Inappropriate questions

"You know, I'm really starting to like this place," Erik said as they stretched after a particularly grueling workout. "I've never seen so many people working out before." He said, glancing at his friends, who nodded with him.

"It's different here than back at school," Floyd replied between breaths. His muscles were already pumped from all their training.

He didn't seem winded by it one bit despite having just finished an exhausting sprint on the treadmill, followed up by some weight lifting on top of more running.

In fact, if anyone looked worse for wear now, it was Martha. Her face had gone beet red due to over-exertion and sweat pouring off her brow. The young woman wasn't talkative, but they let her stay with them while training since she was Benedict's friend. After all, they didn't want to sound rude, and judging by the ease with which she trained, she had to be strong.

"Do you need my help, Martha?" Benedict asked.