A week later

A week passed since Erik enrolled at the Red Palace, and things were progressing smoothly. Most of the training was in the morning, and he liked his training time with master Nieminen.

The Flyssa was a great sword, suitable for slashing but also for stabbing, and it complimented his power quite well. It was definitely better than using random branches he picked randomly from the forest.

Erik also noted that the sharpness he provided with his power added to the blade, which meant that whenever he acquired a superior weapon, he would be even more powerful than before.

As for his Flyssa, Master Nieminen actually asked him to give it a name. Erik thought about a name for almost a week as he wanted to give the blade a name fitting for his purpose but also wanted it to strike fear. In the end, he decided to call it Heartseeker. It seemed appropriate for a weapon that was going to kill thaids.