Arriving somewhere

As the train was going at full throttle toward the eastern district. Erik leaned against the window of the sky train, his eyes glued to the view outside. As the vehicle sped towards the eastern district, passing through the vast, tall skyscrapers that characterized New Alexandria, he watched the scenery change.

The once towering skyscrapers gave way to smaller buildings: from three to four stories, to even six and seven-story buildings in some cases, and ended up to the not-so-small villas and mansions that could be seen from afar. The change in scenery made Erik wonder about the stark contrast between the rich and poor neighborhoods in the city, and he couldn't help but ponder on the issues of inequality and social justice in which this nation basked in.

Of course, from there, Erik could also see the other parts of the city; the average person's housing was simply made up of four- or five-story buildings and was not that large compared to the rich men's and women's houses.