to a more realistic character instead of portraying a nearly almighty, ever-present, all-knowing MC, as most stories do.

7) THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you want to leave a review, comment, etc., you must stay CIVIL. Have you insulted me or any of the other readers? I will delete the message. You only gave it one star and wrote "trash"? Deleted. So, what should you do? I'm not saying I only want good comments and reviews; it would be fantastic, but I guess everyone can't like you and what you do. But if you want the message to stick, you must explain why you didn't like something. Do you think the MC is stupid? Explain why. Do you think things should have been different? Explain why. Most of the time, people make negative comments only to piss off us authors; I've seen it in many books, and this kind of behavior won't be tolerated here because I'm a human being and won't be mistreated by random guys on the internet.

Hope everything is clear.