Anderson's power

"RUN! We must get as much distance as we can from them!" Erik shouted. These pivotal moments in his life would determine whether or not he died miserably.

He had to move fast and keep making distance between himself and the five men, but he couldn't just run blindly into danger without knowing what was ahead of him.

He first asked Judith to send the hounds ahead, and she complied immediately. He then looked around for any clues that would help in determining how best to proceed from there on out; however, all he saw was a large expanse of forest, and without having the possibility to check his surroundings properly, his only way to know if thaids were ahead were Judith's hounds.

His heart raced while he ran, hoping the five men wouldn't catch up with him before the teachers came.

"Ok, Anderson, we have come far enough... It's your time to shine! After you are done, remember that we are going to go west, toward the barrier's eastern entrance, ok?"